Katikati Community Board Meeting Minutes

15 November 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Katikati Community Board Meeting No. KKC23-7
HELD IN THE Centre - Pātuki Manawa, 21 Main Road, Katikati
ON Wednesday, 15 November 2023 AT 7.00pm


1                 Present

Chairperson J Clements, Member N Mayo, Member A Earl, Member T Sage, Cr A Henry and Cr R Joyce.

2                In Attendance

R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), A Hall (Transportation Area Engineer) and G Golding (Governance Manager).



4 members of the public including:


Mayor J Denyer

R Goudie (Waihī Beach Community Board Chairperson)

3                Apologies


4               Consideration of Late Items


5                Declarations of Interest


6                Public Excluded Items



7                Public Forum

7.1          PAULA GAELIC – WEstern bay Museum

Ms Gaelic attended the meeting and provided the Board with an update on the Western Bay Museum:

·                 Visitor data  showed that the museum was attracting visitors from around the world.

·                 The ‘Waka Migration and Ancient Voyages’ exhibition had been well received by visitors. The exhibition would be a permanent exhibition and the museum was looking to expand it.

·                 The next exhibition would be the ‘Food Bowl of Plenty’. The museum was currently looking for new or loaned acquisitions for the exhibition. The exhibition  aligned with the Flavours of Food Festival in Tauranga.

·                 The museum was working with Katch Katikati and Tourism Bay of Plenty to put on a market day to integrate with the ‘Food Bowl of Plenty’ exhibition.


7.2         Ewen Luskie – community-led retrEAT AND ADAPTATION FUNDING submission

Mr Luskie attended the meeting to discuss Council’s submission on the inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding. The following comments were noted:

·                 Two Councillors were absent from the Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting where the submission was discussed. Mr Luskie believed that the submission should have been discussed at a meeting when all Councillors were present.

·                 Mr Luskie was concerned regarding how policy on community-led retreat would impact affected property owners.


Mayor Denyer was in attendance and provided the below clarification in relation to this submission:

·                 The submission was put forward in response to a Central Government inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding.

·                 The vote held at the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting was to receive the submission not a vote on the proposal itself.

·                 The impact of climate change was a complex issue that would require councils to work with Central Government to come up with solutions for those affected.



8                Presentations

8.1          Professor Peter Maddison - The Environmental Benefit of Permeable Surfaces in Urban Environments

Professor Maddison was unable to attend the meeting. The Chairperson requested that the presentation be added to the next agenda.

9                Minutes for Confirmation

9.1          Minutes of the Katikati Community Board Meeting held on 20 September 2023

Resolution  KKC23-7.1

Moved:         Member T Sage

Seconded:   Member N Mayo

1.        That the Minutes of the Katikati Community Board Meeting held on 20 September 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


10              Reports

10.1        Katikati Community Board Workshop Notes - 12 October 2023

Workshop notes from the Katikati Community Board workshop on 12 October were received with the following comments:

·                 The Chairperson noted that the addition of workshop notes to the Community Board’s agenda enabled greater transparency for the public.


10.2       Chairperson's Report - November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 15 November 2023 from the Chairperson. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items:

·                 The Chairperson was concerned that Council was not meeting the deadlines for the Katikati Industrial Park, that had been agreed on with the property owners.

·                 As part of the ‘Town Beautification’ project, the Board would need to come up with a maintenance plan on how street flower planters would be maintained, as it was not covered under Council’s Levels of Service.

·                 Council staff had approached Katch Katikati regarding the beautifying shop fronts competition. Katch Katikati agreed to assist the Board with running the competition.

·                 Further consultation on the design of the Katikati shield was needed. At this stage, the Community Board was contributing funds towards the design of the shield rather than approving the design.

·                 The Community Board should seek advice on the process of establishing a shield before proceeding with the design phase.

Resolution  KKC23-7.2

Moved:         Member T Sage

Seconded:   Member N Mayo

1.        That the Chairperson’s report dated 15 November 2023, titled ‘Chairperson’s Report – November 2023’, be received.


Resolution  KKC23-7.3

Moved:         Chairperson J Clements

Seconded:   Member N Mayo

2.       That the Katikati Community Board approve up to $500 from the Katikati Community Board Contingency Account for costs relating to the 2023 Katikati Community Board Christmas function.


Resolution  KKC23-7.4

Moved:         Member T Sage

Seconded:   Member A Earl

3.       That the Katikati Community Board approve up to $500 from the Katikati Community Board Contingency Account for costs relating to the competition for beautifying shopfronts in Katikati.


