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Maketu Community Board

Poari ā Hapori o Maketu



Tuesday, 3 October 2023, 7.00pm

Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu





Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


Maketu Community Board




Laura Rae

Deputy Chairperson

Rewi Boy Corbett


Tippany Hopping

Donna Walters

Cr Richard Crawford

Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour




Eight weekly / Workshops as required


Role and Purpose of Community Boards:

·           To represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of their communities.

·           To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees, or any matter of interest or concern to the Community Board.

·           To maintain an overview of services provided by Council within the community.

·           To prepare an annual submission to the Council for expenditure within the community.

·           To communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community.

·           To undertake responsibilities as delegated by Council or its Committees.

Delegated Functions:

Subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies, plans and legislation:

·           To have input into Council and its Committees on issues, services, plans and policies that affect communities within the Community Board Area.

·           To provide an effective mechanism for community feedback to Council.

·           To receive reports from Council appointees on Council matters relevant to the Community Board.

·           To control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

·           To allocate Community Board reserve funds to specific capital non-recurring projects for council assets on council land.


Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


Notice is hereby given that a Maketu Community Board Meeting will be held in the Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu on:
Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 7.00pm


Order Of Business

1           Present. 4

2          In Attendance.. 4

3          Apologies. 4

4         Consideration of Late Items. 4

5         Declarations of Interest. 4

6         Public Excluded Items. 4

7          Public Forum... 4

8         Presentations. 5

8.1             Presentation - Regional Council proposed Maketu Road culvert 5

9          Minutes for Confirmation.. 6

9.1             Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 8 August 2023.. 6

10       Reports. 18

10.1            Maketu Community Board - Chairpersons Report 18

10.2          Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - October 2023.. 24

10.3          Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board October 2023.. 26

10.4          Operational Report - October 2023.. 48



1                 Present

2                In Attendance

3                Apologies

4               Consideration of Late Items

5                Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.

6                Public Excluded Items

7                Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions.

Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer relationship management system as a service request, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.

Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


8                Presentations

8.1            Presentation - Regional Council proposed Maketu Road culvert

File Number:          A5743134

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

Pim De Monchy (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Coastal Catchments Manager) will present an overview of the community’s feedback on the proposed Maketu Road culvert.




Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


9                Minutes for Confirmation

9.1             Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 8 August 2023

File Number:          A5732067

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager



1.        That the Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 8 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




1.       Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 8 August 2023 


Maketu Community Board Meeting Minutes

8 August 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Maketu Community Board Meeting No. MKC23-5
HELD IN THE Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu
ON Tuesday, 8 August 2023 AT 7.00pm


1                 Present

Chairperson L Rae, Member T Hopping, Member D Walters and Deputy Mayor                               J Scrimgeour.

2                In Attendance

R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), C McLean (Senior Transportation Engineer), S Prendergast (Roading Engineer East), G Golding (Governance Manager) and C Irvin (Senior Governance Advisor).

Others in Attendance

Councillor A Wichers


Chairperson L Rae opened the meeting with a karakia.

3                Apologies


Resolution  MKC23-5.1

Moved:         Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

Seconded:   Member T Hopping

That the apology for absence from Cr Crawford and Member R Boy-Corbett be accepted.



4               Consideration of Late Items


5                Declarations of Interest


6                Public Excluded Items



7                Public Forum

7.1          Marcel Swererynen - Fluoridation

Mr Swererynen was in attendance on behalf Kane Titchener and provided his following comments:


·         Currently, there was no requirement for public consultation on fluoridation, but Mr Titchener believed there should be more engagement with communities.

·         On Monday 12 June 2023, legal proceedings were filed by New Health New Zealand against Ministry of Health directives to make local councils fluoridate their water supplies.  Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC) could choose to join these proceedings to enforce an injunction on fluoridation starting.

·         There were many researched findings on the adverse affects of fluoridation on the human body.



