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Te Puke Community Board

Poari ā Hapori o Te Puke



Thursday, 23 November 2023, 7.00pm

Te Puke Library and Service Centre,

130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke





Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


Te Puke Community Board




Kassie Ellis

Deputy Chairperson

To be confirmed


Dale Snell

Karen Summerhays

Neena Chauhan

Cr Grant Dally

Cr Andy Wichers




Eight weekly / Workshops as required


Role and Purpose of Community Boards:

·         To represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of their communities.

·         To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees, or any matter of interest or concern to the Community Board.

·         To maintain an overview of services provided by Council within the community.

·         To prepare an annual submission to the Council for expenditure within the community.

·         To communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community.

·         To undertake responsibilities as delegated by Council or its Committees.

Delegated Functions:

Subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies, plans and legislation:

·         To have input into Council and its Committees on issues, services, plans and policies that affect communities within the Community Board Area.

·         To provide an effective mechanism for community feedback to Council.

·         To receive reports from Council appointees on Council matters relevant to the Community Board.

·         To control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

·         To allocate Community Board reserve funds to specific capital non-recurring projects for council assets on council land.


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


Notice is hereby given that a Te Puke Community Board Meeting will be held in the Te Puke Library and Service Centre, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke on:
Thursday, 23 November 2023 at 7.00pm


Order Of Business

1          Present. 4

2         In Attendance.. 4

3         Apologies. 4

4        Consideration of Late Items. 4

5         Declarations of Interest. 4

6         Public Excluded Items. 4

7         Public Forum... 4

8         Minutes for Confirmation.. 5

8.1            Minutes of the Te Puke Community Board Meeting held on 28 September 2023. 5

9         Reports. 18

9.1            Te Puke Community Board - Chairpersons Report - November 2023. 18

9.2           Te Puke Community Board - Councillor's Report - November 2023. 36

9.3           Te Puke Community Board - Grant Applications - November 2023. 41

9.4          Election of Deputy Chairperson for the Te Puke Community Board.. 43

9.5          Appointments of Te Puke Community Board Members to Outside Bodies. 44

9.6          Te Puke Community Board - 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget 46

9.7           Infrastructure Group Report Te Puke Community Board November 2023. 50

9.8          Te Puke Community Board - Financial Report October 2023. 74

9.9          Te Puke Community Board - Operational Report - November 2023. 79



1               Present

2              In Attendance

3              Apologies

4              Consideration of Late Items

5              Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.

6              Public Excluded Items

7              Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions.

Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer relationship management system as a service request, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.

8              Minutes for Confirmation

8.1           Minutes of the Te Puke Community Board Meeting held on 28 September 2023

File Number:            A5778030

Author:                       Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Greer Golding, Governance Manager



1.        That the Minutes of the Te Puke Community Board Meeting held on 28 September 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




1.         Minutes of the Te Puke Community Board Meeting held on 28 September 2023 


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Minutes

28 September 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Te Puke Community Board Meeting No. TPC23-6
HELD IN THE Te Puke Library and Service Centre, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke
ON Thursday, 28 September 2023 AT 7.00pm


Councillor Wichers opened the meeting with a karakia.

1               Present

Chairperson K Ellis, Member D Snell, Member K Summerhays, Cr G Dally and Cr A Wichers

2              In Attendance

C Crow (General Manager Infrastructure Services), S Prendergast (Transportation Area Engineer), E Watton (Strategic Policy and Planning Programme Director), A King (Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects) and G Golding (Governance Manager)


Mayor J Denyer, and Councillor R Crawford

3              Apologies


Resolution  TPC23-6.1

Moved:                         Cr A Wichers

Seconded:         Member K Summerhays

That the apology for lateness from Member Snell be accepted.



4              Consideration of Late Items


5              Declarations of Interest

7.02pm     Member Snell entered the meeting.


Members were advised that if they had an interest (actual, potential, pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest) in any item on the agenda, then they must declare this interest and refrain from discussing or voting on this item and were advised to withdraw from the meeting table for the item. [As per the Local Authorities (Member’s Interest) Act 1968].

·       Councillor Dally and Member Snell advised the Board that they had a declaration of interest regarding report 9.3 of the agenda – ‘Te Puke Community Board - Grant Application - September 2023’ – as they were members of the Te Puke War Memorial Hall Committee.

6              Public Excluded Items


7              Public Forum

7.1                Tui Atkinson - Landscape Road

·       It was requested that there be some improvements to Landscape Road, being:

o   A pedestrian crossing from the Te Puke Squash Club to the carpark area.

o   A footpath, either on the left hand side of Landscape Road coming off the State Highway, or going through Lawrence Oliver Park. The pathway through the park was believed to be the safest option.

o   Improved carparking for the Te Puke Squash Club.

o   Roadside kerbing and drainage along all of Landscape Road.

o   Trimming of trees along the road, particularly on the corner.

o   Increase frequency of removal of debris from the road.

o   Repainting of the centre lines at the beginning of the road.

o   Installation of a CCTV camera on the light post near the historic bridge at the end of the road.

·       There were also some requests and concerns raised from residents of Landscape Road, including:

o   Rubbish trucks were using residents driveways to turn around, causing potholes on private property. It was believed that widening and kerbing of the road would prevent this.

o   Bollards in front of the Squash Club where the footpath was proposed to be.

o   Renewal of the anti-slip mat on the Historic Bridge.

o   The intersection of Landscape Road, State Highway, and No 1 Road was dangerous, and a roundabout was suggested as a future solution.

·       Residents had raised concern over the limited parking spaces, now that the dog park was being built on Lawrence Oliver Park.


7.2           Councillor Richard Crawford - Emergency Management

·       The Orchard Church had been chosen as the new site for the Emergency Management Community Response Team in case of an emergency, and the kit had been relocated to this site.

·       The ‘Get Ready’ website and the Te Puke Civil Defence Community Response Plan was planned to be updated in the near future, and the emergency maps were being updated by Council staff.


8              Minutes for Confirmation

8.1           Minutes of the Te Puke Community Board Meeting held on 3 August 2023

Resolution  TPC23-6.2

Moved:                         Member K Summerhays

Seconded:         Member D Snell

1.        That the Minutes of the Te Puke Community Board Meeting held on 3 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record, with the following amendment:

·       That on page 5 of the Minutes, under item 9.2, the following should read:

        “Member Summerhays wished it to be noted that she believed the approach       to use COLAB for Tō Wāhi resulted predominantly in COLAB’s strategic plan   being presented.”


