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Waihī Beach Community Board

Poari ā Hapori o Waihī Beach



Monday, 9 October 2023, 6.30pm

Waihī Beach Community Centre,

106 Beach Road, Waihī Beach





Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Waihī Beach Community Board




Ross Goudie

Deputy Chairperson

To be confirmed


Heather Marie Guptill

Dani Simpson

Cr Anne Henry

Cr Allan Sole




Eight weekly / Workshops as required


Role and Purpose of Community Boards:

·           To represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of their communities.

·           To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees, or any matter of interest or concern to the Community Board.

·           To maintain an overview of services provided by Council within the community.

·           To prepare an annual submission to the Council for expenditure within the community.

·           To communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community.

·           To undertake responsibilities as delegated by Council or its Committees.


Delegated Functions:

Subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies, plans and legislation:

·           To have input into Council and its Committees on issues, services, plans and policies that affect communities within the Community Board Area.

·           To provide an effective mechanism for community feedback to Council.

·           To receive reports from Council appointees on Council matters relevant to the Community Board.

·           To control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

·           To allocate Community Board reserve funds to specific capital non-recurring projects for council assets on council land.


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Notice is hereby given that a Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting will be held in the Waihī Beach Community Centre, 106 Beach Road, Waihī Beach on:
Monday, 9 October 2023 at 6.30pm


Order Of Business

1           Present. 5

2          In Attendance.. 5

3          Apologies. 5

4         Consideration of Late Items. 5

5         Declarations of Interest. 5

6         Public Excluded Items. 5

7          Public Forum... 5

8         Presentations. 6

8.1             Presentation - Te Whānau ā tauwhao ki otawhiwhi 6

8.2            Presentation - Pippa Coombes - Waihī Beach Skatepark Update.. 7

8.3            Presentation - Pio Shores Sports and Recreation Association.. 8

8.4            Presentation - Waihī Beach Lifeguard Services. 9

8.5            Presentation - Waihī Beach Coastguard.. 10

8.6           Presentation - Waihī Beach School Road Safety Improvements. 11

9          Minutes for Confirmation.. 12

9.1             Minutes of the Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting held on 14 August 2023  12

10       Reports. 24

10.1            Waihī Beach Community Board Workshop Notes - 11 September 2023.. 24

10.2          Waihī Beach Community Board Chairpersons Report - October 2023.. 44

10.3          Waihī Beach Community Board Councillor’s Report – October 2023.. 87

10.4          Projects and Monitoting Committee Updates - Proposal to Lease Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve.. 89

10.5          Infrastructure Group Report - Waihī Beach Community Board - October 2023  92

10.6          Waihī Beach Community Board Operational Report - October 2023.. 119

1                 Present

2                In Attendance

3                Apologies

4               Consideration of Late Items

5                Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.

6                Public Excluded Items

7                Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions.

Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer relationship management system as a service request, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.

Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


8                Presentations

8.1            Presentation - Te Whānau ā tauwhao ki otawhiwhi

File Number:          A5749424

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


executive summary

Matua Tuanau will be in attendance to provide the Board with updates from Te Whānau ā Tauwhao ki Otawhiwhi.





Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


8.2           Presentation - Pippa Coombes - Waihī Beach Skatepark Update

File Number:          A5667921

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive summary

Ms Coombes will be in attendance to provide the Board with an update regarding the Waihī Beach Skatepark.






Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


8.3           Presentation - Pio Shores Sports and Recreation Association

File Number:          A5749010

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

Mr Roy, representing Pio Shores Sports and Recreation Association, will be in attendance to speak to the proposal to lease Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve.




Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


8.4           Presentation - Waihī Beach Lifeguard Services

File Number:          A5749019

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


executive summary

Representatives from Waihī Beach Lifeguard Services will be in attendance to speak to the proposal to lease Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve.






Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


8.5           Presentation - Waihī Beach Coastguard

File Number:          A5758427

Author:                   Pernille Osborne, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

Representatives from the Waihī Beach Coastguard will be in attendance to speak to the proposal to lease Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve.




Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


8.6           Presentation - Waihī Beach School Road Safety Improvements

File Number:          A5760085

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


executive summary

Representatives from Waihī Beach School will be in attendance to speak to the Road Safety Improvements on Beach Road. Further information relating to this topic can be found in the Waihī Beach Community Board workshop notes from the 11 September 2023 workshop.





Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


9                Minutes for Confirmation

9.1             Minutes of the Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting held on 14 August 2023

File Number:          A5745713

Author:                   Pernille Osborne, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager



1.        That the Minutes of the Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting held on 14 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




1.       Minutes of the Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting held on 14 August 2023 


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Minutes

14 August 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting No. WBC23-5
HELD IN THE Waihī Beach Community Centre, 106 Beach Road, Waihī Beach
ON Monday, 14 August 2023 AT 6.30pm


1              Present

Chairperson R Goudie, Member H Guptill, Member D Simpson and Cr A Henry

2             In Attendance

A Henderson (General Manager Corporate Services), G Golding (Governance Manager), A Hall (Roading Engineer West), P Osborne (Senior Governance Advisor) and R Leahy (Governance Advisor)

Others in attendance

30 members of the public including:


Mayor J Denyer

Cr R Joyce (Katikati-Waihī Beach Ward)

Cr A Wichers (Maketu-Te Puke Ward)

3            Apologies


Resolution  WBC23-5.1

Moved:         Cr A Henry

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

That the apology for absence from Cr A Sole and Member A Kurtovich be accepted.



4            Consideration of Late Items


5            Declarations of Interest


6            Public Excluded Items


7             Public Forum

7.1          Bert Van Heuckelum - Additional Produce Market

Mr Van Heuckelum, a resident of Katikati and olive grower was in attendance regarding his application to run an additional produce market on Sunday in Waihī Beach. The below points were noted:


·         A group of local growers and producers would like to establish a weekly farmers market at the reserve behind the Waihī Beach Community Hall on the same day as the existing Sunday Market.

·         The market would be funded through interest free loans from the market’s committee members.

·         Mr Van Heuckelum believed that the two markets would compliment each other and benefit the wider Waihī Beach.

·         It was not possible for the market to be held on another day due to the growers and producers being committed to other markets.