7.2         Dr Crone - Fluoridation

Dr Crone spoke to a PowerPoint presentation regarding fluoridation, and stated his following beliefs:

·         Fluoride was a toxic industrial waste product.

·         Fluoride lowered IQ in children, and caused conditions such as dental and skeletal fluorosis.

·         Fluorine had no known metabolic role in mammals.

·         That the issues with teeth were due to poor nutrition and exposure to sugar, and that fluoridating the water was not the solution.






7.3         Max Johnston  - Wilson Road north/drains/cemetary

Maketu resident Max Johnston provided the following comments:


Wilson Road:

·         Maketu residents were annoyed with the state of Wilson Road North.  There was some repair done last week which was not effective, as the water was not draining from the road.

·         It was also long overdue for curbing, as there was an excessive amount of heavy traffic using the road.  Speeding was also an issue.

·         The road was not adequate and residents wanted these issues to be addressed.



·         Culvert 900 was cleared but not adequately.

·         Was  a resource consent needed to clear drains?  If this was the case there needed to be an annual programme in place before winter 2024.



·         This was a very special place that needed looking after. 

·         Funding was needed to help with the upkeep of the area.  It was important not to let it become neglected.



·         The new part of the cemetery appeared not to be finished.  There was a river of water coming off the cemetery that came from the paddocks behind it which was flooding residents properties.

·         There was also flooding in the old cemetery, which had not been categorised as a flood plain but should be because every gully took on water.  The dirt that was removed from this area needed to be put back and built over the row to stop the water going over it.    



7.4         Shane Gourlay – Wilson road north

Maketu resident Shane Gourlay provided the following comments:


·         Heavy trucks were ruining Wilson Road North, by creating holes in the road which filled up with water during heavy rain. This made it dangerous to drive on. 

·         Drains were not being cleared and there was no curbing, making this a high risk accident area.

·         As ratepayers, this was very frustrating and people in Maketu felt that nothing was being done and becoming angry.  The state of the roading in Maketu in general was not good enough. 



7.5         hariata and douglas rewi  - wilson road north/wharekahu Cemetery

Maketu Resident Hariata Rewi spoke on behalf of herself and her husband Douglas, tabled Item 1 (Wison Road North) and Item 2 (Wharekahu Cemetery), and provided the following comments:


Wilson Road North:

·         Mrs Rewi resided at 595 Wilson Road North, Maketu, and had the following concerns regarding the road:

o   Poor roading infrastructure and lack of regular maintenance;

o   Lack of road side curbing and inadequate drainage;

o   Speed limits being ignored by heavy truck drivers creating a danger to residents and children;

o   Heavy truck drivers destroying the road.

·         Mrs Rewi requested that Council:

o   Erect a sign that signalled ‘No engine braking at the junction of Arawa Avenue and Wilson Road’;

o   The speed limit sign between Arawa Avenue and the Maketu shops should be changed from 70 to 50 km/h;

o   Widen the road between Arawa Avenue and the Primary School; and

o   Put in proper curbing and drainage to remove the water from the road.


Wharekahu Cemetery:

·         There was no water tap, no rubbish bin, no handrails and poor maintenance at the cemetery.  There was a lack of mowing and rubbish scattered around the area.

·         The cemetery boundary was an issue.

·         It was hazardous for people to visit the cemetery due to a dangerous slope and formation on an upward hill.

·         Mrs Rewi’s family was unable to celebrate a buried family members anniversary with family members due to flooding.

·         Council was requested to address these serious concerns.


Mrs Rewi requested that the Board provide residents with an update in three months’ time.



7.6         sheree walker  - wilson road north

Maketu resident Sheree Walker provided the following comments:

·         Ms Walker’s house shook and had cracks in it because of the heavy traffic on the road. 

·         Her house was in terrible condition and she requested that Council please do something about the road.



7.7         Runa Morrison – drainage

Maketu resident Runa Morrison provided the following comments:

·         Ms Morrison’s insurance had increased by $500 because it was now zoned as a ‘floodable area’.