2.        That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




Resolution  TPC23-6.3

Moved:                         Cr A Wichers

Seconded:         Member D Snell

That in accordance with Sanding Orders, the order of business be changed and that item 9.5: ‘Update on the Te Puke Spatial Plan’, be dealt with as the next item of business, in order to release the presenters from the meeting.



9              Reports

9.1           Update on the Te Puke Spatial Plan

The Board considered a report from the Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reforms and Special Projects. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·       Council agreed to prepare a Te Puke Spatial Plan in March 2023.

·       Staff had been working on a draft project plan and how the governance of the Te Puke Spatial Plan Committee would work.

·       The intention of the sub-committee was to provide governance and ownership for the process, as well as direction and support. The sub-committee would also build partnerships to help achieve outcomes that would be identified through the process.

·       The Maketu-Te Puke Ward Councillors, Te Puke Community Board, and two iwi representatives had been nominated as members of the sub-committee.

·       The first step of the sub-committee was to hold an initial meeting to discuss the project, including the draft communications and engagement strategy.

·       There had been initial engagement through the Tō Wāhi – Your Place events.

·       The frequency of meetings of the sub-committee were as required, and would depend on the work requirements throughout the process.

·       A spatial plan was a blueprint for the future of an area, and took into consideration the community’s wishes for their area. The most important part of the Spatial Plan was the Implementation Plan.

·       This was the first Spatial Plan of its kind undertaken by Council.

·       The SmartGrowth Strategy was based on the Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI), which showed the regions settlement patterns, however, it did not envisage much growth in Te Puke. This strategy was reviewed every 3-6 years.

·       The Te Puke Spatial Plan would be submitted to SmartGrowth once completed, to be included in the SmartGrowth Strategy.

·       The boundary of the plan was yet to be determined.

·       Structure plans could be included as part of the implementation plan, rather than as a separate plan.

·       Staff had met with Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC), and were keen to be involved with Council on the project at a staff level.


Resolution  TPC23-6.4

Moved:                         Member K Summerhays

Seconded:         Cr G Dally

That the Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects report dated 28 September 2023, titled ‘Update on the Te Puke Spatial Plan’, be received.



9.1.1         New Legislation Overview – TE PUKE SPATIAL PLAN

It was requested that staff provide an overview of the new legislation at the first Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub-Committee meeting, to provide members with what was expected of the Te Puke Spatial Plan and the boundaries it had.



9.2          Te Puke Community Board - Chairperson's Report

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:


Transport Choices:

·       The feedback received for the Te Puke Transport Choices was largely against the proposal. Council was waiting to find out the final funding position from Waka Kotahi (NZTA).

·       There was significant concern over the loss of carparking.

·       Waka Kotahi had extended the funding deadline by 12 months, and was planning to present to the Projects and Monitoring Committee workshop in October 2023.

·       Staff were investigating how much of the consultation feedback could be addressed, before going back out for consultation.

·       It was thought that this would be a “if you build it, they will come” project.


Tree Policy:

·       Council was developing a Street Tree Policy, and it was suggested by the Chairperson that tree issues should not involve the Community Board.

·       There was currently no clear decision process for the removal of trees.

·       From a roading perspective, safety and visibility concerns would only be considered when removing trees, as well as any issues for the stormwater system.

·       It was suggested that the Board be involved to the extent of objecting to any planned removals, rather than providing approval.

·       Community Boards had no delegations for tree removal decisions.


Bench Seats:

·       It was clarified that there were 20 seats to be refurbished, not 16.

·       The high costs for transportation of the seats involved safety aspects, such as pedestrian traffic management.

·       A second quote had been received for the removal and transportation of 20 seats, for $6,500.00 (Tabled Item 1 – Second Quote for Removal/Transportation of Seats).

·       It was suggested that the chairs be sanded and stained, rather than painted.




Commerce Lane Safety Report and Proposal:

·       This project was currently on hold until the extra funding was approved by the Community Board.

·       A cost estimate was included as part of the design process.

·       The Board requested an estimate figure on the overall cost of the project. 

·       Funding of $9,000 had already been spent on the project for a Safe Systems Audit, and further funding was required to cover the extra costs and progress the plans for public consultation.

·       The current balance of the Te Puke Community Board Roading Account was approximately $470,000, as at 30 June 2023.

·       The Board would consider the requirement for a public consultation once the plans had been completed and provided to the Board.


Heritage Plaza Helicopter Pad Shelter:

·       The funding for the shelter may need to be sourced outside of the Board’s roading budget.

·       Board members were meeting with staff and the Managing Director of Te Puke Economic Development Group (Te Puke EDG) on 29 September 2023 to discuss the shelter.

·       It was suggested that this topic would be better discussed at a Community Board workshop.

Resolution  TPC23-6.5

Moved:                         Member D Snell

Seconded:         Cr A Wichers

1.        That the Chairperson’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board - Chairperson’s Report – September 2023’ be received.


Resolution  TPC23-6.6

Moved:                         Member K Summerhays

Seconded:         Member D Snell

2.        That the Te Puke Community Board approve up to $9,000.00 (excluding GST) from the Te Puke Community Board roading budget, for the refurbishment of 20 bench seats along the main street of Te Puke, to be carried out by the MenzShed, and the removal and installation of these seats (as per the quote from the Transportation Area Engineer dated 27 September 2023).


Resolution  TPC23-6.7

Moved:                         Member K Summerhays

Seconded:         Chairperson K Ellis

3.        That the Te Puke Community Board approve additional funding of $7,000 (excluding GST) that is required to progress the plans for public consultation relating to the Commerce Lane safety proposal upgrades, to be funded from the Te Puke Community Board Roading Account.


Resolution  TPC23-6.8

Moved:                         Chairperson K Ellis

Seconded:         Cr A Wichers

4.        That the Te Puke Community Board rescind the $500.00 committed expenditure for the Te Puke Excellence Awards Night, from the Board’s Conference Budget, as the Board will no longer be attending the event.



9.3          Te Puke Community Board - Councillor's Report

The Board considered a report from Councillor Wichers. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·       The form of consultation for the Speed Management Plan had been discussed at a Council workshop, and a formal decision would be made at the Council meeting scheduled 3 October 2023.