7.2         Various Speakers - Current Sunday Market

Pippa Coombes, Doug Longdill, Nicky Knight, Willy Postma (Secret Garden), Andy Kennedy (Flatwhite Cafe), and Kelly Moselen (Sunday Market) spoke in support of the existing Sunday Market and the following views were noted:


·         Letters of support for the Sunday Market from Pippa Coombes, Doug Longdill and Joanne Coombes were presented to the Board (Tabled Items 1 & 2).

·         The Sunday Market attracts foot traffic into the shops on Wilson Road, an additional market on the same day may affect this.

·         There was support for the proposed farmers market, however, it should be held on a different day to the Sunday Market.

·         Mr Van Heuckelum should work together with the Sunday Market to come to a solution.



7.3         Trevor Allan - Additional Produce Market

Trevor Allan spoke in support of the proposed farmers market and the following views were noted:


·         There was not enough local produce at the existing Sunday Market and more opportunities need to be created for local growers.

·         The Sunday Market at Wilson should be split so there was a dedicated section for local produce.

·         There was more than 30 growers and producers that wanted a stall at the proposed farmers market.



7.4         Denis Henderson – Various Items

Mr Henderson was in attendance and spoke on behalf of the Athenree Action Group on the below issues:

·         The Waione Avenue Reserve and Boat Ramp area needs upgrading. The group would like to see the boat ramp extended. Furthermore, drainage in the grass area needs to be installed alongside kerbing, channelling, parking and a BBQ area.

·         Mr Henderson provided the Board with a copy of the group’s proposal (Tabled Items 3 &4)

·         Athenree lacked footpaths, kerbing and channelling in the area. The Board was presented with a copy of the group’s proposal (Tabled Item 5).

·         It was noted that on the southern side of the road there was no footpath between 61 Athenree Road to Sandleigh Drive.

·         The Board requested the Cycleways Manager to attend next Community Board meeting to discuss the Athenree-Waihī Beach crossing.



7.5         Mike Hickey – Various Items

Mr Hickey was in attendance and spoke to the Board about the below issues:

·         Mr Hickey was concerned that Council had not acknowledged his submission despite requesting an acknowledgement of receipt. It was noted that there were 35,000 individual responses to the Your Place engagement survey and it was unlikely that Council staff had been able to respond to his request.

·         There had been 158 dog attacks in the Bay of Plenty area up from 120 the previous year.

·         The apartment development on Edinburgh Street had reduced the site line for drivers and the area required road safety improvements.



7.6         Rose Fox - Various Items

Ms Fox was in attendance and spoke to the Board about the below issues:

·         Requested the Board make a decision on the entrance way road signs at the next meeting.

·         Ms Fox was concerned that Council was consulting with Pio shores on projects in Bowentown but not other residents in that area.



7.7         Pippa Coombes - SkatePark

Ms Coombes requested that the Skatepark be added to the agenda for the next Community Board meeting.


8            Presentations

8.1          Presentation - Te Whānau ā Tauwhao ki Otawhiwhi

Matua Tuanau was unable to attend the Board meeting on behalf of Te Whānau ā Tauwhao ki Otawhiwhi.



8.2         Presentation - Sustainable Waihī Beach

Ms Coombes was in attendance on behalf of Sustainable Waihī Beach, to seek funding from the Board towards beach clean up pods. The below points were noted:

·         The organisation had obtained funding for five beach clean up pods to be installed at Waihī Beach.

·         The group had been working with Council’s Reserves and Facilities team and Heritage New Zealand on the project. Sustainable Waihī Beach would like to see the project implemented nationally.

·         Sustainable Waihī Beach sought funding for their launch day on 1 October 2023, of which part of the funding would go towards a rake artist. The Board was advised that any content captured throughout the launch could be utilised for Sustainable Waihī Beach future marketing purposes.

·         Sustainable Waihī Beach had considered other artwork options, however, they wanted it to be interactive for attendees on launch day.


Resolution  WBC23-5.2

Moved:         Member D Simpson

Seconded:   Cr A Henry

That the presentation on behalf of Sustainable Waihī Beach on 14 August 2023, be received.



8.3         Presentation - Storm Water Action Team (SWAT)

Mr and Mrs Hope were in attendance to provide the Board with an update on behalf of the Storm Water Action Team (SWAT). The below points were noted:

·         Mr and Mr Hope had attended the Projects and Monitoring Committee meeting on 8 August 2023. They were pleased with the commitment from Council to address stormwater issues in Waihī Beach.

·         The next SWAT meeting would be held on 1 September 2023.


Resolution  WBC23-5.3

Moved:         Chairperson R Goudie

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

That the presentation on behalf of the Storm Water Action Team (SWAT) on 14 August 2023, be received.


9            Minutes for Confirmation

9.1          Minutes of the Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting held on 19 June 2023

Resolution  WBC23-5.4

Moved:         Chairperson R Goudie

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

1.     That the Minutes of the Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting held on 19 June 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.    That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.



10          Reports

10.1        Waihī Beach Community Board Chairperson's Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The report was taken as read with further discussion on the below topics:

·         Mr Goudie thanked Margaret Scriminger who, on behalf of the Rural Women’s Support Trust, provided care packages to the Elderly Housing residents affected by the flooding.

·         The Elderly Housing residents were concerned about returning to their homes if there was still a risk of flooding.

·         Road safety issues at Waihī Beach would be discussed at the next Community Board workshop on 11 September.


Resolution  WBC23-5.5

Moved:         Chairperson R Goudie

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

That the Chairperson’s report dated 14 August 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Chairperson’s Report – August 2023’ be received.



10.2       Waihī Beach Community Board Councillor’s Report – August 2023

The Board considered a report from Councillor Henry. The report was taken as read with further discussion as below:


·         Council deliberated on the financial modelling for new development. The Financial Contributions and adoption of the Annual Plan would be confirmed at the 30 August 2023 Council meeting.

·         Council decided that the Northern Harbour Boat Ramp project had not progressed far enough, and would be considered as part of the LongTerm Plan.


Resolution  WBC23-5.6

Moved:         Cr A Henry

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

That the Councillor’s report dated 14 August 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Councillor’s Report – August 2023’ be received.



10.3       Waihī Beach Community Board Grant Application - August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Senior Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read with further discussion as below:

·         There was concern that the Board may be setting a precedence if they were to grant funding that would be used for future and ongoing marketing purposes.

·         The Board was provided with the below points of clarification:

a.      That Sustainable Waihī Beach were hoping to move towards a sustainable financial model, which would involve reusing content from past events on the website to keep marketing costs low; and

b.      The organisation had already obtained funding for the set up of the initiative and only required funding for the launch day event.