·         Rates were being paid however, residents were not getting what they paid for and were considering hiring a contractor to clear the drains.

·         Residents in the immediate area were now becoming anxious due to the thought of more flooding and they needed something done about this.



7.8         comments from maketu residence in attendance

·         It was hard to believe a resource consent was required to clear the drains.  Residents had not been informed of this.  It needed to be sorted out adequately so that the drains could be cleared effectively.

·         Some residents had been up to their knees in water in their own back yards. It was not good enough.

·         Council needed to look at the ‘bigger picture’ in terms of where the flooding started and went, and what caused it in the first place.  It would help to consult with the locals who knew the ecology of the land very well.


The General Manager Strategy and Community advised that a resource consent was not always required to clear drains but in some areas/cases it was, and was a requirement of tangata whenua because of the ecology in drains.



The Chairperson made the following comments:

·         The concerns raised tonight from residents regarding Wilson Road North, the drainage in Maketu, speeding, Wharekahu Cemetery and mowing in general in Maketu, were acknowledged by the Board.

·         Council staff had also heard the concerns raised by residents.

·         Site meetings had been held with staff members and it had been acknowledged that these issues were causing hazards and were dangerous for the community.

·         Recommendations had been put forward to reduce all 70km/h areas to be dropped down to 50km/h.

·         It was important for the Maketu community to know that these issues were a high priority for the Board and were not being ignored.  They were being worked on, however, some could take a little more time due to details and costings being sorted, as well as the process Council had to follow.


8                Minutes for Confirmation

8.1          Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 13 June 2023

Resolution  MKC23-5.2

Moved:         Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

Seconded:   Member T Hopping

1.     That the Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 13 June 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.    That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


9                Reports

9.1          Maketu Community Board - Chairperson's Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson who spoke to the report, summarising the main points:

Bus Shelter:

·           It was felt that one new bus shelter may not be enough to accommodate the children. The Board agreed to purchase one, get it installed and then assess if another was needed.


Cemetery Hand Rails:

·           Council had received a second quote for handrailing at the cemetery at a cost of $21,500.  It was felt that, although slightly more expensive than the first quote, this might be a more sustainable option.

Tear Drop Flag:

·           The Board would like to purchase a new tear drop flag with Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s updated branding on it and would like to pass a resolution on this tonight.   


Moved:         Chairperson L Rae

Seconded:   Member T Hopping


That the Chairperson’s report dated 8 August 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board Chairperson’s Report – August 2023’ be received.



Moved:         Member D Walters

Seconded:   Chairperson L Rae

Part 2

That the Maketu Community Board approve the funding for the new bus shelter on Arawa Avenue for $7,500, to come from the reserves account.



Moved:         Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Member D Walters

Part 3

That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $600 (excluding GST) from the Maketu Community Board contingency account for the purchase of a Maketu Community Board tear drop flag with Western Bay of Plenty District Council Branding.



9.2         Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report from Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour who spoke to the report, summarising the main points:

Annual Plan:

·           The Annual Plan was due to be approved at the 30 August 2023 Council meeting. The Annual Plan process had been delayed due to Cyclone Gabrielle and delayed district revaluations.

Mayoral Relief Fund:

·           Council had been allocated $200k for the Mayoral Relief fund for Cyclone Gabrielle. This would be used for properties in and around the Te Puke area, including Marae.

District Revaluations:

·           Council had received concerns from ratepayers about rate increases, which it had put up on it’s website. 

Maketu-Te Puke Community Forum:

·           The Maketu-Te Puke Community Forum would take place on 21 August 2023 at the Pongakawa Hall.

Resolution  MKC23-5.6

Moved:         Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

Seconded:   Member T Hopping

That Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour’s report dated 8 August 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board - Councillor’s Report – August 2023’ be received.



9.3         Operational Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report dated 8 August 2023 from Governance Advisor.  The  report was taken as read.