Resolution  TPC23-6.9

Moved:                         Member D Snell

Seconded:         Cr G Dally

That Councillor Wichers’ report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board – Councillor’s Report’ be received.



9.4          Te Puke Community Board - Grant Applications - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Senior Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:


Fairhaven School Fireworks Gala:

·       The Board had not received the 2022 financial information from Fairhaven School.

·       The Friends of Fairhaven School ran the gala, and undertook the fundraising and allocation of funds. Therefore, the Board noted that the School’s financial information was irrelevant to this particular event.

·       The event had not met the eligibility criteria for the Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund, as it was a fundraising event.

·       The event would involve around 5000-6000 people and had significant public impact.


Te Puke War Memorial Hall:

Cr Dally and Member Snell declared in interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


·       It was believed that trestle tables were not always the best quality and were easily damaged.

·       The Board believed that the Hall Committee needed to ensure that the tables purchased were of good quality, and noted this would be raised at a Hall Committee meeting.


Resolution  TPC23-6.10

Moved:                         Member K Summerhays

Seconded:         Member D Snell

1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board Grant Applications – September 2023’ be received.


Resolution  TPC23-6.11

Moved:                         Cr A Wichers

Seconded:         Chairperson K Ellis

2.        That the Te Puke Community Board approve the grant application from Te Puke Scout Group for $1,000.00, to contribute towards an invoice  for anti graffiti paint for the Scout Den. This grant will be funded from the Te Puke Community Board Grants Account, subject to all accountabilities being met.


Resolution  TPC23-6.12

Moved:                         Chairperson K Ellis

Seconded:         Cr G Dally

3.        That the Te Puke Community Board approve the grant application from Fairhaven School for $2,000.00, to contribute towards funding the running of the Fairhaven School Fireworks Gala. This grant will be funded from the Te Puke Community Board Grants Account, subject to all accountabilities being met


Resolution  TPC23-6.13

Moved:                         Cr A Wichers

Seconded:         Chairperson K Ellis

4.        That the Te Puke Community Board approve the grant application from Te Puke War Memorial Hall Society Inc for $1,000.00, to contribute towards the purchase of new trestle tables for the hall. This grant will be funded from the Te Puke Community Board Grants Account, subject to all accountabilities being met.



9.5          Operational Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  TPC23-6.14

Moved:                         Cr A Wichers

Seconded:         Chairperson K Ellis

That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – September 2023’ be received.



9.6          Infrastructure Group Report Te Puke Community Board September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group. The report was taken as read, with discussions as below.

Resolution  TPC23-6.15

Moved:                Cr A Wichers

Seconded:         Member D Snell

That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Te Puke Community Board September 2023’ be received.



9.6.1       Community Resource Recovery Centre - Te Puke Recycling Centre.

It was requested that staff collate and provide information to the Te Puke Community Board on the current and future progress of the Community Resource Recovery Centre. A presentation could be made to the Board if requested.



9.6.2      Queen Palms (Queen Street) Road Frontage

It was raised that the road frontage for the Queen Palms development, on Queen Street, had not yet been grassed, and it was requested that staff investigate this.



9.6.3      Lawrence Oliver Park Dog Exercise Area

The Dog Park project was significantly over budget, however, Council had added some additional features, and the Board noted it was a job well done.


9.6.4      Bell Road Boat Ramp

·       The Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority were undertaking a study on developing the Bell Road Boat Ramp as a waka landing area and recreation site. The illegal dumping and boy racers in this area needed to be dealt with to allow this to take place.

·       Council currently had a working group for this area, and there was an application in the process for the installation of CCTV cameras. There was also a concept plan for bollards to be installed on the grass area, as well as speed bumps, to prevent boy racers.



The Meeting closed at 9.25pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Te Puke Community Board meeting held on 23 November 2023.




Chairperson K Ellis



Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9              Reports

9.1           Te Puke Community Board - Chairpersons Report - November 2023

File Number:            A5852902

Author:                       Kassie Ellis, Community Board Chairperson

Authoriser:               Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Te Puke Community Board’s Chairperson to provide the Board with information and updates on events and matters within the community.



1.        That the Chairperson’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board - Chairperson’s Report – November 2023’ be received.

2.       That the Te Puke Community Board approve up to $300.00, from the Te Puke Community Board Contingency Account, for costs relating to the 2023 Te Puke Community Board end of year Christmas dinner.



Kia ora koutou, I am pleased to provide you with the final Chairpersons report for 2023. We have had a very productive year with many successes delivered by the Te Puke Community Board.


Te Puke Community Board – Strategic Direction

The Board held a workshop on 11 October 2023 to establish its strategic direction, included in Attachment 1.


Transport Choices Te Puke Cycleway Proposal – Pump Track

The cycleway is now not going ahead.  The Board would like to explore the options of the pump track that was on offer from Transport Choices. The favoured location is Donovan Park.

Staff have reviewed sites for the Pump Track (Attachment 2) and believe the location of Donovan Park (Attachment 3) offers the best solution because it is within view of the nearby camera, adjoins the park path, and is also out of the flood zone. Installation is planned for December 2023 prior to Christmas.  


The Refurbishment of the Heritage Plaza

The Board have a recommendation for the proposed site, noting that further consultation with business owners is required. The recommendation includes:

a)  Consider reinstating 1-3 carparks as per 2018 proposals.

b)  Improve access for passengers for LH mobility park. Currently kerb and bark garden are obstacles when getting out of cars/vans, especially if trying to get into a wheelchair.

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c)  Concept plan for raised decking area.

d)  Gazebo/shelter options – Timber or readymade steel kitset.

e)  Survey shopkeepers in the CBD about parking/levelling options.

A group of people under a covered structure

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Cleaning Required for Road Signage in the Te Puke Area

All road signage on Jellicoe Street is going to be cleaned before 21 December 2023 as it is included in the current levels of service.



The History Board Project

The Board would like to approve the implementation of two single story boards, being the Crete Memorial and Stock Route.

At the Te Puke Community Board meeting held 28 July 2022, funding of $30,000 was allocated for the Story Boards project, to be funded from the Te Puke Community Board Reserve Account (Resolution 9.1.2). As of 23 November 2023, none of this funding has been spent.