Resolution  WBC23-5.7

Moved:         Chairperson R Goudie

Seconded:   Cr A Henry

1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 14 August 2023, titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Grant Application – August 2023’, be received.

2.       That the Waihī Beach Community Board approve the grant application from Sustainable Waihī Beach for $1500. This grant will be funded from the Waihī Beach Community Board Grants Account, subject to all accountabilities being met.



10.4       Projects and Monitoring Committee Updates - Waihī Beach Library & HUB revised Concept Plan, and Waihī Beach Stormwater

The Board considered a report from the Senior Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read.



10.5       Infrastructure Group Report - Waihī Beach Community Board - August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Executive Assistant, Infrastructure Group. The report was taken as read with further discussion on items as listed.


Resolution  WBC23-5.8

Moved:         Chairperson R Goudie

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

That the Executive Assistant, Infrastructure Group’s report, dated 14 August 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report - Waihī Beach Community Board - August 2023’ be received.



10.5.1     Dillion Street Shared Path Bridge

There had been some unforeseen expenses for the Dillon Street bridge, the Roading Engineer West had not yet received the final costings.



10.5.2    Montessori Preschool - Flooding Concerns

Some Members of the Board were concerned about potholes and surface flooding outside the Montessori school. The Board was provided with the following advice:

·         The area outside the Montessori School was private property and not covered by Council’s Levels of Service.

·         It would set an unsustainable precedence if the Board funded the maintenance of private property.

·         Damage outside the Montessori School could be discussed at a walkaround with the Board and Roading Engineer (West).



10.5.3    Pensioner Unit Pedestrian Refuge

The Board was advised that the cost of the Pensioner Housing pedestrian refuge was roughly $45,000. The issue of whether the contractor should pay for it had been discussed with the General Manager Infrastructure. It was concluded to be an asset, and subsequently paid for out of Council’s projects budget.



10.5.4    Tourism Infrastructure Funding Project (Star Gazing Platforms)

The Board requested an update about the Lookout Platforms.



10.5.5    Waihī Beach Gateways Project

The Roading Engineer West would discuss the entrance way signage at the workshop scheduled 11 September 2023.


10.5.6    Wilson Road Carpark

The below points were noted in relation to the Wilson Road carpark extension:

·         The Board requested costings for a sealed extension of Wilson Road carpark.

·         The Board was advised that there was not adequate funding available in the roading budget to seal the Wilson Road carpark with asphalt.

·         If the Board agreed to extend the carpark with gravel then it would likely be completed before Christmas.



10.5.7    Waihī Beach Pio Shores Pump station

The Board requested an update regarding the Pio Shores pump station and whether or not the pump was fully operational.



10.6       Waihī Beach Community Board - Financial Report June 2023

The Board considered a report from the Financial Business Advisor. The report was taken as read with further discussion on the below items:

·         The Board requested to resolve some of the historical funding allocations back into the budget. A discussion on this would be held at the workshop scheduled 11 September 2023.


Resolution  WBC23-5.9

Moved:         Chairperson R Goudie

Seconded:   Cr A Henry

That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 14 August 2023 and titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board – Financial Report June 2023’, be received. 



10.7        Waihī Beach Community Board Operational Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Senior Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read.


Resolution  WBC23-5.10

Moved:         Cr A Henry

Seconded:   Member H Guptill

That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 14 August 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Operational Report – August 2023’, be received.



The Meeting closed at 8:15pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Waihī Beach Community Board meeting held on 9 October 2023.




Chairperson R Goudie


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


10              Reports

10.1          Waihī Beach Community Board Workshop Notes - 11 September 2023

File Number:          A5747814

Author:                   Pernille Osborne, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The Waihī Beach Community Board workshop notes from 11 September 2023, have been provided as Attachment 1 for transparency.


The discussion topic for the workshop was in relation to the ‘Safer Streets’ conversation, and the direction given by the Board at the workshop has led to the recommendation presented within the Infrastructure Report.



1.         Attachment 1 -  Waihī Beach Community Board Workshop Notes - 11 September 2023  


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


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Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


10.2         Waihī Beach Community Board Chairpersons Report - October 2023

File Number:          A5739110

Author:                   Ross Goudie, Community Board Chairperson

Authoriser:            Adele Henderson, General Manager Corporate Services




1.        That the Chairpersons report dated 9 October 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Chairpersons Report – October 2023’ be received.

2.       That the Waihī Beach Community Board approve the Entranceway Project design in principle, noting that changes may be required to address safety restrictions and material once locations are confirmed.




General Update

As most people know, Alan Kurtovich has resigned from the Waihī Beach Community Board. We wish him well and thank him for his time on the Board.

The closing date for the nominations was 25 September 2023 and two candidates were nominated. The by-election voting papers are going to be sent out on 27 October and votes must be received by 18 November 2023.


There was lots of activity going on in our community over the last two months.


Entranceway Sign Project

The Waihī Beach Community Board had a driving workshop with the Transportation Area Engineer to discuss potential locations for the Entranceway Signs. Two locations were identified as preferred options. The next step for the Board is to undertake discussions with the landowners.

The proposed designs have been made available as Attachment 1 and the Board will continue to provide further updates as the project progresses.




Stormwater Liaison Group

The planning of the Stormwater projects is advancing with comprehensive actions and work programmes in place. We wish to congratulate the stormwater team for their hard work and for communication on all levels. The modelling of flow impacts in various catchments was most interesting, as the steep catchments at the northern part are completely different to the rest of the ward. The 1-Mile creek catchment below the dam is particularly fast, and that will be a big factor in what happens in that stream. Attachment 2 has been provided as information.


Long Term Plan (LTP)

At the last Waihī Beach Community Board meeting, the Board was presented with some very good points for improvements for locations in Athenree.

As part of the LTP, the Board will highlight the below issues for discussion:

1.        Prioritisation of Stormwater Projects

2.       Wilson Road Parking, including 2 Mile Creek

3.       The Climate Change Planning Process

4.       Waihī Beach Library and Hub

5.       School/Library traffic planning (Safer Streets conversation)

6.      Cycling access for:

·    Mountain Bike Trails;

·    Waihī Connection; and

·    Athenree Estuary.