Resolution  MKC23-5.7

Moved:         Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Member D Walters

That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 8 August 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – August 2023’ be received.



9.4         Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board August 2023

The Board considered a report dated 8 August 2023 from the Executive Assistant Infrastructure. The report was taken as read, with the following points noted:

Rubbish Bin Tags:

·           An instructional video on rubbish tags was being planned as per the request of the Maketu Community Board.


Signage at Surf Club:

·           Te Arawa Lakes Trust had requested that the Board install signage at the new BBQ area by the Surf Club. The Board agreed to discuss this matter at a later date.


Resolution  MKC23-5.8

Moved:         Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Chairperson L Rae

That the General Manager Infrastructure Group’s report dated 8 August 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board August 2023’ be received.



9.5         Maketu Community Board - Financial Report June 2023

The Board considered a report dated 8 August 2023 from the Financial Business Advisor.  The report was taken as read.

Resolution  MKC23-5.9

Moved:         Chairperson L Rae

Seconded:   Member T Hopping

That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 8 August 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board – Financial Report June 2023’ be received.




The Meeting closed at 8.57pm


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Maketu Community Board meeting held on3 October 2023.




Chairperson L Rae



Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


10              Reports

10.1          Maketu Community Board - Chairpersons Report

File Number:          A5656481

Author:                   Laura Rae, Community Board Chairperson

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Maketu Community Board’s Chairperson to provide the Board with information and updates on events and matters within the community.



1.     That the Chairperson’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board Chairperson’s Report – October 2023’ be received.

2.    That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $17,021.50 for a new timber handrail (supplied and installed by Downer) at the Urupa, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.


3.     That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $21,356.63 for a new stainless steel handrail (installed by Downer and supplied by FRP) at the Urupa, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.


4.     That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $25,032.95 for a new stainless steel hand railing (supplied and installed by Paramount Stainless Steel), at the Urupa, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.


5.    That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $5,500 for an upgrade to the Beach Road carpark bike rack, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.

6.    That the Maketu Community Board approve a further $3,320 of additional funding for the installation of the new bus shelter on Arawa Avenue, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.



Welcome all, I can definitely feel that spring is in the air, and much warmer days and nights with the start of daylight saving right around the corner. I’m looking forward to those late evening barbeques in the park or at the beach. We cannot wait for our new barbeque being installed at Monument Reserve to add to the existing three barbecues already in our village.


1.         Māori Wards

I would like to acknowledge the Western Bay of Plenty District Councillors for their decision and adoption of Māori wards for our next two trienniums (2025 and 2028 local body elections). All the best for this process, and all I can say is I hope it truly works out for Māori, given that this is what they wanted. I am proud of all our Councillors for their words expressed on the matter as I watched the decision very closely. A lot of it was spoken from the heart and in a non-biased way - well done.


2.        LGNZ Young Elected Members Conference 

We are also very privileged to be invited to the Young Elected Members meeting in December 2023 with LGNZ. Two members of the Maketu Community Board would be eligible to go and meet like-minded individuals and add to our professional development. Thank you to Mayor James for organising this.   


3.        Regional Council’s Kaituna River Rediversion and proposed culvert

We would like to extend a thank you to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Pim De Monchy, for his annual update to the community regarding the Kaituna River Rediversion on 1 September 2023. These updates are very important to our community and Tangata Whenua alike. Pim agreed to present to the Board tonight with the feedback and comments from the first meeting we coordinated, on behalf of concerned residents many months ago around both the rediversion and the proposed new culvert under the roadway along Maketu Road. The proposed culvert would service a freshwater flush to Whakapoukōrero wetland and allow our stormwater drain to function to maximum capacity. We thank Pim and his team for their transparent engagement and work they have done for Maketu thus far.