The Commerce Lane Safety Report and Proposal

a)  Board Members to review the plan to make sure we’re all happy with the proposal.

b)  No consultation is required on marking car park spaces as the car parking already exists.

c)  Traffic blisters will be new to bookend carparks.

d)  A resolution is required in to approve the plan and construction.


CBD Mainstreet/Footpath Clean Review

a)  The one-off night clean using a small tractor with rotating plastic roller brush on 13 September did remove some of the moss growth.  Generally, this was not very effective.

b)  The Downer/WestLink Roading contract has come to an end as of 1 November.  Downer has been engaged to continue with the CBD and Urban cleaning while staff consider alternative models and LOS.

c)  The Transportation team is working through short- and long-term solutions for the future maintenance of the network.  This will include a review of the LOS specific to CBD amenity maintenance.

d)  Tenders will be put out when the new approach and levels of service are determined and agreed. In the meantime, small contracts will be awarded on as-required basis.

The Community Board request the following:

·    That a footpath clean be undertaken with a dedicated machine, designed for the purpose.

·    Spot cleaning of chewing gum in CBD from Boucher Avenue to King Street.



Te Puke Community Board Christmas Function

The Te Puke Community Board would like to end the year with a Christmas dinner at The Packhouse on Thursday 14 December 2023 and would like to put a recommendation forward for the sum of $300.00 towards this cost.




1.         Attachment 1 - Te Puke Community Board Strategic Direction

2.        Attachment 2 - Pump Track Proposed Site Map

3.        Attachment 3 - Relocatable Pump Track Brochure with Price  


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


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Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


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Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


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Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.2          Te Puke Community Board - Councillor's Report - November 2023

File Number:            A5788878

Author:                       Grant Dally, Councillor

Authoriser:               Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Te Puke Community Board’s Councillor to provide the Board with updates on the items listed below.



That Councillor Dally’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board - Councillor’s Report – November 2023’ be received.


General Election Result – Implications from New Government Direction

Local Government is in a bit of a holding pattern currently as we await the formation of the new Government. Continued implementation of reforms put in place by the previous Government, such as Affordable Water Reform and Resource Management Act Reform, are in question. Also, Waka Kotahi is awaiting direction from the Government before confirming local roading subsidies. This uncertainty has a huge impact on our Long Term Plan (LTP) decision-making. Local Government New Zealand, Taituarā, and the Department of Internal Affairs have suggested postponing adoption of council LTP’s by three months or more, to allow more time to respond to anticipated changes. Watch this space.


Kāinga Ora Specified Development Project – Tauranga Western Corridor

Council had an update from Kāinga Ora at a Strategy and Policy Workshop on              7 November 2023. A significant amount of work has gone into this project now and initial public consultation has had a favourable response. We are hoping the new Government supports continuation of this project.

Upgrading the State Highway 29 corridor is an important project that is integral to achieving this one, so delivery should be faster in tandem with the Specified Development Project (SDP). More info here:

Specified Development Projects :: Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities (kaingaora.govt.nz)




Te Puke Spatial Plan

Te Puke’s population is projected to increase from around 10,000 currently to 13,000+ over time. Ensuring this growth is managed effectively and sustainably is Council’s job, and development of a Te Puke Spatial Plan is the first important step in this process, which has just begun. It is not just about where new houses will be built, but also planning infrastructure upgrades to water, transportation networks, schools, and recreation facilities to cope. 


Community Forum - Te Puke-Maketu Ward

The next meeting is going to be early in December 2023 at the Te Puke War Memorial Hall Settler’s Lounge in Te Puke. Concerns raised at the Forums are mostly logged into Council’s Service Request process, and successfully dealt with. However, there are still larger, lingering issues recurring that require longer term solutions. The challenge for staff and Elected Members is maintaining momentum and making meaningful headway on these.


No.4 Road Replacement Bridge

Te Puke-Maketu Ward Councillors, the Mayor, and Council staff met with residents on 13 October 2023 to present options for the new bridge location.

Residents indicated split support for the options. The most popular being option 1, which is to build right beside the upstream side of the Bailey Bridge with a ‘like-for-like’, single span structure. This is the most cost-effective option; however, a new 5th option was proposed by residents at the meeting. This entails moving the Bailey Bridge to temporary foundations immediately upstream of its current location, and building the new bridge in its original location, which has the benefit of having the most favourable entry/exit turning circles for large truck and trailer units. A final decision has yet to be made.


No.1 Road Rehabilitation Project

Te Puke-Maketu Ward Councillors have attended two roadside meetings with residents since the decision was made to progress this work. The first related to stormwater consents and required upgrades to stormwater discharges across two private properties. The second was about the kerb, channel, and pavement upgrades for the 90 to 192 section of the road. Unfortunately, delays to the stormwater consents mean that we are unlikely to see the pavement repairs commence in this coming construction season, and will be deferred, once again, to the following season (2024-2025).




Speed Management Plan (SMP)

The Draft Speed Management Plan has been developed using Waka Kotahi’s ‘Safe and Appropriate Speed Limit’ guidelines. However, Elected Members decided to deviate slightly with some pragmatic blanket modifications provided to reduce the severity of the recommended speed limit reductions. For example, all rural roads to be reduced from 100kph to 80kph; urban areas to be 50kph (with some exceptions applied based on local knowledge) and lower speeds recommended outside schools, marae, town centres, and community identified areas.

Before it went out for consultation, Councillors provided suggestions to the Draft SMP. Some of the speed transition points between rural and urban, or built-up areas, are also points to be considered and may be challenged. While speed reductions are understandably contentious with many people, this is also a great opportunity to tidy up areas that many people are not happy with. The submission period was 27 October to 23 November 2023.


Community Committee – Terms of Reference (ToR) Expanded

New Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Community Committee were proposed and approved at the Council meeting on 3 October 2023. The ToR have been expanded so the role of the Committee is now maintaining an overview of, and making recommendations to, other committees in relation to community-led outcomes delivery, local housing systems plan delivery, local climate change plan delivery, administering specific funds of Council (such as the Community Matching and Facilities in the Community funds), and continuing to receive reports from convenors of Community Forums. Quite a significant change.


