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Maketu Community Board

Poari ā Hapori o Maketu



Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 7.00pm

Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu





Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


Maketu Community Board




Laura Rae

Deputy Chairperson

Rewi Boy Corbett


Tippany Hopping

Donna Walters

Cr Richard Crawford

Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour




Eight weekly / Workshops as required


Role and Purpose of Community Boards:

·         To represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of their communities.

·         To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees, or any matter of interest or concern to the Community Board.

·         To maintain an overview of services provided by Council within the community.

·         To prepare an annual submission to the Council for expenditure within the community.

·         To communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community.

·         To undertake responsibilities as delegated by Council or its Committees.

Delegated Functions:

Subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies, plans and legislation:

·         To have input into Council and its Committees on issues, services, plans and policies that affect communities within the Community Board Area.

·         To provide an effective mechanism for community feedback to Council.

·         To receive reports from Council appointees on Council matters relevant to the Community Board.

·         To control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

·         To allocate Community Board reserve funds to specific capital non-recurring projects for council assets on council land.


Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


Notice is hereby given that a Maketu Community Board Meeting will be held in the Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu on:
Tuesday, 20 February 2024 at 7.00pm


Order Of Business

1          Present. 4

2         In Attendance.. 4

3         Apologies. 4

4        Consideration of Late Items. 4

5         Declarations of Interest. 4

6         Public Excluded Items. 4

7         Public Forum... 4

8         Minutes for Confirmation.. 5

8.1            Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 28 November 2023. 5

9         Reports. 18

9.1            Maketu Community Board - Chairperson's Report - February 2024.. 18

9.2           Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - February 2024.. 27

9.3           Maketu Community Board - ANZAC Day Commemoration 2024.. 29

9.4          Maketu Community Board - Projects and Operations Report - February 2024.. 32

9.5          Maketu Community Board - Financial Report December 2023. 52



1               Present

2              In Attendance

3              Apologies

4              Consideration of Late Items

5              Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.

6              Public Excluded Items

7              Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions.

Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer relationship management system as a service request, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.

Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


8              Minutes for Confirmation

8.1           Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 28 November 2023

File Number:            A5933355

Author:                       Carolyn Irvin, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Greer Golding, Governance Manager



1.        That the Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 28 November 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.



1.         Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 28 November 2023 


Maketu Community Board Meeting Minutes

28 November 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Maketu Community Board Meeting No. MKC23-7
HELD IN THE Maketu Community Centre, Wilson Road, Maketu
ON Tuesday, 28 November 2023 AT 7.00pm



The Chairperson opened the meeting with a karakia.

1               Present

Chairperson L Rae, Member T Hopping, Member D Walters, Cr R Crawford, Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour.


Deputy Chairperson R Corbett

2              In Attendance

R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), P Watson (Reserves and Facilities Manager), J Field (Reserves and Facilities Assets Manager)  and C Irvin (Senior Governance Advisor).

others in attendance

3 Members of the public including:

Cr A Wichers


3              Apologies



Resolution  MKC23-7.1

Moved:          Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Cr R Crawford

That the apology for lateness Member D Walters be accepted.



4              Consideration of Late Items


5              Declarations of Interest


6              Public Excluded Items


7              Public Forum


7.1            Stuart MallasCh -  Chairperson, Pukehina ratepayers association 

·       There had been a lot of discussion and media information regarding Central Government’s inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding.

·       Mr Mallash had been overseas and seen very effective sandbagging, which was being looked into.  This highlighted the fact that there were other options available to the community/Council.


The Chairperson advised this had been discussed, however the Maketu Community Board did not have any position on this nor could it make any decisions. 

Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour advised caution when reading about this in the media, noting that the submission was a response to a set of questions requested by Central Government.


7.2           Melanie Treadgold - Mateku Road Resident

·       Ms Treadgold had lived on Maketu Road for about two and a half years.

·       The floodgates had been opened again on the weekend (which was concerning as this had not happened for a long time) and the tide had come right up to the black marker on the side of the road.

·       It had been a frightening experience for her and her children to watch the water rising and the thought that her property could be flooded.

·       Ms Treadgold had contacted Council on Monday to inform them of this.  It was understood that the floodgates were not going to be opened until a culvert had been installed to let the water in and out of the estuary. 

·       It would be good to clarify who was responsible for this.  The flood gate needed to be left shut because it did a good job.


The Chairperson advised:

·       It had been made clear, and agreed, that the flood gates were not to be tampered with. 