4.        Urupa

We would also like to thank Steven White (Reserves and Facilities Team Leader Operations) and his team. As many may be aware our urupa has been extended by Council. Residents got involved as they were not happy with some of the new area, as well as the older section. A public meeting was called and has developed into what is now known as the ‘Urupa Taskforce’, which is a group set up to finalise Council works and make sure they align with what the community’s needs are, and the preferred options of many who are closely connected to this Urupa. Steven has been a huge help and has assisted in a very timely manner. This is something which we appreciate as we know some of Council’s process can be very slow (with good reason). We had our first Taskforce meeting on 6 September 2023, which was a very productive meeting with two very important decisions made. There were 10 community members, five Community Board members, and two apologies.

Our top priority item is to fix the drainage issue, that at our most recent weather event under-cut and washed out some of the graves in the lower area. The decision was made by the Taskforce, along with staff recommendations, to remove the headstones of the affected row and add some fill, raising it up out of the floodable zone and then reinstating the headstones. For this to proceed, the Taskforce have asked that the Community Board meet face-to-face with affected families to seek their permission to carry out the work. This will be done within the next two weeks. There are eight grave sites that this will affect, three of which already have headstones and three that are awaiting to be unveiled. It will be up to the families to agree to this process; however, we feel it is a permanent solution to this unfortunate issue and hope that everyone supports this.

Our second priority was the installation of a handrail within the old section, to allow for some of our community’s oldest members to still be able access the lower area. The lay of the land presents a very steep incline with a concrete surface that is currently not safe. The Taskforce had the option of three quotes sourced by Council staff. The wooden option had six votes and is the cheaper option of the three. A stainless-steel option had five votes, something that is a little more expensive, but potential may last longer. The Community Board will make the final decision regarding this, given that the Board agree to fund this for the community The Board will seek to pass a resolution on this tonight.

We look forward to seeing this project out with Steven and his team.


The Reserves and Facilities Team Leader provided the following quotes for the urupa handrails:

Option 1: Downer

Timber poles and timber handrails installed with concrete finished to level of old existing drive.

Total cost for Option 1 : $17,021.50

Option 2: Downer/ FRP (suppling handrail)

$14,762.90. For just timber posts installed with concrete finished to same level of existing concrete drive as shown In picture, with Council to provide Stainless Steel handrails. 

$5,593.73 for Stainless Steel handrails supplied by FRP Mount Maunganui.

$1,000.00 estimate for CAD drawing of the handrails to be supplied to FRP Mount Maunganui for construction.

Total cost for Option 2 : $21,356.63.

Paramount Stainless Steel

Original quote supplied by Paramount Stainless Steel– This is for Stainless Steel handrails installed onto wooden posts set into the concrete drive.

Total cost for Option 3: $25,032.95


5.        Arawa Avenue Bus Shelter

At the August 2023 meeting, the Board agreed to fund $7500 towards the new bus shelter on Arawa Avenue. Staff have since received a final quote for the shelter and installation costs, which exceeds the amount originally resolved.

The costs below were provided by the Roading Engineer East as follows:



Total Span kitset bus shelter (delivered to site)




Temporary Traffic Management (assumes three days and includes two days contingency)






Beach Road Carpark Bike Rack:

It has been bought to my attention that with the increase in cyclists to the area and the introduction of e-bikes, an upgrade to the bike rack at the Beach Road carpark near the Beachside Café was required. The existing bike rack was no longer fit for purpose due to bikes being built with a larger tyre width (existing bike rack pictured below).

The costs below were provided by the Roading Engineer East as follows:


Price per item



Olympus Bike stand with bike symbol plate




Olympus Bike stand without bike symbol plate




Delivery of bike stands to site




Installation including removal and disposal of old rack, cable location prior to digging, digging in grassed area by hand, and mesh fence installation around wet concrete until its hardened and removed the next day.









Concept design for bike racks as pictured below:

A close-up of a bicycle parking sign

Description automatically generated

Staff Comment:

It is recommended installing bike racks as pictured above. The reason for this is because wicket style bike racks often aren’t wide enough to fit larger heel width. Wicket style racks can also cause damage to a bike wheel if the rack falls overs.