‘Open for Business’ – Ombudsman Peter Boshier Report

This report was released on 24 October 2023 after investigation into eight Councils’ meeting and workshop practices, with regard to being open and accessible to the public. The recommendations in the report have implications for how Council and Community Boards conduct their workshops. No decisions have been made yet, but our workshop proceedings are likely to be more open and transparent in future. The report can be found via this link:




‘Transport Choices’ Te Puke Cycleway Proposal

The news of Council being successful with this funding application to Waka Kotahi’s Transport Choices fund was initially met with great excitement, as it pledged $2.4m towards building new, safer cycleways on roadways in Te Puke with multiple benefits, and at no cost to the ratepayer.

It is now a matter of public record that the final design produced was rejected by the community, and as a result Councillors also had no option but to reject the proposal. Much could be said here about the decision-making that led to the final design and specified location; the public consultation process; the community opposition and activation in response to this; etc. However, it’s easier to point readers to the Projects and Monitoring Committee decision meeting held on               31 October 2023. This can be viewed on Council’s YouTube Channel here (discussion starts at 0:54m):


Councillors learned during the meeting that Waka Kotahi had put a hold on implementation of successful Transport Choices projects pending direction from the new Government.


Election of Neena Chauhan to Te Puke Community Board

Welcome to Neena, who made her formal declaration and became a Member of the Te Puke Community Board at the 3 October 2023 Council meeting. It was sad to have Anish Paudel resign from the Board, as he came in with high hopes and aspirations, as we all do. However, I wish him well as he moves on with life, and we look forward to working with Neena.


  Annual Report 2022-2023

Councillors were due to approve the Annual Report 2022-2023 at the November 23 Council meeting held earlier in the day of this Board meeting. Full details of the Annual Report can be viewed in the Council Meeting Agenda at the following link:



New Era of Council Roading Contracts on the Way

A significant change to the way Council provides one of its most expensive, high profile core functions is underway. The opportunity comes after its 21-year relationship with WSP (formally Opus Consultants) and Downer, collectively known as WestLink, finishes up.

This partnership saw Council’s 1,100km of local roads, alongside 259km of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency state highway (including cycleways) in the District managed under a performance based contract, known as the 'One Network Maintenance Contract'.

Council is embarking on the process of signing up new roading service providers – seeking to work closer with local suppliers and businesses to deliver high-quality roading services that meet the needs and expectations of the community.

Council’s move to change its approach to its roading maintenance and infrastructure contract also aligns with the Local Government Act requirements, where councils are periodically required to look at the cost-effectiveness of a service to meet the community’s needs.

Council’s General Manger Infrastructure Group, Cedric Crow, thanks the many people and suppliers who’ve worked on the roading network over the years. 

“It’s now time to take a fresh approach, and as we look forward, we’re excited about introducing new contract models and working with local businesses to deliver a safe and functional network that meets the needs of our community,” he says.

“The quality of our roads right across our District is a hot topic for many people. We know this, and so, while we work through things in the background on this contract and to address community concerns, it is still business as usual across our District with a new team in place to maintain and improve the District's roading network.”

Cedric says the end of the contract is an exciting opportunity to explore new ways of working and to align with Council's social procurement outcomes. It will also be designed to encourage smaller and local contractors to bid, creating a more sustainable workforce, and good outcomes for our community, economy, and wider region.

"Social procurement is about creating circular based outcomes through strategic procurement and to generate positive social and environmental changes for our District. We want to support local employment, grow our local businesses, training, and career pathways, and enable development opportunities, as well as reduce our carbon footprint by challenging our existing work methods with a clear lens to enhancing our natural environment.”

Read the full story here:






Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.3          Te Puke Community Board - Grant Applications - November 2023

File Number:            A5847178

Author:                       Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to enable the Te Puke Community Board to make a decision regarding the application for Community Board Grant Funding as applied for by Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated.


1.     That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board Grant Applications – November 2023’ be received.

2.    That the Te Puke Community Board approve the grant application from Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated for $......., to contribute towards funding for trophies for the annual Kabaddi Tournament. This grant will be funded from the Te Puke Community Board Grants Account, subject to all accountabilities being met.


That the Te Puke Community Board do not approve the grant application from Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated.



The Te Puke Community Board has funding of $11,000 available for disbursement to community organisations for the 2023/2024 financial year. The balance as of                          23 November 2023 is $7,000.00.


Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated has submitted an application for $2,000.00 to contribute towards funding for the annual Kabaddi Tournament on 26 November 2023, hosted by Dashmesh Sport Club. The funding will be used for the purchase of the tournament’s trophies. Historically, 3,500 people attend the event to participate in a range of sports, including the kabaddi match, volleyball, cricket, tug of war, and musical chairs. The event is open to the community. The Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated has a membership of 25 people, and eight staff/volunteers.


The Community Board have received the financial information from Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated.


Engagement, Consultation and Communication

Interested/Affected Parties



Dashmesh Sports and Cultural Society 2007 Incorporated


The applicant will be advised of the outcome of their respective Grant Application.


Funding/Budget Implications

Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail

Community Board Grant Funds


The Community Board will consider applications for distribution of grant funding before the end of the financial year.


Annual Budget                                                          $11,000


Current Balance                                                       $7,000


Balance if Grant Application is approved           $5,000





Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.4          Election of Deputy Chairperson for the Te Puke Community Board

File Number:            A5788799

Author:                       Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Te Puke Community Board to elect a Deputy Chairperson, due to the resignation of the Deputy Chairperson who was appointed at the Te Puke Community Board Inaugural meeting held 7 November 2022.



1.     That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Election of the Deputy Chairperson of the Te Puke Community Board’ be received.

2.       That the Te Puke Community Board elects ______________________ as the Deputy Chairperson of the Te Puke Community Board.



1.        The position of Deputy Chairperson for the Te Puke Community Board is now vacant following the resignation of Anish Paudel, who was appointed as Deputy Chairperson at the Inaugural meeting on 7 November 2023. Pursuant to Clause 21(5)(e), Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA 2002) the Board must ensure that the business conducted at a meeting must include a Deputy Chairperson.

2.       Resolution TP22-IN.5 of the Te Puke Community Board meeting on the 7 November 2022 approved using System B for the election of the Deputy Chairperson. That in accordance with Clause 25(4), Schedule 7 of the LGA 2002.

3.       System B:

a)  requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives more votes than any other candidate; and

b)  has the following characteristics: i. there is only 1 round of voting; and ii. if 2 or more candidates tie for the most votes, the tie is resolved by lot



Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.5          Appointments of Te Puke Community Board Members to Outside Bodies

File Number:            A5788846

Author:                       Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Te Puke Community Board to appoint members to outside bodies, as a part of its remit as a Community Board.