·       The Coastal Catchments Manager (Bay of Plenty Regional Council) had been looking at costings and a consent for a new inlet pipe under Maketu Road to service the wetland.

·       Further conversations needed to be had on not opening the gate.  The solution to this needed to be resolved as quickly as possible.

·       In the event that it happened again, a Service Request needed to be raised.  

8              Presentations

8.1           Spencer Avenue Reserve Presentation

The Board considered a report and presentation from the Reserves and Facilities Assets Manager, who provided the Board with an update on Spencer Avenue Reserve.

Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community noted that in terms of taking soil from Rangiuru Business Park, Tapuika Iwi Authority would need to be consulted in relation to the transition of earth out of their rohe.


Staff responded to pātai as follows:

·       $100,000 had been set aside for the car park and driveway. 

·       The first year of implementation would include planning, detailed design and how elements of the park would be built. 

·       The cycleway would be a shared path to be utilised by everyone.

·       When the business case for the Reserve was submitted to the Long Term Plan, maintenance costs were also included.  This was not a direct cost to the Board as Council’s reserve funding was district wide.

·       The Bittern’s biggest habitat was the Te Arawa wetlands located next to the Reserve.  Sometimes they wandered over to the grass on the reserve. 

·       The spring would be looked after, and the fruit trees would be given some care.

In regards to the cycleway, the Chairperson noted the below:

·       The Board had asked for a cycleway through the Reserve to be investigated. 

·       At the moment, permission from Te Arawa Lakes Trust was still being worked through.  

·       There were two possible designs at this stage, with the idea of having full connectivity through the reserve.

Resolution  MKC23-7.2

Moved:          Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

1.            That the Spencer Avenue Reserve presentation dated 28 November 2023 from the Reserves and Facilities Assets Manager be received.



change to order of business

The Chairperson requested that the next item of business be agenda item: 10.5 ‘Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board November 2023’ in order to release a presenter from the meeting.

Resolution  MKC23-7.3

Moved:                         Chairperson L Rae

Seconded:         Cr R Crawford

That, in accordance with Standing Orders, the order of business be changed and that the item 10.5 ‘Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board November 2023’ be dealt with as the next item of business.


9  Reports

9.1          Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 28 November 2023 from the Executive’s Assistant Infrastructure Group. 

The Reserves and Facilities Manager was in attendance to respond to pātai on the below items.

Resolution  MKC23-7.4

Moved:          Member T Hopping

Seconded:   Member D Walters

That the Executive’s Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report dated 28 November 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Maketu Community Board November 2023’ be received.



9.1.1         Maketu Urupā

·       At a hui held earlier in the year, actions had been agreed upon and some of those had been followed up on, such as:

o   Installing a rubbish bin and a seat up at the top;

o   Staff working with the community group on other options for providing water at the bottom section of the Urupā/cemetery (e.g.  a large water container);  and

o   The handrails were being progressed.

·       It was hoped the flooding issue was a one-off event in terms of its severity.  There would always be a certain amount of surface flooding due to the catchment that came down through the Urupā. 

·       A survey had been done of what had been built there, the results of which had shown that there were a couple of areas in the lower part of the Urupā which were 75 to 100 millimetres lower down than they should be, which was why a certain amount of ‘ponding’ was occurring there.

·       Encroachments in the form of wood/plastic flowers and other such items obstructed the natural flow of the water through the Urupā.  This needed to be reduced.

·       The Reserves and Facilities Manager was working together with another contractor to look at importing some soil back on to the Urupā during the summer months. The archaeological authorities were in place and the site had been blessed.

·       It had been suggested to bench the areas that came off either side of the stairway to create even surfaces for funeral services and visitors to walk on. 

·       Any further works would be held off until after the holiday season. 

·       The ideas for the Urupā would be put together to present to the Urupā Task Force.

·       The Urupā land, and the operation of it, was owned by Council. 


The Chairperson advised that it would be helpful to have some photos/visuals to provide to the Urupā Task Force so that they could see  what was being done to maintain and upgrade the Urupā.

The Maketu Community Board requested to be provided with photos of the proposed upgrades to the Maketu Urupā.


8.01pm   Member D Walters entered the meeting.


9.1.2        Maketu Surf Club

·       Sand-renourishment was being undertaken around the Surf Club area. 