7.       Destination Waihī Beach Continuation of funding

8.      Waihī Beach Skatepark development

9.       Katikati Community Resource Centre funding from Waihī Beach to be redirected to ‘Live Well Waihī Beach’

10.     Elderly Housing


District Plan

The District Plan review has been promised for five years. Despite funding of over $1 million in the last LTP, and forward funded as part of the 11.4% rate increase two years ago, very little has happened on the ground. The Board would like an update on the status of this review.



Staff Comment:

The District Plan Review was approved through the 2021 LTP and proposed to occur over four years from July 2021-July 2024.

The decision to commence a District Plan review was approved in September 2021 and community wide pre-engagement occurred in June 2022. 

Within this period, government announced an amendment to the Resource Management Act (RMA) which resulted in a mandatory requirement for Council to carry out a plan change for Ōmokoroa and Te Puke to enable medium density housing within a set timeframe (notification required by 19 August 2022).

The outcome of community engagement both through the District Plan Review and specific housing engagement in Te Puke identified a need for the development of a Spatial Plan.

These two plan making processes have been our focus and deemed an appropriate use of resources as we have awaited new legislation signalled to replace the RMA.  With the new legislation now recently in force (the Natural and Built Environments Act and Spatial Planning Act in effect August 2023) it has removed the requirement for a full district plan review.

In light of this, Council will be asked for direction on how to proceed with a District Plan Review.


Katikati-Waihī Beach Community Forum

The last Community Forum, held at the Bowentown Boating Club, was very interesting on one particular issue, being the state of the road from Bowentown roundabout south towards Anzac Bay. The road has seriously deteriorated and needs a complete rehabilitation. I believe that part of the road is about 45-50 years old, so is due.

Staff Comment:

Currently wating on confirmation of funding to proceed.

If we receive funding, a rehab is likely to occur in the next year or so. I would expect this project to commence during the 2024/25 construction season.


Safer Streets Conversation

On 11 September 2023, the Board, Waihī Beach School Principal, Council staff and a consultant, met to discuss improving the road safety along Beach Road particularly for children of Waihī Beach School. Many options were discussed with the help of the school’s roading expert.
Workshop notes relating to this discussion and capturing the agreed direction can be found as a separate report in the agenda.

Live Well Waihī Beach

An update has been provided as Attachment 3.


Waihī Beach Surf Club

The Waihī Beach Surf Club have applied to Council to have an Emergency Hub building on reserve land near the coastguard building at Waihī Beach. This would be used by at least five service groups that need equipment and staff room space if and when events happen at that end of the beach. While submissions close on 25 September 2023, it is possible that we will be hearing a lot more about this in the future. The Community Board will be supporting this project and will be putting in a submission by 25 September 2023. The submission has been included as Attachment 4.

The ’Guide to Public Rescue Equipment for the New Zealand Coast’ has been included as Attachment 5 for the Boards information.



1.         Attachment 1 - Entranceway Signs Waihī Beach

2.        Attachment 2 - Stormwater Liaison Group

3.        Attachment 3 - Live Well Waihī Beach Update

4.        Attachment 4 - Submission to Western Bay of Plenty District Council

5.        Attachment 5 - A Guide to Public Rescue Equipment for New Zealand Coast  


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


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Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


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Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


10.3         Waihī Beach Community Board Councillor’s Report – October 2023

File Number:          A5740520

Author:                   Allan Sole, Councillor

Authoriser:            Adele Henderson, General Manager Corporate Services




That the Councillor’s report dated 9 October 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Councillor’s Report – August 2023’ be received.




While I have been unable to attend meetings in person since my accident mid-June, I have been able to attend a number on Zoom and am receiving minutes and notes from many others. 



Stormwater is an issue for us here in Waihī Beach, and I must congratulate the people from Waihī Beach Storm Water Action Group (SWAT - a community driven group), council staff, contractors, and Elected Members on the way they have conducted themselves and worked towards solutions for the many issues facing Waihī Beach.  Many projects are underway or completed and the future of Waihī Beach areas that flood will be better serviced going forward by some major upgrades and capital projects. 


We must remember that you never know what might be about to happen, but we as a community can be better prepared and take responsibility with actions that will help prevent future events compounding on our local area.  


Annual Plan       

Council have now approved the Annual Plan and the high inflationary environment was a key driver of the rates increases. I also am aware that Council has to be able to continue to do its business, as required via legislation, or by commitments to communities.   


Council also has updated valuations provided by QV, our Valuers and endorsed by the Valuer General. Property valuations are complicated, and some capacity constraints in the sector led to some delays. It is very evident within our rural sector that there are some major valuation changes. 


Your rates bill will be with you by now and it represents what was approved by Council.  


The Long Term Plan 

The Long Term Plan is well underway with many policies being reviewed and groundwork on many challenges coming along the road over the next 10 years.


The next three years are going to be tough to prepare for; with enormous cost increases, legal requirements, and law changes before we consider potential changes in government and what “Three Waters” will look like. 


My thoughts are that there will be many topics we will be asking our communities for direction on and how we prepare for very fast changes both environmentally and legislative.  


Māori Wards 

The Council have decided to provide for the introduction of Māori Wards and while not a unanimous decision, it was resolved by a clear majority.  There is a lot more to come from this on how Māori wards will be established and what comes out of the wider Representation Review. 


Community Board By-Election 

With the resignation of Alan Kurtovich there is an opening for a new Board member. I have had a little time with Alan and I found him to be driven for what he felt was a better Waihī Beach. I wish him the best as he moves on with life. Thanks Alan. 


A by-election is to be held to elect a new community board member.





Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


10.4         Projects and Monitoting Committee Updates - Proposal to Lease Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve

File Number:          A5744872

Author:                   Pernille Osborne, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

This report has been prepared to provide the Waihī Beach Community Board with an update relating to a report that was considered by the Projects and Monitoring on 8 August 2023 titled ‘Proposal to Lease – Waihī Beach Lifeguard Services Incorporated – Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve’.


The report provided the Projects and Monitoring Committee with three options in relation to the proposal. These options as well as the full report presented can be found on pages 8-19 of the agenda.

Following consideration of the Reserves and Facilities Manager’s report, the Projects and Monitoring Committee passed the below resolution on 8 August 2023.

Resolution PMC23-3.3

Moved:               Cr A Sole

Seconded:         Cr R Joyce


1.      That the Reserves and Facilities Manager’s report dated 6 June 2023 and titled ‘Projects and Monitoting Committee Updates - Proposal to Lease Bowentown Seaforth Road South Reserve’ be received.