1.     That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Appointments of Te Puke Community Board Members to Outside Bodies’ be received.

2.    That the following Te Puke Community Board Members be appointed as a representative to the following committees and organisations:

Bay of Plenty Indian Migrant Women’s Group              ___________________

Te Puke Economic Development Group                        ___________________

Te Puke Community Charitable Trust                            ___________________



Members of the Te Puke Community Board were appointed to outside bodies at the Te Puke Community Board meeting held 15 December 2022. Since then, additional Community Groups have confirmed they wish for a Community Board member to be appointed. These Community Groups include:

·    Bay of Plenty Indian Migrant Women’s Group;

·    Te Puke Economic Development Group; and

·    Te Puke Community Charitable Trust.


It is important to note that any other Community Organisations that would like a Board representative to attend their meetings will be advised through the Chairpersons Report at a future meeting.



reasons for inclusion in agenda

Included in agenda for:

·        Information and communication; and

·        Decision making.

delegated authority of Te Puke community board

The Te Puke Community Board has the delegated authority to appoint Board Members to outside bodies.




Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.6          Te Puke Community Board - 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget

File Number:            A5841695

Author:                       Carolyn Irvin, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Sarah Bedford, Finance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Te Puke Community Board to review its annual budget and make a recommendation on what the Board considered its operations budget should be for the upcoming financial year, as required in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.

The Board is aware that the Annual Plan will be subject to Council review and consultation.

The Board should give consideration to their work programme going forward and commitment of any Reserve funding for future projects.



1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operation Budget’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That it be recommended to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee that the Te Puke Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget be:













Milage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation








1.        Under the role and purpose of Community Boards, subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies and legislation, the Community Board has the delegated function to:

-    Control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

2.       The salary component of all Community Boards has been determined by the Remuneration Authority and the Board has no control over this figure. Under the process used by the Remuneration Authority the increment will be assessed annually.

3.       The Te Puke Community Board Budget for 2022/2023, as adopted in the Long Term Plan (LTP) is shown below:



2022/2023 Actual

2022/2023 Budget










Mileage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation





Significance and Engagement

4.      The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decision in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions.

5.      The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

6.      In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be low significance because it is only considering the distribution of funds between the operational budget lines, as the overall total has already been approved through the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee. 


Engagement, Consultation and Communication

Interested/Affected Parties



General Public

The public may comment on the Board’s budget during the Annual Plan/Long Term Plan consultation process.


Issues and Options Assessment

Option A

That it be recommended to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee that the Te Puke Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget be:














Milage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation






Reasons why no options are available:

·    Section 79 (2) (c) and (3) Local Government Act 2002


Local Government Act 2002 Section 52(d):


The role of a community board is to prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the community.

Statutory Compliance

7.       The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Community Board prepare an annual submission to Council for expenditure within the community.

Funding/Budget Implications

Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail



The Te Puke Community Board does not have the delegated authority to make funding allocations outside of the adopted budget. The Community Board may make recommendations to Council.




Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.7           Infrastructure Group Report Te Puke Community Board November 2023

File Number:            A5818663

Author:                       Tracy Harris, Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group

Authoriser:               Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

This report provides specific information on Infrastructure activities of interest to the Board.


That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Te Puke Community Board November 2023’ be received.




Safety Improvements on Cameron Road

Description: With the Board resolving to remove the Speed Bump outside Te Puke Intermediate School on Cameron Road, it has been identified that there would need to be safety improvements made to this stretch of road.

Latest update:

Council’s Project & Monitoring Committee has directed staff not to progress the implementation of the Transport Choices Project.

The Transportation Area Engineer will provide the Board with an update on the improvements previously identified for the Board to comment on. Once these have been agreed on a recommendation will be presented to the Board due to the funding required.


Speed Bumps -Boucher Avenue/Cameron Road and Boucher Avenue/Hookey Drive

Description: At the Community Board meeting held 13 April 2023 the Board requested for staff to investigate whether the raised threshold at the intersections of Boucher Avenue and Cameron Road and Boucher Avenue and Hookey Drive in Te Puke could be improved as part of the Transport Choices Project and report back to the Board.

Latest update:

Staff recommended that the ramps of the pedestrian platforms be marker to make them more visible. Due to the Transport Choices Project no longer going ahead the Board will need to confirm whether to pursue this project, noting that any funding required will need to be committed from the Te Puke Community Board Roading Account.


Transportation - Te Puke Community Roading

Description: Funding for the development and implementation of the Community Roading Plan approved by Te Puke Community Board.


Te Puke Community Board Roading Current Account

Te Puke Community Board $


Current Account Opening Balance

1 July 2022



Interest 2021/22



Allocation for 2021/22






Approved Projects


Te Puke Intermediate School / Speed Bump


Speed bump removed. $11,259 of $80,000 budget paid 2022. Further safety improvements on hold pending development of Transport Choices project.

Te Puke Quarry Road Footpath and Bridge (Stage 1 – Corner of Jellicoe Street to EastPack packhouse)


Construction is complete.



Proposed Projects




Better Street Lighting -Corner of Quarry Road and Jellicoe Street




Streetlight has been installed.

Commerce Lane Pedestrian Safety




Delivery of the speed survey and parking survey has been impacted by the WestLink contract ending. Staff are seeking an alternative supplier.

Jellicoe Street – Industrial Service Lane




Staff have sourced an alternative supplier. They are expected to begin work by beginning of December 2023.

King Street Pedestrian Improvements



Works included in Jellicoe Street footpath project (above).

Cycleway Footpath Extensions to improve connectivity




Construction of the new path between Stock Road and Jocelyn Street is complete.




Forecasted Current Account Closing Balance 30 June 2023





Te Puke Dog Exercise Area – Lawrence Oliver Park

Description: Develop the dog exercise are in Lawrence Oliver Park as per the concept plan.

Latest update:

This project has been successfully completed. Reserves and Animal Services staff worked together with the Community for the opening on 14 October 2023. The feedback received so far has been very positive, and only a few minor adjustments are needed to address the queries received.


water services


Wastewater - Te Puke Renewals and Capital Upgrades

Description: Asset renewals and capital upgrades for the Te Puke Wastewater Treatment Plant and water reticulation network.


