Maketu Community Board Meeting Minutes

3 October 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Maketu Community Board Meeting No. MKC23-6
HELD IN THE Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu
ON Tuesday, 3 October 2023 AT 7.00pm


1               Present

Chairperson L Rae, Deputy R Corbett, Member T Hopping, Member D Walters,                             Cr R Crawford and Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour.

2              In Attendance

R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), S Prendergast (Transportation Area Engineer West) and R Leahy (Governance Advisor).


Others in attendance

5 Members of the public including Cr Dally and P De Monchy (Bay of Plenty Regional Council).




The Chairperson opened the meeting with a Karakia.

3              Apologies


4              Consideration of Late Items


5              Declarations of Interest


6              Public Excluded Items


7              Public Forum


Ms Johnson, Maketu resident, attended and provided the following comments:

·            She had noticed a lot of rubbish on Arawa Avenue near the 70km/h sign and requested an additional rubbish bin be installed at the bus shelter on Arawa Avenue.

·            Rubbish had also been dumped in the drains on Spencer Avenue.

·            The grass near the drains was overgrown and only mowed twice a year, noting that long grass encouraged people to dump their rubbish as it could not be easily seen on the road.

·            The drains needed to be skimmed and grass mowed/sprayed to prevent people from dumping rubbish.

·            Ms Johnson requested information on the level of service for mowing on Arawa Avenue.  

The Chairperson noted that the drain on Spencer Avenue was scheduled to be cleared.



Mr Johnston, Maketu resident, attended and provided the following comments:


·            He raised concerns that no action had been taken to improve the safety of Wilson Road.

·            Heavy trucks were using Wilson Road as a bypass to avoid a nearby weigh station, creating dangerous conditions for local road users.

·            There were issues with the drains in Maketu, noting contractors had cleaned one part of culvert 900 but not the entire drain.

·            Mr Johnson questioned if Council was awaiting consent from Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) before it could clear the drain.

·            Council needed to clear the drain prior to winter 2024.


The Chairperson had contacted Fonterra and requested that dairy tankers use the longer route.



Mr Simpson, Maketu resident, attended and provided the following comments:


·            The entranceway to the Maketu Sports Field was not suitable.

·            The works for the Sports Field had been signed off, however, they did not meet community expectations.

·            A steel gate, no camping sign and seat should be installed at the sports field. 

·            The picnic table by the monument should be relocated to the sports field to save costs of installing a new one.


The Chairperson suggested that the Board meet onsite to discuss further works to the Sports Field entranceway and facilities.



Cr Dally, Te Puke-Maketu Councillor, was in attendance and provided the following comments:

·            Council had approved the Draft Speed Management Plan for public consultation.

·            Cr Dally had put in a submission to the Speed Management Plan.

·            In previous meetings there had been a number of public forum members in attendance to speak to the speeding issues in Maketu.

·            He encouraged the Board and members of the community to put in a submission to the Draft Speed Management Plan.

8              Presentations

8.1           Presentation - Regional Council proposed Maketu Road culvert

Pim De Monchy spoke to a PowerPoint presentation that provided an update on the Kaituna re-diversion and proposed Maketu Road culvert. The following updates were provided:


·            As a result of the Kaituna re-diversion, there had been significant issues with algae, which had affected the cultural and ecological health of the estuary.

·            BOPRC had been conducting land survey monitoring and agreed to extend some of the monitored cross sections.

·            A member of the public commented that the sand build-up near the sandspit needed to be monitored.

·            If the level of sand got too low on the sandspit, Regional Council had permission to move more sand onto it.  

·            The Community Board expressed interest in seeing an investigation into dredging the estuary to increase hydraulic capacity and re-introducing old channels.

·            Water salinity in the estuary had improved since the upgrades were completed.

·            Regional Council was proposing to rock line an additional 300m of the Kaituna river to prevent further erosion.

·            Regional Council would investigate closing some of the gates on the Ford Road culvert to prevent some of the sediment from the river travelling into the estuary.

