Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

9 November 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting No. SPC23-7
HELD IN THE Council Chambers, Barkes Corner, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga
ON Thursday, 9 November 2023 AT 9.37am


1                 Karakia

Whakatau mai te wairua Whakawātea mai te hinengaro Whakarite mai te tinana

Kia ea ai ngā mahi



Settle the spirit

Clear the mind

Prepare the body

To achieve what needs to be achieved.



2                Present

Mayor J Denyer (Chairperson), Cr R Crawford, Cr T Coxhead, Cr G Dally, Cr M Grainger,     Cr R Joyce, Cr M Murray-Benge, Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour, Cr D Thwaites and                       Cr A Wichers.

Via zoom

Cr A Sole.

3                In Attendance

R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), A Henderson (General Manager Corporate Services), E Watton (Strategic Policy and Planning Programme Director), G Golding (Governance Manager), J Crummer (Senior Recreational Planner),                     T Wilson (Contract Manager Solid Waste), M Va’ai Matatia (Senior Environmental Planner), M Leighton (Policy and Planning Manager), C McGirr (Policy Analyst),                          M Wakefield (Climate Change Programme Lead), A King (Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects), N Rutland (Environmental Planning Manager), R Leahy (Governance Advisor) and P Osborne (Senior Governance Advisor).

Others in attendance

1 member of the Media.


4               Apologies


Resolution  SPC23-7.1

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Cr R Crawford

That the apology for leave of absence from Cr Henry be accepted.


5                Consideration of Late Items


6                Declarations of Interest


7                Public Excluded Items


8                Public Forum


9                Presentations


10              Reports

10.1        Adoption of the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for Consultation

The Committee considered a report dated 9 November 2023 from the Policy Analyst, who took the report as read, and highlighted the background, as outlined in the report.  

Staff responded to pātai as follows:

·                The report stated that engagement had been planned with neighbouring councils. It was noted that Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC) was also part of a Central North Island Waste Group, which extended to a wider area than just the immediate neighbouring councils.

·                The funding received from the waste levy could not be used to subsidise the PAYT kerbside rubbish tags, as that was an operational matter and the waste levy must also be used for waste minimisation initiatives.

·                The worm farm in Kawerau was not owned by Tauranga City Council (TCC). Their food waste was sent to EnviroWaste in Hampton Downs, noting that this was the same as WBOPDC.

·                Bitumen waste was considered as construction/demolition waste, which was included as a focus of multiple actions within the draft plan. It was noted that this could be stressed more in the final document, as it was an area of concern for the community.

·                In relation to nappy waste, it was noted that council subsidised educational programmes that promoted Waste Free Parenting.

·                Considerations, such as requests for larger glass bins, are addressed through the action plan as a commitment to review the kerbside service.  

·                The Resource Recovery Centres in Te Puke and Katikati were progressing, noting that there were two actions within the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan that committed Council to these projects.

Resolution  SPC23-7.2

Moved:                         Cr M Murray-Benge

Seconded:         Cr R Crawford

1.        That the Policy Analysts report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Adoption of the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for Consultation’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of medium significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That, with consideration of the Waste Assessment 2022, the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan be amended in accordance with section 50(3) of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

4.       That the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and accompanying Statement of Proposal, Waste Assessment and submission form be adopted for public consultation between 10 November 2023 and 10 December 2023.



10.2       Katikati and Ōmokoroa Dog Exercise Areas

The Committee considered a report dated 9 November 2023 from the Senior Recreation Planner, who provided the Committee with a brief overview of the report.

Staff responded to pātai as follows:

·                Choosing to consult on Precious Family Reserve did not rule out the option of Links View Drive Reserve.

·                Councils funding commitment was $30,000 (outlined in the LTP), noting that this was not sufficient in and of itself to fund a dog exercise area that met community expectations. However, it was acknowledged that these were the types of projects that the community and philanthropic funders supported.

·                Consultation was undertaken in May/June 2023, noting that what was presented at the meeting were the concept plans for adoption.

-        The Donegal Reserve, Katikati concept plan was recommended for adoption for implementation in the 2023/24 financial year.

-        A lot of community members believed Links View Drive, Ōmokoroa was suitable, however, through the consultation Council were requested to consider Precious Reserve, Ōmokoroa. For this reason, it was recommended that staff investigate this option further before any concept plan in relation to Ōmokoroa was adopted.

·                This decision was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee, as it was a concept plan.

·                The figures relating to the payback of the dogs fees would be sought following the meeting.

·                The Stormwater area behind 336 Ōmokoroa Road (specifically the area behind the Ōmokoroa Settler’s Hall) was not considered a viable option, due to the size/shape, location in relation to existing walkway/cycleway connections, as well as proximity to neighbouring houses.

·                The Community Board were engaged with through the Tō Wāhi events, however, not specifically in regard to contributing funds to the project. It was highlighted that this was a decision that sat with them for consideration.