Te Puke WWTP Upgrade:

Description: Upgrade of the Te Puke WWTP to meet more stringent limits on nutrients by conditions of consent requires improved treatment processes.

Latest update:

There are no updates on this project since the previous meeting.




Wastewater Reticulation Network:  

Description: Two projects are included: the design of a new main to the WWTP and upgrading of the pipeline from Station Road to Stock Road.

Latest update:

There are no updates on this project since the previous meeting.


Muttons Water Treatment Plant UV Upgrade

Description: Council has a treatment plant on No. 1 Road, Te Puke, that supplies Te Puke and the surrounding area with water.

Latest update:

There are no updates on this project since the previous meeting.



Establishing Community Resource Recovery Centres (CRRC)

Description: Establishing community resource recovery centres at the Te Puke Recycle Centre, working with Iwi and community groups.

Latest update:

The establishment of a community-led resource recovery centre at the Te Puke Recycling Centre site is progressing slowly. The process is led by Andy Gowland-Douglas from the Tapuika Group. A community-led process with community lead principles which involves wide engagement, will be followed.

Status of the project:

·    Tapuika, Council staff and recycling staff visited Crew in Whakatane in August to understand how a resource recovery centre operates.

·    Tapuika contacted David Caselli at the Ministry for the Environment re Tapuika’s engagement with WBOPDC regarding transitioning the Te Puke Recycle Centre to an iwi led, community driven model for operating the current recycling centre which includes wider resource recovery & reuse. Tapuika are interested in understanding how they might get MFE to support this, initially in the form of feasibility / scoping funding.

·    Staff met with Tapuika in September to discuss the way forward and Tapuika indicated the use of and independent consultant, Cath De Monchy to assist with the transitioning.

·    At the meeting Council staff requested Tapuika to provide a business plan and budget to move the project forward.

·    Staff are waiting on this proposal and budget. Initial indication from Tapuika was a January 2024 start with a 3 month period to engage.

·    Draft from Tapuika expected mid-November 2023. 

·    Business as usual for Te Puke Recycling Centre in the meantime. 


SeatSmart Car Seat Recycling Event -  Sunday, 24 September 2023 - Te Puke Recycling Centre

Latest update:

WBOPDC held its first event to take back car seats at Te Puke.  Unfortunately, the event was not well supported, and we only took back six car seats for the day.  We believe the wet weather, the beginning of school holidays and daylight saving starting, may all have been contributing factors. The customers that dropped off car seats heard about the event from various media sources, which was positive feedback to our communications team.

The collected seats were recycled in Auckland by 3R – SeatSmart, using the Waste Minimisation Levy.


Emergency Management

Description: Support the Te Puke Community to be Resilient in the event of an Emergency.

A resource supply box has been delivered to Te Puke. This includes a tear drop banner flag that can be used by the team for promotional activity, as well as during an emergency.

The CRT phone has been replaced to enable the team to have access to the WBOPDC Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), as well as to have access during an emergency.


Work on the new Community Guide to Emergencies for Te Puke is underway.

The new Community Resilience Advisor will be working with Community Response Teams to support community initiatives including market day attendance, community open days and other initiatives that they may require support with.


Online training modules are available, and the Community Response teams are encouraged to access the training portal and take advantage of the training available.

The Team Leader for Te Puke Community Response Team has recently completed the Intermediate training programme.


1.         MAS Te Puke Community Board November 2023  


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


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Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.8          Te Puke Community Board - Financial Report October 2023

File Number:            A5823799

Author:                       Ezelle Thiart, Finance Business Partner

Authoriser:               Allan Carey, Finance Business Partner Lead


Executive Summary

This report provides the Community Board with two-monthly monitoring of its operational budget. Attached are the financial statements for the period ended                    31 October 2023 (Attachment 1).

1.  Total operational costs are under budget year to date.


Attached are also the final financial statements for the period ending 30 June 2023.

Previously submitted financials were not final and additional salary costs were

recognised before the period was closed. (Attachment 2)



The Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 23 November 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Community Board – Financial Report October 2023’ be received.


Financial Report year to date - October 2023:

Grant payments made to date:





Te Puke War Memorial Hall Society – to contribute towards the purchase of new trestle tables for the hall



Fairhaven School – to contribute to the Fairhaven School Fireworks Gala



2023/24 Total grants paid to date




Committed – Operational expenditure:





Allocate up to $5,500 from the Street Decoration account for street flag designs and installation.



Approve the funding for the installation of power for a second Christmas tree at the Te Puke west entrance at an estimated cost of $15,000 to be funded from their Street Decoration account



Approves the installation of public Wi-Fi in Jubilee Park at an estimated cost of $3,000, funded from the contingency account.



Approve the grant application from Te Puke Scout Group for $1,000.00, to contribute towards an invoice for anti-graffiti paint for the Scout Den. This grant will be funded from the Grants Account.



2023/24 Total operational commitments



2023/24 Reserve analysis:



$ (Payments made)


2023/24 Opening balance



No transactions year to date



2023/24 Closing Reserve balance before commitments




Remaining commitments from Te Puke Community Board Reserve Account



$ (Remaining funds)


2023/24 Closing balance before committed expenditure



Approve up to $30,000 to be paid from Te Puke Community Board Reserve Account for costs relating to the Te Puke Story Boards Project.



Approve up to $20,000 to be paid from the Te Puke Community Board Reserve Account for costs relating to the new dog park at Laurence Oliver Park, Te Puke.



2023/24 Closing balance after the committed expenditure




1.         Te Puke Community Board – Financial Report October 2023

2.        Te Puke Community Board – Financial Report June 2023 FINAL  


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


9.9          Te Puke Community Board - Operational Report - November 2023

File Number:            A5845659

Author:                       Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

This report is an operational update from across Council for matters that relate to the Te Puke Community Board area.


That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – September 2023’ be received.


Service Requests

This section is to provide an overview of Service Requests for the Te Puke Community Board area since the last meeting.

There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and completed.

·  Complaints about Freedom Camping affecting Reserves

·  Health – Food Cars

·  Kerbside – Debris from Collection

·  Kerbside – Assisted Service Request

·  Park and Playground Equipment

·  Kerbside PAYT Issue

·  Reserves - Trees

·  Cemetery – Headstone/Plaque

·  Water – Hydrant/Valve Issue (not leak)

·  Kerbside – Additional Bins

·  Local Road Signs – Request for New Signs

·  Resource Consent Compliance


There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and is under investigation.