It is best practice to install the bike rack with a bike symbol on either end so visually impaired people can easily identify what they are.

To slightly improve existing spaces for parks (which is currently 7) it is recommended installing 5 bike stands which will take it up to 10 parks.

Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


10.2         Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - October 2023

File Number:          A5732037

Author:                   Richard Crawford, Councillor

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Maketu Community Board’s Councillor to provide the Board with updates on the items listed below.



That Councillor Crawford’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Maketu      Community Board - Councillor’s Report – October 2023’ be received.


Māori Wards

On the 17 August 2023, Western Bay of Plenty District Council voted 9-3 in favour of adopting Māori wards for the next two elections. Every six years, the Council can review whether to have Māori wards, and this time around it was up to the Mayor and the 11 Councillors to decide, with no referendum to contest it. Even though it is not everyone’s decision, I hope this will bring better representation of Māori around the Council table and decision-making process. It has not been decided how many wards there will be, but there will be a process on how that is decided.


Speed Management Plan

Council is in the process of a speed review for the district. This could mean a change to the speed limits in our area. Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has provided recommendations to Council on the new speed limits, and through a consultation process changes will be made accordingly.


Maketu-Te Puke Community Forum

The Maketu-Te Puke Community Forum was held on the 21 August 2023 at Pongakawa Community Hall. This was well attended by locals. The Forum is for residents in the eastern part of the district to bring their queries and concerns to Councillors in an informal way, so they have an opportunity to be heard and can be discussed as a group. The information gathered is recorded and taken back to Council, and before going on to the Community Committee agenda to be actioned further as required.

Emergency Management

Emergency management has become a bigger part of Council activity this year, especially due to the weather events. Council has taken on a new staff member to work in this space, so I would like to welcome Kurt Waugh (Community Resilience Advisor). He is not new to Emergency Management, as he has just finished 18 years with New Zealand Police. He has already been out to Maketu and other areas, co-ordinating emergency response teams to be better prepared for future events.







Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


10.3         Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board October 2023

File Number:          A5697449

Author:                   Tracy Harris, Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group

Authoriser:            Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

This report provides specific information on Infrastructure activities of interest to the Board.


That the Executive’s Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board October 2023’ be received.



Transportation - Maketu Community Roading

Description: Develop and implement the community roading plan approved by the Maketu Community Board.

Maketu Community Board Roading Current Account

Maketu Community Board $


Current Account:

Current Account Opening Balance 1 July 2022


Interest 2020/21


Allocation for 2020/21




Approved Projects






Proposed Projects





Forecasted Current Account Closing Balance 30 June 2023





Maketu Cycleway

Description: Construct a 2.5m wide cycleway between Kaituna Road and the Maketu Township.


Stage 1 (Rural Section) of the cycleway is complete.

Stage 2: The Urban section is still currently in the design phase.  Public consultation will occur with residents in due time.  Timing is subject to prioritisation of funding.

Consenting issues have been addressed and WestLink has been asked to finalise the design.

WestLink Have been instructed to extend the cycle path between the Spencer Avenue intersection and Tapiti Marae. Construction expected to start mid-September.

Staff met with the contractor on site and are waiting for a revised start date.

Improvement to Culvert Capacity - Spencer Avenue - Minute Action Reference MC12 18 5.2

Description: The Board was advised that the parallel pipe with fish friendly flaps was being assessed before approaches were made to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council with a proposal for consideration of funding options.

The Board was clear that they wanted to see the increased capacity to remove accumulated stormwater (meaning increased culvert capacity) specifically for the management of Spencer Avenue stormwater and flood protection agreed and installed as soon as possible.

The Reserves and Facilities Manager advised that the Kaituna Catchment Manager was waiting for further input from the Western Bay of Plenty Utilities Manager with progress on this matter reported back to the Board.