2.     That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council ’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.     That Council approves in principle to entering a lease with WBLGSI for an area of reserve up to approximately 600m² being part of Lot 1 DPS 75873 for a 20 year term with one 15 year right of renewal.

4.     If approval in principle is given, Council approved Option 1 for siting of the building.  This approval must not be construed by the applicant, as a guarantee that all other consents required by any policy, by-law, regulation, or statute, will be forthcoming.  The applicant is responsible for obtaining all required consents at its own cost.


5.       If approval in principle is given, that staff be directed to publicly notify the proposal in terms of Section 119 of the Reserves Act 1977.                                                   


Ms Donna Pfefferle and Mr Craig McQuiod, from Waihī Beach Lifeguard Services, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation and responded to pātai as follows:

·    The Waihī Beach Lifeguard Services team had met with the BMX community regarding their track, who wanted to modernise it. They discussed that the track could be refigured and the cost of this could be built into this budget.

Additional information

The Waihī Beach Community Board Chairperson requested some further information in relation to any potential cricket ground boundary lines, to ensure that the proposed plans for the Emergency Hub did not encroach on the cricket ground boundary. There was also a question around any improvement/maintenance of the cricket grounds, similar to the BMX track. The below information was provided by the Reserves and Facilities Manager in response to these queries.


“Council was not aware of any marked boundary line around the cricket wicket. Attachment 1 has no marked out boundary.

It was important to note that the cricket wicket, which was jointly funded by Council and the Pio Shores Sports and Recreation Association, was used for casual cricket, and was not used or ever intended to be used for competition cricket.

The site was constrained by size to allow for a big outfield.

Attachment 1 has been marked up to show the distances from the cricket wicket ends where a batter would be hitting from to give an indication of distances to obstacles.

Currently the shortest distance to an obstacle (footpath) was 22 metres.

We have tried to overlay where the proposed Lifeguard building would go and have shown the distance as 39 meters. Note that given the overlay may not be to scale, we have not taken this line up to the area shown, which allows for a margin of error. Had we extended the line, it would have been 44 metres, which was double the distance to the nearest footpath.”



1.         Attachment 1 - Ariel Shot with boundaries and marked distances  




Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


10.5         Infrastructure Group Report - Waihī Beach Community Board - October 2023

File Number:          A5697783

Author:                   Tracy Harris, Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group

Authoriser:            Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

This report provides specific information on infrastructure activities of interest to the Board.


1.     That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report, dated 9 October 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report - Waihī Beach Community Board - October 2023’ be received.

2.    That the Waihī Beach Community Board approve up to $18,000 from the Waihī Beach Community Board Roading Account, for costs relating to Stage 1 of the Beach Road Safety Enhancement Project, being a concept design of a bus stop on Beach Road.

3.    That the Waihī Beach Community Board note that a preferred location for the requested pedestrian refuge on Beach Road (between Browns Drive and Waihī Beach School) will be recommended by the external consultant for Councils consideration.




Beach Road Safety Enhancement Projects

Further to ongoing concerns with obtaining safe and practical links between Waihī Beach North residential areas and the school, community hall, library, Menz Shed and the village areas and other local amenities. Waihī Beach School requested Phil Carter of ARUP to write a Waihī Beach School Access Improvements Desktop Concept Study.

This study considered multiple school access concerns and the interaction with neighbouring amenities.

The study was presented and discussed at the Community Board workshop on 11 September.

From the ARUP report (Attachment 1 of the workshop notes included in this agenda) suggested enhancements, Beach Road Bus stop and the Beach Road pedestrian refuge were considered priorities at the workshop.

Beca have been requested to forward cost estimate to design the bus stop bay and recommend a location for the pedestrian refuge.

The below draft estimate has been provided:

Stage 1 - $18,000

This includes a topographical survey, concept design and Indicative Cost Estimate.

If the Board approves the concept design through Stage 1, they will then be presented with a recommendation to fund Stage 2.

Stage 2 - $20,000

This includes a detailed design; engineers estimate and Land Requirement Plan.

A recommendation relating to this project has been included in the Infrastructure Report for the Boards consideration.


Transportation – Waihī Beach Community Roading

Description: Develop and implement the Community Roading Plan approved by the Waihī Beach Community Board.

Waihī Beach Community Board Roading Current Account


Current Account Opening Balance 1 July 2022


Allocation for 2022/23


Interest for 2023 (to be confirmed)




Committed Projects

2022 Spent $

2023 Spent $



Beach Road pedestrian refuges (design & install)



Design Complete


Athenree footpath




Seaforth Road shared path




Dillion Street shared path bridge




Seaforth Road Bowentown shared path




Albacore reserve path





Committed Projects Total


Forecasted Current Account Closing Balance 30 June 2023


Non-Committed Projects


2022 Spent $



Waihī Beach Gateways project







Town Centre Development – Wilson Road to Edinburgh Street

Description: Progress the shared path from Wilson Road to Edinburgh Street with a bridge over Two Mile Creek. 

Boffa Miskell have developed a concept design which includes alterations to the Wilson Road carpark, a shared path, and the development of a carpark on 37 Edinburgh Street. 


The concept plans have been presented to Council.

This project is currently on hold as the Board confirm the preferred layout, and consideration to alternative parking options are still under discussion. The Board have requested for this to be discussed at their next workshop.


Dillon Street Shared Path Bridge

Description: The Board have resolved to construct an additional shared path bridge to support and encourage alternative modes of transport. The bridge is to be located on Dillon Street, immediately adjacent to the existing 2 Mile Creek bridge.


Bridge It NZ have been engaged by Council to design a cost-efficient shared path bridge across Two Mile Creek to enhance and encourage safer alternative transport use.


Contractors have been approached to provide connecting footpaths. It is expected that the paths will be completed, and the bridge opened by the end of October 2023.



Stormwater - Waihī Beach Pio Shores

Description: Investigate options to reduce flooding in Pio Shores in consultation with the Pio Shores Association, obtain a Resource Consent if required and implement the solution.


The project comprises of upgrading of the existing stormwater pumpstations at Papaunahi Street and Boulevard North that are currently pumping to the dune basins.

This is based on the infiltration assessment carried out by GHD and modelling of the network by Tonkin & Taylor. The design flows correspond to a safe maximum infiltration rate. An additional protection against overtopping of the basins during prolonged pumping includes a level sensor at each basin that will stop the pumps once the free Board level is reached.