·  All Water Leaks – Known Issue

·  Reserves – Lighting/CCTV Camera Maintenance

·  Connection – Meter/Toby

·  Reserves – Erosion/Damage to Grounds

·  General Health Matters/Enquiries

·  Roads Network Management – Non-Urgent Tree Requests

·  Health – Premises Hygiene

·  Refuse – General (not bins/dumping)

·  Road Network – Abandoned Vehicle

·  Water – Taste/Smell/Quality


The table below shows Services Request’s that are higher in numbers and have a mix of statuses.

Service Request Subtype



Under Investigation/Scheduled for Completion

Abandoned Vehicle

Across Te Puke



Local Road – Cesspit/Grill/Gutter/Drain

Mix of queries relating to maintenance and replacement lids.



All Water Leaks

Across Te Puke – multiple reports on No 3 Road, Boucher Avenue, and Queen Street.



Building Consent Queries

Range of queries relating to building consents/new buildings.



Compliance and Enforcement General

Mix of queries including noise, signage, and dwellings.



Kerbside Collective – Damaged Bin/Repair

Across Te Puke



Local Road – Detritus

Across Te Puke



Planning Queries

Range of queries relating to resource consents/district plan.



District Plan Compliance

Queries related to compliance with District Plan across Te Puke.



Water – Emergency Shutdown

Across Te Puke



Local Roads – Footpaths Replacement/Repair

Across Te Puke – reports related to damage/obstruction of footpaths.



Local Roads – General

Mix of general queries, including road maintenance, road closures, and compliance matters.



Kerbside – General Enquiry

Mix of queries including reinstatement of damage, new collections, and assisted service.



Kerbside – New Property Bins

Across Te Puke



Health – Liquor License

Liquor License queries



Local Road – Litter/Bins/Shopfront Areas

Both on Jellicoe Street



Reserves – Litter/Litter Bins/Dumping

Multiple reports on Jellicoe Street



Local Road – Non-Urgent Trees Requests

Across Te Puke – queries relating to maintenance and footpath obstruction.



Local Road Signs – Damaged/Graffiti

Across Te Puke



Kerbside – Lost/Stolen Bins

Across Te Puke



Water – Meter Issue (not leak)

Across Te Puke – meter maintenance.



Kerbside – Missed Collection

Across Te Puke



Water – No Water

Multiple reports on Manoeka Road and MacLoughlin Drive.



Water – No Water (known issues)

Across Te Puke



Noise Complaint – Afterhours

Across Te Puke – multiple reports on Seddon Street and Clydesburn Avenue.



Noise Complaint – Daytime

Multiple reports on Station Road.



Compliance – Parking Query

Mix of queries, including parking complaints and parking queries.



Pensioner Housing – Lee Street

Mix of queries including maintenance and assistance.



Pensioner Housing – Slater Place

Mix of queries including maintenance and assistance.



Reserves – Plumbing

Across Te Puke – maintenance issues.



Reserves - Toilets (Hygiene/Paper)

Both report on Commerce Lane



Reserves – Buildings/Tracks/Furniture

Two reports for Lawrence Oliver Park – maintenance queries.



Reserves General

Mix of queries including vegetation, stormwater, maintenance, and cemetery queries.



Sealed Local Road – Road Surface Defects

Across Te Puke.



Road Network Management – General/Misc

Mix of queries including drainage, public seats, and road closures.



Rubbish/Illegal Dumping/Carcasses

Across Te Puke – multiple requests on Jocelyn Street.



Wastewater – Sewage Overflow/Spill

Across Te Puke



Compliance – Signs

Across Te Puke – multiple reports on Beatty Avenue. Non-compliant sign placement.



Local Road – Slip/Flood/Crash

All reports on Te Puke Highway



Te Puke Cemetery

Mix of queries related to headstone/plaque/plot.



Local Road – Vegetation/mowing (not trees)

Majority of reports on Jellicoe Street



Wastewater General

Mix of queries including Council connections and pipe queries.



Water General

Mix of queries including maintenance and new build queries.



Water Pressure Too High/Low

Across Te Puke.




Te Puke Community Board Meeting Agenda

23 November 2023


Matters arising from previous community board meetings (Not minute action sheets)

This section relates to any matters arising from prior Community Board meetings where a Minute Action Sheet was not raised.

Date raised



September 2023

New Legislation Overview –

It was requested that staff provide an overview of the new legislation at the next Te Puke Community Board meeting, to provide the Board with what was expected of the Te Puke Spatial Plan and the boundaries it had.

This update will be provided at the first meeting of the Te Puke Spatial Plan Committee scheduled for November 2023.

The agenda for this meeting has been published on Council’s website, and can be found here:



Community Resource Recovery Centre – Te Puke Recycling Centre –

It was requested that staff collate and provide information to the Te Puke Community Board on the current and future progress of the Community Resource Recovery Centre. A presentation could be made to the Board if requested.

This matter has been reported on in the infrastructure report attachment.


Queen Palms Road Frontage –

It was raised that the road frontage for the Queen Palms development, on Queen Street, had not yet been grassed, and it was requested that staff investigate this.

The Transportation Area Engineer advised that Queen Palms Road is a Private Road, and the owners of that development area are responsible for the maintenance of this frontage.

This matter has been closed out.

Completed/uncompleted minute action sheets (not in infrastructure report)

This section relates to any Minute Action Sheets that are currently outstanding, as well as completed Minute Action Sheets since the last Community Board meeting. This list excludes Minute Action Sheets that are included in the Infrastructure Report, as these will be reported on in the Infrastructure Report.

Date raised



August 2023

Natural Cemeteries and Migrant Communities

The Board requested an update on the engagement with migrant communities on natural cemeteries.

Update as of November 2023:

The Reserves team will begin engaging with the community and mana whenua in regard to the draft concept plan for the natural burial area proposed within the Te Puke Cemetery.

This matter continues to be worked on.

September 2023

Te Puke Community Board Grant Applications

Payment vouchers completed for Te Puke War Memorial Hall Society and Fairhaven School, and an invoice has been received by the suppliers of paint for Te Puke Scout Group. This invoice is being processed for payment.