The Board are seeking an update to ensure that this project had not been left unfinished.

Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) has been carried out to determine the properties of the ground beneath the culvert.

WestLink have evaluated the geotechnical investigation findings and confirmed that a bridge is not necessary. Work is now focussed on designing a solution that will include a new culvert and extension of the existing culvert, to provide additional road width for a shared path. A concept design has been developed and will be included in the (BoPRC) consent application, which is currently being compiled and includes the following:

·    Application form

·    Construction drawings

·    Record of Consultation (with key stakeholders)

·    Construction Methodology

·    Construction Noise and Vibration Mitigation Plan

·    Construction Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

·    Ecological assessment


The drawings are complete and going through a review process. Staff are waiting on the ecology report prior to submitting a resource consent. Iwi /hapu consultation is complete, and the project team are working to finalise the construction methodology.  


Wilson Road North widening

The section of Wilson Road North is due for rehabilitation. The upgrade to the pavement and stormwater facilities through this section is proposed within the rehabilitation design. Design has commenced and the team are aiming to go to public consultation on the designs before Christmas. This project is proposed for completion within the 24/25 construction season.  


Emergency Management

Description: Support the Maketu Community to be Resilient in the event of an Emergency.


Maketu Community Response Team have now received a resource supply box to assist them in the event of an emergency. Maps will be produced to go into this resource box for the Maketu Community.


Online training is available now through the Civil Defence Emergency management training portal. The CDEM team at WBOPDC are able to provide the link to enable access to members of Community Response Teams.


A bespoke training programme is being developed specifically for Community Response Teams covering the basic CIMS (Co-ordinated Incident Management System) training, how a Community Response Team may be activated and how to ensure claims for reimbursements will take place. It will also include some personal resilience training for our Community Response Teams and local Marae. The intention is for this training to be available from later this year/early next year.


Work is taking place to provide sector specific emergency preparedness information. Preparedness information for those living with a disability is being printed for Maketu and will be delivered by the end of September to their Community Response Team.


All Community Response Teams  are being issued with a new cell phone by the end of September to better able them access to the WBOPDC before and during an emergency.

The new Community Resilience Advisor will be working with Community Response Teams to support community initiatives including market day attendance, community open days and other initiatives which the Community Response Teams may require support with.


Continued communication between council and the Community Response team to deliver preparedness messages to the community and offer support where necessary.


Solid Waste  

Description: Waste management that meets the needs of the community and protects the environment for present and future generations.


SeatSmart event – Sunday, 24 September 2023 – Te Puke Recycling Centre

Over 10,000 baby car seats expire each year in New Zealand. Most of these car seats end up in landfill. Council is partnering with SeatSmart to run two one-day amnesty events at the Te Puke Recycle Centre on 24 September 2023 and at the Katikati Recycle Centre on 1 October 2023 for Western Bay of Plenty residents to bring in their expired baby car seats to be recycled.  The event will run from 10 am to 3 pm. Residents will need proof of address in the Western Bay to drop off car seats.  The waste minimisation levy will be used to cover the cost for recycling the car seats collected. Residents can drop-off any number of expired car seats at no cost on the day.  We cannot accept mouldy car seats, ‘snap and go’ seats, polystyrene, or car seat accessories such as mirrors. The event is open to our all our residents in Te Puke, Maketu, Pukehina and Paengaroa residents. 


Residents that miss the two amnesty events will still be able to take their car seats to “Baby on the Move” in Tauranga but will need to pay a subsidized $20 recycling fee for each expired car seat they drop off.


Teams at SeatSmart dismantle the seats and separate out the materials to go on to be repurposed and recycled. For example, seatbelt straps can be used to make bags. Up to 67 percent of the car seat’s materials by weight are recyclable. Please note that the Te Puke Recycle Centre is usually closed on Sundays and will not be accepting recycling or green waste on the day. This event is for car seat drop-off only.