The construction of the new pump upgrades at Sea Crest Place and Papaunahi Road was largely complete with pump commissioning tests undertaken in June 2023. The Papaunahi Road Pumpstation is operating as designed.


However, during Cyclone Gabrielle in February the foredune of the soakage basin for the of Sea Crest Place pumpstation was eroded due to sea surge conditions. This has meant that we cannot operate the upgraded pump system to its full capacity due to resource consent restrictions. The new pump system has a design capacity of 110L/s the systems is currently being operated at 83L/s this is nearly double the original pump station design of 44L/s.


Council staff have appointed a contractor to reinstate the foredune however, prior to commencement Shore skinks were found within the site that are an at-risk species, this triggers an issue with needing relocation and consent from DOC.

The dune will be reinstated once we receive advice on how to proceed, but planting will be done once plants are available. Foredune plants have also been difficult to source with all suppliers having no stock, these have been ordered but are not expected to be available until April 2024.


Two Mile Creek

Description: Erosion protection of the banks of Two Mile Creek.


After diligently addressing the requirements and concerns raised by BOPRC regarding Two Mile Creek Erosion Protection Works, we are delighted to announce that we have received approval from BOPRC to proceed with the 2 Mile Creek construction works. We have already communicated this positive outcome to Beach Contractors, and we are gearing up to commence physical works within the creek from 1 November 2023, immediately after the conclusion of the fish migration period. Beach Contractors will remobilize at 37 Edinburgh Street, which will serve as our site access to the creek. The construction of the rock revetment will initiate at Lot 26 Wilson Road and proceed downstream to accommodate as many properties as possible before 14 December 2023. Following this date, the contractors will demobilize for the holiday stand-down period. The remaining works are scheduled to resume in February 2024, at which point Beach Contractors will mobilize on-site for the final phase.

In addition to this positive development, significant progress has been made in incorporating the upstream properties into the erosion protection works. We are currently in the final stages of completing the easement diagram. Once this diagram is finalised, we will contact the affected property owners to request their endorsement of the legal agreements.


Storm Event

Description: Over the summer period Waihī Beach has experienced a record amount of rain. With a years’ worth of rain falling in the last 6 month period. Generally, the ground water tables are high, and the soils are saturated, which has resulted in Waihī Beach experiencing several flood events over the past 12 months.

Following the Monday 29 May flood event Council have committed to collaborating with the Waihī Beach community through a liaison group ‘Waihī Beach Stormwater Liaison Group’, consisting of staff, the Community Board, Waihī Beach SWAT representatives and iwi representative from Te Whānau a Tauwhao (hapū of Otawhiwhi Marae).  

The Liaison Group had their inaugural meeting on 21 July 2023.

Elected members directed staff to investigate an accelerated stormwater work program at Waihī Beach. To date, Council staff have considered community feedback and compiled a list of capital projects, maintenance tasks, community communication and process reviews which has now been reviewed by the liaison group.

The accelerated list of projects was presented to the Projects and Monitoring Committee meeting on 8 August 2023, where the Committee gave their approval to bring projects and planned budgets forward to address the project list which we put together. The link below has all the projects currently on the list.

https://www.westernbay.govt.nz/community/about-the-western-bay/projects/Waihī -beach-stormwater-projects


Projects on the list have been given a project complexity scale as follows:

1.    Projects with a project complexity scale of 1 are easily implemented and can be funded within existing capital works and operational budgets. Projects Council has committed to complete by July 2024.


2.   Projects with a project complexity scale of 2 are more complex, will require some consenting but do not have any inter-dependencies with other large scale projects. Projects Council has committed to complete by July 2024. These projects are all planned projects in the LTP, with the exception of The Crescent stormwater runoff investigation and the raising of gullies above the flood zone.


3.   Projects with a project complexity scale of 3 are complex and inter-dependent. Design for these projects should be undertaken together with some project prioritisation in place. Projects Council are considering for this catchment. A consultant has been engaged to undertake modelling for the following projects. for these projects and a prioritisation framework, be established with the community Liaison Group.


It will be recommended that additional funding is required to progress projects with a complexity scale of 2 to the design stage.


That Additional funding is required to progress all projects with a complexity scale of 3 to concept design and project prioritisation stage. It should be noted further funding will be required in future years for design and implementation and will need to be reviewed as part of the 2024/35 Long Term Plan.


Progress to date includes:


·    Complexity scale 1: 11 of 41 projects are complete and a further 20 are underway.

·    Complexity scale 2: 8 of 11 projects are underway.

·    Complexity scale 3: 10 of 15 projects are underway.






Broadlands Block (now known as Te Mata Reserve)

Description: Volunteers maintaining Te Mata Reserve have approached the Community Board with a request for funding to assist with some of the larger maintenance items within the reserve.

·    Te Mata Community group working bees have been impacted by the wet weather and the waterlogged wetland makes access difficult and unsafe.  School and community planting date has been postponed to 10 October 2023.

·    The mowing schedule has been updated to reflect an improved level of service.

·    The reserve has helped manage the significant amount of rainfall that has occurred this year.

·    The group is actively trying to attract new members. There is a project underway to grow a volunteer base during community days at Waihī Beach and via community communication channels. The Reserves and Facilities Volunteer Co-ordinator will assist the group in building capacity.

·    Community volunteers and Waihī Beach School will continue with working bees to release weeds away from native plants.

·    A joint environmental programme with BOPRC & WBOPDC has being prepared with the Groups’ input and with Reserves and Facilities Manager for review and sign-off.


Waihī Beach to Athenree Crossing (Walkway/Cycleway)

Description:  Project planning to construct a walkway/cycleway crossing between Waihī Beach and Athenree.


·    Engineering and environmental reports are completed, pending staff review/feedback.

·    A hui with Tangata Whenua to complete the concept design draft (for further community feedback) has been delayed due to other commitments and expect to get this completed before the end of June.

Once the initial draft concept plan hui has been held and the concept confirmed, feedback will be sought from the Board and other stakeholder groups. 

This will be an iterative process but when it is concluded, it is proposed that public feedback is sought through a new round of engagement, prior to the lodging of the resource consent application.  The reason for this - it builds a stronger application because the level of engagement is greater and is more likely to achieve the desired resource consent decision outcomes for the affected communities.  Once this has concluded and any changes made, the resource consent application will be lodged as a fully notified process sometime later in 2023.


Staff are aiming to progress discussions with Tangata Whenua to close out on the draft design prior to wider community consultation.