·            Regional Council could assist with removing debris following flood events if they were a navigational hazard.

·            Tauranga City Council ratepayers paid for beach grooming, if the Maketu Community wanted this service, it would need to be paid for through a targeted rate.

·            The Maketu Road culvert was currently in the design phase and would not be completed by Christmas.

·            There was a need to balance development and consent requirements when issuing consents. Resource Management Act reform may alleviate issues that regional and district councils faced.

9              Minutes for Confirmation

9.1           Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 8 August 2023

Resolution  MKC23-6.1

Moved:         Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

1.        That the Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 8 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


10            Reports

10.1          Maketu Community Board - Chairpersons Report

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson who took the report as read, with requests made as listed below.


Resolution  MKC23-6.2

Moved:         Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Cr R Crawford

That the Chairperson’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board Chairperson’s Report – October 2023’ be received.


Resolution  MKC23-6.3

Moved:         Member D Walters

Seconded:   Member T Hopping

That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $25,032.95 for a new stainless steel hand railing (supplied and installed by Paramount Stainless Steel), at the Urupa, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.


Resolution  MKC23-6.4

Moved:         Chairperson L Rae

Seconded:   Deputy R Corbett

That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $5,500 for an upgrade to the Beach Road carpark bike rack, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.


Resolution  MKC23-6.5

Moved:         Chairperson L Rae

Seconded:   Member D Walters

That the Maketu Community Board approve a further $3,320 of additional funding for the installation of the new bus shelter on Arawa Avenue, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.



10.1.1       Beach road bike rack

The Board requested that the existing bike rack on Beach Road be removed and placed next to or nearby the new one.


10.1.2      arawa avenue rubbish bin

The Board requested a quote for an additional rubbish bin to be installed at the bus shelter on Arawa Avenue.


10.2         Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - October 2023

The Board considered a report from Cr Crawford who spoke to the report, providing the following comments:

·            Council had agreed to expand the role of the Community Committee.

·            Operational issues raised at the Community Forums were progressed as service requests by staff, with more strategic issues addressed by the Committee.

Resolution  MKC23-6.6

Moved:         Cr R Crawford

Seconded:   Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

That Cr Crawford’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Maketu      Community Board - Councillor’s Report – October 2023’ be received.



10.3         Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board October 2023

The Board considered a report dated 3 October 2023 from the Executive Assistant Infrastructure. The report was taken as read with further discussion on items as listed.

Resolution  MKC23-6.7

Moved:         Cr R Crawford

Seconded:   Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

That the Executive’s Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board October 2023’ be received.




10.3.1      Wilson Road North - Maketu

·            The Roading Account could be used to fund an interim fix on Wilson Road North, however, the Board was advised against this as it may complicate the existing design process that was being undertaken.

·            It is expected that public consultation on the Wilson Road North design would take place prior to Christmas.

·            Upgrades to Wilson Road North were scheduled for the 2024/2025 construction season.

·            The Board requested an onsite workshop with the Transportation Area Engineer to discuss the Wilson Road North project. The Transportation Area Engineer would discuss the project with the designers prior to the workshop.


10.3.2     Roading Infrastructure Price Guide

The Board requested an estimate price guide on basic roading infrastructure like kerbing/channelling (per metre).


10.3.3     Spencer Avenue Cycleway

Construction on Stage 2 of the Spencer Avenue Cycleway was expected to take place this month. The Transportation Area Engineer would email the Board once the work commenced.


10.3.4     Glass Recycling

·            There were issues with glass recycling in Maketu, data showed that there was an increase in the amount of glass recycled over the holiday period.

·            The Board requested information from the Solid Waste Team on whether an extra glass recycling service or mobile trailer could be arranged for Maketu over the holiday period.


10.4        Operational Report - October 2023

The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  MKC23-6.8

Moved:         Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Deputy R Corbett

That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – October 2023’ be received.




The Meeting closed at 9.07pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Maketu Community Board meeting held on 28 November 2023.




Chairperson L Rae