Mobile Recycling Trailers

Two mobile recycling trailers continue to make their rounds in the rural part of the District on a rostered basis. The trailers visit Omanawa Hall, Te Ranga School and BP Pongakawa. The next outing and what can be recycled can be found here.


Mobile trailers continue with their regular outing to designated sites using the winter hours.


Establishing Community Resource Recovery Centres (CRRC)

Establishing community resource recovery centres at the Te Puke Recycle Centre working with Iwi and community groups.


The feasibility study into Community-led Resource Recovery for the current recycling centres went to Council on 7 March 2023. Staff in process of establishing a partnership with Tapuika Iwi Authority to move forward with the implementation of the CRRC at the  Te Puke Recycling Centre. A field trip with Council staff, Tapuika and others to Crew in Whakatane was undertaken on Monday, 28 August to gather information on the practical side of establishing a CRRC.


Kerbside Collection Data

Kerbside Tonnes

Sep 2022

Oct 2022

Nov 2022

Dec 2022

Jan 2023

Feb 2023

Mar 2023

Apr 2023

May 2023

Jun 2023

Jul 2023

Aug 2024


Waste Tonnes














Recycle Tonnes














Glass Tonnes






























Total Tonnes Diverted from Landfill:                                   3724

Tonnes Diverted from Landfill Percentage:                       39%




1.         MAS Maketu Community Board October 2023  



Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


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Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

3 October 2023


10.4         Operational Report - October 2023

File Number:          A5731215

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

This report is an operational update from across Council for matters that relate to the Maketu Community Board area.


That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 3 October 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – October 2023’ be received.


Service Requests

This section is to provide an overview of Service Requests for the Maketu Community Board area since the last meeting.

There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and completed.

·  Damaged Bin – Replace/Repair

·  Kerbside General Enquiry

·  Illegal dumping/carcasses

·  Wastewater General


There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and is under investigation.

·  Cemetries

·  Harbour Structures

·  Water Meter Issue (not leak)


The table below shows Services Request’s that are higher in numbers and have a mix of statuses.

Service Request Subtype



Under Investigation/Scheduled for Completion

All Water Leaks

Across Maketu



Complaints about freedom camping (reserves or roads)

All reports from Park Road, Maketu



Building Services

General building enquiries



Grinder Pump/ Septic Tank issue

Across Maketu



Kerbside Dwelling Query

Queries relating to new bins



Litter Bins or dumping in Reserve

Across Maketu



Maketu Cemetery

Headstone/plot enquiries



Kerbside Missed Collection

Across Maketu



No Water

Both on Arawa Avenue, Maketu



Duty Planner


General planning enquiries



Sewage Overflow/Spill

Across Maketu



Water Pressure

Across Maketu




Matters arising from previous community board meetings (Not minute action sheets)

This section relates to any matters arising from prior Community Board meeting where a Minute Action Sheet was not raised.



Completed/uncompleted minute action sheets (Not infrastructure)

This section relates to any Minute Action Sheets that are currently outstanding, as well as completed Minute Action Sheets since the last Community Board meeting. This list excludes Minute Action Sheets that are included in the Infrastructure Report.

Date raised



June 2023

PAYT Bin Tags

The Board requested a demonstration video for the new tags. This Minute Action Sheet will be reopened and redirected to the Communications Team for their action.

This matter continues to be worked on.

June 2023


That the Maketu Community Board agree to pay the invoice to trim the Macrocarpa tree (Attachment 1 of the report), to be paid out of the Board’s contingency account.

Invoice received and sent to Accounts 23 August 2023. This invoice has been paid and action completed.

August 2023


That the Maketu Community Board approve up to $600 (excluding GST) from the Maketu Community Board contingency account for the purchase of a Maketu Community Board tear drop flag with Western Bay of Plenty District Council Branding.

This is in progress with staff. A quote and design options will be circulated to the Board once they have been received.