Waihī – Waihī Beach Cycleway

Description: Trail developments within the Waihī Beach Water Catchment Reserve and future connection to Waihī.


Storm damaged trail repairs are progressing and will be completed before the busy summer holiday season. 

Works are about to commence on the large wash-out at the northwest corner of the Dam Loop Trail and an upgraded design offers improved resilience to future weather events.  This side of the dam loop trail remains closed until works completed.


·    Forest Loop Trail:  Following the May 29 storm event, trail access is now restored to the third Matariki lookout platform.

·    The Trig Trail: The trail is open, access currently from the Ocean View roadside of the dam loop trail (due to the dam loop trail southeast corner culvert wash-out).

·    Dam carpark and driveway: The repairs have been completed.

·    Waihī - Waihī Beach:  Discussions with Hauraki District Council staff and a supportive adjoining farm owner continue which offers the greatest likelihood so far, of formalising a route.  There is no specific funding to design or construct this route currently.

·    The intention is that all repairs within the water reservoir reserve/catchment area described above will be completed over winter in time for the holiday season.


Tourism Infrastructure Funding Project (Star Gazing Platforms)

Description: The construction of three lookout platforms on elevated sites with wide ranging views – accessed from the Trig and Forest Loop trails.

All three lookout platforms have now been constructed and aim to cater to future Matariki events.  Artistic elements and signage are yet to be added.

A map of a forest

Description automatically generated


Forest Loop to Boundary with Hauraki District Council

Description: This future shared path provides a boundary connection point to Hauraki District

Trail Investigations into a new route (to Waihī) from the Forest Loop Trail to the boundary (and then via DOC land and private property to Heard Road and Waihī) have been identified but can’t be confirmed until land access agreement is in place with the adjoining farm owner in Hauraki District.


Hauraki District Council is supportive of the process, but timing is dependent on the private property owner subdivision plans (who is supportive also).  There is no funding in place yet for this connection. 



New Shared Path Connection  

Description: This future shared path (primarily for cyclists) will connect between the Dam Loop Trail and the top of the Forest Loop trail (then onto the Boundary trail and connection to Hauraki District)

The route has been identified and now planning continues slowly with the existing District wide walking/cycling budget available.  There is a new project proposed in the draft 2024-2034 LTP – for eventual public consultation.  Unfortunately, the funding application made to the MBIE Tourism Infrastructure Fund Round 7 was unsuccessful.


Community Mara Kai (Food Garden)

The proposal for a Community Mara Kai (Food Garden) at the Waihī Beach Plunket and Beach Road Recreation Reserve, is currently on hold. This will be on hold pending the outcome of further consideration of the future options for the replacement of some of the pensioner housing units at Waihī Beach that were impacted by the 29 May extreme weather event.

The applicant and all submitters to the public consultation process (that had commenced under the Reserves Act 1977) have been advised of the process being put on hold. Once any strategic decisions have been made on the flood affected pensioner units, the process of considering the submissions to the Community Mara Kai (Food Garden) can recommence, at which time, all submitters will be notified.




Waihī Beach Library Update

Description: Updated designs to being developed to lesson scope.


New design options are being investigated to ensure that the cost is within the current allocated budget.  These options will be socialised with the Board once options have been agreed on.



Pensioner Housing

Description: Remediation works for the 11 Elder Housing units affected by the 29 May floods.


The reinstatement of the four least affected units is nearly complete.  It is likely five tenants will be moving back into these units in the first week of October 2023.  The remaining tenants have permanent accommodation except for three, who are still in private rental accommodation with Council paying the top up for rent through insurance.  This will be long-term until units become available in either Waihī Beach or Katikati.



Emergency Management

Description: Support the Waihī Beach Community to be resilient in the event of an emergency.


Follow up with relevant agencies following the flood on 29 May.  Staff continue to strengthen relationships with the Community Response Teams in Waihī Beach, Bowentown and Athenree, and to keep them updated with emergency response information and warnings.


Council staff have worked with the Athenree Community Response team to see how they can better support them and are drafting a revised version of the Western Bay of Plenty Preparedness brochure for the Athenree community – waiting on publication of new tsunami maps before printing.


Continue communication between Council and the Community Response teams, to deliver preparedness messages to the community.


Work on rolling out new tsunami maps for the community will take place later in the year along with a public education campaign of what to do and where to go in response to a tsunami warning.


An updated box of resources is being created to support the Community Response Team who may end up operating in a Community Emergency Hub which includes signage.



Establishing Community Resource Recovery Centres

The feasibility study into Community-led Resource Recovery for the current recycling centres went to Council on 7 March 2023. Staff is currently working with Chrome Collective and Envision to progress the recommendations and continue conversations with community groups and Tangata whenua.



Solid Waste  

Description: Waste management that meets the needs of the community and protects the environment for present and future generations.

SeatSmart event – Sunday, 1 October 2023 – Katikati Recycling Centre

Over 10,000 baby car seats expire each year in New Zealand. Most of these car seats end up in landfill.


Council is partnering with SeatSmart to run two one day amnesty events in Te Puke on 24 September and at the Katikati Recycle Centre for Western Bay of Plenty residents to bring in their expired baby car seats to be recycled.  The event will run from 10 am to 3 pm. Residents will need proof of address in the Western Bay to drop off car seats.  The waste minimisation levy will be used to cover the cost for recycling the car seats collected. Residents can drop-off any number of expired car seats at no cost on the day.  We cannot accept mouldy car seats, ‘snap and go’ seats, polystyrene, or car seat accessories such as mirrors. The event is open for Waihī Beach residents as well. 


Residents that miss the two amnesty events will still be able to take their car seats to “Baby on the Move” in Tauranga but will need to pay a subsidized $20 recycling fee for each expired car seat they drop off.


Teams at SeatSmart dismantle the seats and separate out the materials to go on to be repurposed and recycled. For example, seatbelt straps can be used to make bags. Up to 67 percent of the car seat’s materials by weight are recyclable. Please note that the Katikati Recycling Centre is usually closed on Sundays and will not be accepting recycling or greenwaste on the day. This event is for car seat drop-off only.



Mobile Recycling Trailers

Two mobile recycling trailers continue to make their rounds in the rural part of the District on a rostered basis. The trailers visit Omanawa Hall, Te Ranga School and BP Pongakawa. The next outing and what can be recycled can be found here.


Mobile trailers continue with their regular outing to designated sites using the winter hours.