Resolution  KKC23-7.5

Moved:         Member T Sage

Seconded:   Member A Earl

4.       That the Katikati Community Board approve up to $1500 from the Katikati Community Board Contingency Account for costs relating to the design of the Katikati shield, conditional upon clarification regarding the process on the establishment of a shield.



10.3       Councillor's Report - November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 15 November 2023 from Councillor Henry. The report was taken as read, with the following comments noted:

·                 Council was limited in its ability to establish alternative revenue streams to property rates.

·                 The Community Board was consulted in relation to the draft Speed Management Plan.

·                 Council needed to work with Waka Kotahi to simplify the process for changing speed limits on local roads.

·                 Risk to property from natural hazards was considered through Council’s Resource Consent process.

·                 The escalation of building costs was affecting the affordability of community development projects.

Resolution  KKC23-7.6

Moved:         Cr A Henry

Seconded:   Member T Sage

·                 That Councillor Henry’s report dated 15 November 2023, titled ‘Councillor’s Report – November 2023’, be received.



10.4       Infrastructure Services Report Katikati Community Board November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 15 November 2023 from the General Manager Infrastructure Services. The report was taken as read with further discussion on items as listed.

Resolution  KKC23-7.7

Moved:         Member T Sage

Seconded:   Member N Mayo

That the General Manager Infrastructure Services’ report dated 15 November 2023, titled ’Infrastructure Services Report Katikati Community Board November 2023’, be received.



10.4.1     Marshall Road works

·                 Members of the community were concerned that potholes were forming in the recently completed roadworks on Marshall Road. The Board requested for the Transportation Area Engineer to have the works on Marshall Road reviewed. 


10.4.2    bus shelters graffiti

·                 There was graffiti on one of the new bus shelters. The Board requested that the graffiti be removed.


10.4.3    Rural School Bus Shelters

·                 The Transportation Area Engineer had met with representatives from Te Rereatukahia Marae to discuss the proposal.

·                 The demand for bus shelters was higher than originally thought. The Transportation Area Engineer was working with stakeholders to determine requirements that would fit the community’s needs.

·                 The Transportation Area Engineer would provide the Board with updated costings for the project, once finalised.


10.4.4    CCTV cAMERAS

·                 CCTV Cameras assisted police when placed in hotspots where opportunistic theft and anti social behaviour occurred.

·                 Council’s CCTV Working Party allocated funding towards CCTV cameras across the District.


10.4.5    katikati wastewater advisory group

·                 The Board requested information on the membership of the Katikati Wastewater Advisory Group.

·                 The Chairperson suggested that a Katikati Community Board member be added the membership of the group.


10.4.6    moore park concept plan

·                 The Board requested an update on the Moore Park concept plan.

·                 External funding opportunities were limited due to there not being a concept plan for Moore Park.

·                 The Board requested that the Katikati Sports and Recreation Society be invited to present at a future Katikati Community Board meeting regarding the Moore Park Concept Plan.


10.5       Operational Report - November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 15 November 2023 from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items.

Resolution  KKC23-7.8

Moved:         Chairperson J Clements

Seconded:   Member N Mayo

That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 15 November 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – November 2023’ be received.



10.5.1     SERVICE REQUESTS ON Water leaks in Katikati

The Board requested for information relating to the water leak issue in Katikati, to be included in the next infrastructure report.


10.5.2    service requests on public toilets (HYGIENE and TOILET PAPER)

The Board requested information on what the Level of Service was for public toilets in Katikati, including what action was taken to complete the service requests reported on through the Operational Report.


10.6       2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget

The Board considered a report dated 15 November 2023 from the Senior Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read, noting that Council’s Finance Manager and Policy and Planning Manager consulted with the Community Board on their 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget, through a Community Board workshop earlier in the year.

Resolution  KKC23-7.9

Moved:         Member T Sage

Seconded:   Member N Mayo

1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 15 November 2023 titled ‘2024/2025 Annual Operation Budget’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That it be recommended to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee that the Katikati Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget be:













Milage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation






10.7        Katikati Financial Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Financial Business Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items:

·                 The Chairperson suggested that the C.E Millar Estate Reserve fund be used to pay for a table at Noble Johnston Drive.

·                 The Governance Team would investigate if the fund could be used for that purpose and report back to the Board.

Resolution  KKC23-7.10

Moved:         Chairperson J Clements

Seconded:   Member T Sage

That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 15 November 2023, titled ‘Financial Report Katikati – September 2023’, be received.




The Meeting closed at 8.55pm.


The minutes will be confirmed as a true and correct record at the first Katikati Community Board meeting in 2024.




Chairperson J Clements