·                Staff had looked at ways to reduce costs through the design stage, noting that additional features were dependent on additional funding being sought.

·                Mangawhai Pa site was considered, however discounted under the criteria relating to cultural heritage issues. 


10.01am     Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour left the meeting


The following tākupu (comments) were made by Committee members:

·                There was concern regarding the additional funding required, due to no figure or confirmation on whether this could be achieved. There was a belief that the Community Boards required more extensive consultation/engagement than what had been completed.

·                Due to this being a direct request from the community, this could be seen as a community-led project. Council’s contribution to the project was to support the communities needs and wants, however, still highlighted the need for community input.


Resolution  SPC23-7.3

Moved:                         Cr R Crawford

Seconded:         Cr G Dally

1.       That the Senior Recreation Planner’s report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Katikati and Ōmokoroa dog exercise areas be received.

2.      That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low to medium significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.      That the Strategy and Policy Committee receives all feedback from the consultation period held between 30 May and 30 June 2023, as set out in the document titled “Dog Exercise Areas Submission Pack” (Attachment 1 of this report).

4.      That in relation to Issue 1, the Strategy and Policy Committee adopts the concept plan for Donegal Reserve, Katikati, as a dog exercise area (as per Attachment 2 of this report).

5.      That in relation to Issue 2, the Strategy and Policy Committee does not approve the concept plan for Links View Drive Reserve, Ōmokoroa (as per Attachment 3 of this report) as a dog exercise area at this point but undertakes additional investigation and community consultation on Precious Family Reserve as a possible alternate location for the dog exercise area for Ōmokoroa.



10.3       Submission on Ministry for the Environment consultation: Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities

The Committee considered a report dated 9 November 2023 from the Climate Change Programme Lead. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  SPC23-7.4

Moved:                         Mayor J Denyer

Seconded:         Cr M Murray-Benge

1.       That the Climate Change Programme Lead’s report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Submission on Ministry for the Environment consultation: Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.





10.4       Submission to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Changes to Freshwater Management in the Bay of Plenty

The Committee considered a report dated 9 November 2023 from the Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  SPC23-7.5

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Mayor J Denyer

1.       That the Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Submission to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Changes to Freshwater Management in the Bay of Plenty’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, is received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information is noted.



10.5       Submission on Inquiry into Community-led retreat and adaptation funding

The Committee considered a report dated 9 November 2023 from the Strategic Advisor Resource Management. The report was taken as read.

Staff responded to pātai as follows:

·                This item was workshopped on 3 October 2023, noting that Committee members were invited to share further ideas and/or feedback following the workshop.


The following tākupu were made by Committee members:

·                There was concern that ideas shared following the workshop were not made available to all Committee members prior to being added to the submission.

·                The Mayor acknowledged the process regarding the submissions was not easy, due to incorporating a large variety of ideas and thoughts, as well as having to meet the submission deadlines.

·                There was concern that the ideas included in the submission were big and required further conversations prior to being submitted on behalf of Council.

·                Some members did not feel comfortable being included in this submission.

·                It was highlighted that this was a submission on an inquiry regarding climate adaption, rather than a bill.


Resolution  SPC23-7.6

Moved:                         Cr R Crawford

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

1.        That the Strategic Advisor Resource Management’s report dated 9 November 2023, titled ‘Submission on Inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding’, be received.

2.       That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.

The motion was put. A division was called and recorded as follows:

In Favour:           Crs G Dally, M Grainger, R Crawford, D Thwaites and Mayor Denyer

Against:              Crs R Joyce, M Murray-Benge, A Wichers, A Sole and T Coxhead.


The Chairperson then exercised his casting voted and voted in favour of the motion.

The motion was declared carried on the casting vote.



10.6       Feedback: Managing the use and development of highly productive land: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL)

The Committee considered a report dated 9 November 2023 from the Senior Environmental Planner. The report was taken as read, with a brief overview of the submission provided.

Staff responded to pātai as follows:

·                The objective of the National Policy Statement (NPS) was to protect highly productive land.

·                It was acknowledged that the submission points were narrow, however, stated that the consenting pathways should be the same for renewable infrastructure on highly productive land, and for other primary production uses on highly productive land.

·                The Regulatory Services team were demonstrating flexibility in relation to highly productive land, noting that they were working within the entire framework, and not just this NPS.

·                It was understood that the rationale for not having solar farms on highly productive land was due to the typology of the land, noting that highly productive land was mostly rural.

·                It was highlighted that there were incredible tensions that existed in policy setting, most notably between; the NPS for highly productive land, the NPS for Urban Development, and the NPS for Freshwater Management. It was recognised that these all collide, and there was a need to find a “sweet spot” between them.

Resolution  SPC23-7.7

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Mayor J Denyer

1.        That the Senior Environmental Planner report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Feedback: Managing the use and development of highly productive land: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL)’, be received.

2.       That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, is received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information is noted.


11               Information for Receipt



The Meeting closed at 10.55am.


Confirmed as a true and correct record by Council on 23 November 2023.