Kerbside Collection Data

Kerbside Tonnes

Sep 2022

Oct 2022

Nov 2022

Dec 2022

Jan 2023

Feb 2023

Mar 2023

Apr 2023

May 2023

Jun 2023

Jul 2023

Aug 2024


Waste Tonnes














Recycle Tonnes














Glass Tonnes






























Total Tonnes Diverted from Landfill:                                   3724

Tonnes Diverted from Landfill Percentage:                       39%




1.         MAS Waihī Beach Community Board October 2023 PDF  


Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


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Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


10.6         Waihī Beach Community Board Operational Report - October 2023

File Number:          A5744957

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

This report is an operational update from across Council for matters that relate to the Waihī Beach Community Board area.


That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 9 October 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Community Board Operational Report – October’, be received.


Service Requests

This section is to provide an overview of Service Requests for the Waihī Beach Community Board area since the last meeting.

There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and completed.


·  Accidents on Reserves and Facilities

·  Compliments for Roading Team

·  District Plan Compliance

·  General Health Matters/Enquiries

·  Grinder Pump/Septic Tank Issue

·  Water Laboratory Report

·  Liquor Licence

·  Parking Query

·  Public Toilets (Hygiene/Paper)


·  Sewage Overflow/Spill at Dump Station

·  Stormwater Manhole Lost Lid

·  Vandalism/Broken Glass on Reserves or Playgrounds

·  Stormwater Manhole Lost Lid

·  Noise Complaint – Daytime

·  Noise Complaint - Afterhours



There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised, which are under investigation.

·  Film Permits

·  Graffiti in Reserve

·  Bollards

·  Lighting Replacement/Maintenance Asset

·  Mowing and Vegetation/ Gardens (not trees)

·  Water Reinstatement After Works


The table below shows Services Request’s that are higher in numbers and have a mix of statuses.

Service Request Subtype



Under Investigation/Scheduled for Completion

Water Leaks

Across Waihī Beach.



Building Compliance

3 complete, 1 awaiting inspection and 1 inspection partially complete.



Compliance & Enforcement General

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree.



Complaints about Freedom Camping

Across Waihī Beach and Bowentown.



Water Connection/Meter/Toby Enquiry

Across Waihī Beach.



Damaged Bin – replace/repair

Across Waihī Beach and Bowentown.



Duty Planner

General Planning enquiries.



Flooding – open drain/culvert (raining only)

Across Waihī Beach – various requests for flooding or blocked drains.



Building – general enquiry callback

Across Waihī Beach, Bowentown and Athenree -queries related to building consents.



Consents Planning

Across Waihī Beach – relating to resource consents.



Kerbside General Enquiry

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree.



Kerbside Additional Bins

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree.



Kerbside Missed Collection

Across Athenree and Waihī Beach.



Kerbside PAYT Issue

Across Waihī Beach.



LGOIMA Requests

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree.



Litter/Litter Bins or dumping in Reserve

Broadway Road and The Esplanade.



Lost/Stolen Bins

Across Waihī Beach.



Meter/Toby Issue (not leak)

Across Bowentown and Waihī Beach.



No Water

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree.



Pensioner Housing – Stafford Court

Mix of reports – general enquiries, damage and maintenance.



Plumbing: Toilets/Taps/Irrigation (Reserves)

Across Waihī Beach and Bowentown. Two reports of blocked public toilets.



Refuse General (Not bins or dumping

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree.



Reserve Buildings/Roads/Tracks/Furniture

Across Waihī Beach and Bowentown. Various reports of damage.



Reserve Signs

Across Waihī Beach. Various reports of damage.



Reserves General Enquiries

Across Waihī Beach, Bowentown and Athenree – mix of queries including walkways, maintenance, repair works and planting.




Illegal Dumping/Carcasses

Across Waihī Beach and Bowentown. Various reports of illegal dumping.



Sewage Pipe Blocked/Damaged

Across Waihī Beach.



Reserve Trees

Across Waihī Beach. Reports relating to the pruning or removal of trees.



Urban Stormwater General Information/ Request

Across Waihī Beach, Bowentown and Athenree – a range of reports for various issues/queries, including flooding and drainage queries.



Wastewater General

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree – a range of issues/queries, including wastewater connections and dump stations.



Water General

Across Waihī Beach and Athenree – a range of issues/queries, including water pressure, water connections and fluoride.





Matters arising from previous community board meetings (Not minute action sheets)

This section relates to any matters arising from prior Community Board meeting where a Minute Action Sheet was not raised.

Date raised



August 2023

The Board requested the Cycleways Manager to attend the next Community Board meeting to discuss the Athenree-Waihī Beach crossing.

The Cycleways Manager is unable to attend the October 2023 meeting. Governance will invite the Cycleways Manager to attend the December 2023 meeting. In the meantime, an update has been provided through the Infrastructure Report in this agenda.

The Board requested an update regarding the Pio Shores pump station and whether or not the pump was fully operational.

Information was sent to the Board members on 8 September 2023, and further updates have been provided through the Infrastructure Report in this agenda.

The Board requested to resolve some of the historical funding allocations back into the budget. A discussion on this would be held at the workshop scheduled 11 September 2023.

This is currently under progress with the Governance Team and will be reflected in the Board financial report for their December hui.

June 2023

Public Forum – Rock Revetment – Two Mile Creek

There was a query regarding whether the walk bridge across to Edinburgh Street was still going to be built.

The Chairperson advised that there would be more information available by the next meeting.

This particular project was put on hold pending further consultation with the Board regarding the design and perceived cost implications. 

Waihī Beach Community Board Meeting Agenda

9 October 2023


Completed/outstanding Minute Action Sheets (not in Infrastructure report)

This section relates to any Minute Action Sheets that are currently outstanding, as well as competed Minute Action Sheets since the last Community Board meeting.

Date raised



August 2023


The Board requested an update regarding the Pio Shores pump station and whether or not the pump was fully operational.

Information was sent to the Board members on 8 September 2023.

The Board requested to resolve some of the historical funding allocations back into the budget. A discussion on this would be held at the workshop scheduled 11 September 2023.

This is currently under progress with the Governance Team.

Community Board approved a grant for $1500 for Sustainable Waihī Beach.

This action has been completed. Sent to accounts by staff on 6 September 2023.

This minute action sheet has been closed off.

Pippa Coombes requested to present at the next Community Board meeting on the Skatepark.

This has been added to the agenda.

This minute action sheet has been closed off.