·       Staff were working with Surf Club members regarding the earthquake-prone building notice.  This was a government directive where Council had to work through a set process.  There was a substantial amount of time before the building had to be brought up to standard.

·       The building reinforcements had been exposed to salt over the years which had deteriorated their integrity, and they were disintegrating.  It would cost quite a lot to get it repaired.


10.1.3      Maketu Sports Field

·       The quote provided for a gate was an estimate only.  A proper quote could be sought.

·       The signage for freedom camping was currently being processed.

·       If a gate was installed, someone could be engaged to unlock and lock the gate in the morning and at night.  This was quite a commitment and needed a reliable person.  The preferred option would be to engage someone local to reduce costs.


The Chairperson advised that community orientated signage was needed with a preference to avoid Council branded signage.

It was noted that the footpath at the sports field was not being used, as the end, close to the drain, had been boarded off.  Due to this, people were not using the path.


The Maketu Community Board requested that the area of the footpath that had been boarded off be investigated and opened up to allow for better pedestrian access.

10            Minutes for Confirmation

10.1          Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 3 October 2023

Resolution  MKC23-7.5

Moved:          Cr R Crawford

Seconded:    Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

1.      That the Minutes of the Maketu Community Board Meeting held on 3 October 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record, with the following amendment to the wording of item 10.1.1 as follows:

·       The Board requested that the new bike rack be placed next to, or near by, the existing one.

2.     That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


11             Reports

11.1           Maketu Community Board Chairpersons Report - November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 28 November 2023 from the Maketu Community Board Chairperson who took the report as read.

Resolution  MKC23-7.6

Moved:          Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

Seconded:   Member D Walters

1.            That the Chairperson’s report dated 28 November 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board Chairperson’s Report – November 2023’ be received. 



11.1.1             Wilson Road North

It was noted that something was needed as soon as possible to address the health and safety concerns.


The General Manager Strategy and Community provided the following points:

·       The Transportation Area Engineer had advised that a new roading provider had now been contracted, which meant the 60% of design work that had already been completed would be passed on to new designers. This meant they may be able to present a design within the first quarter of 2024.

·       The goal was to stay on target with construction to be carried out during the 2023-2025 construction season (beginning September 2024).


The Board would like to be provided with a project timeline/high level plan on what would happen and when regarding the planned works for Wilson Road North.  The expectations of the community needed to be managed and they needed to be kept informed.


12.1.2      Little Waihī Four Wheel Drive Track

The Board would like to know who had been working on the alternative exit, four wheel drive track in Little Waihī and to explore facilitating some work, or assisting to finance, the stabilisation of it.


12.2         Maketu Community Board Councillor's Report - November 2023

The Board considered a report dated 28 November 2023 from Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour who took the report as read and provided the following updates:

WestLink Contract:

·       Council’s roading contract with WestLink had been discontinued two weeks ago.  Steps had been taken to replace this service for the next immediate period to address current issues.   It was felt this would be a good opportunity to establish a more direct relationship with a new contractor.


Long Term Plan (LTP) Changes:

·       Council was dealing with many ‘unknowns’ at the moment.  Meeting the LTP deadline was going to be a real challenge.  A resolution was passed at the Council meeting held on 23 November 2023 to defer the LTP to no later than 30 September 2024.  This would assist with addressing issues with the new Government appealing legislation and to gain more clarity going forward.


Elderly Housing in Katikati:

·       Council had recently received funding approval for elderly housing in Katikati from the Government which was a good outcome.  Staff were now able to put 21 houses on the cleared site, at no cost to Council.


Waihī Beach Pensioner Housing Units:

·       Seven Waihī Beach Pensioner Units had been deemed unsafe to repair.  At the Council meeting on 23 November 2023, Council resolved to have these units demolished.  This was a difficult decision for some but the bottom line was that people could not be rehoused in units that were dangerous/unsafe.


Tawhitinui Marae:

·       A piece of unformed road had been requested to be returned to enable more Papakāinga housing on the land that surrounded the marae.  Council resolved to return the unformed road and also another piece of land which provided more space for housing and better access.  This was a very good outcome.   


Pencarrow Estate:

·       Pencarrow Estate was not quite within the Maketu Community Board area, however, was situated at Arawa Road, Pongakawa. 

·       Council had accepted an application for a plan change to re-zone a block of land from rural to residential which was currently out for consultation.  This was an opportunity for the community to make submissions if they wished.


Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour responded to pātai as follows:

·       With regard to ‘Elderly Housing’, obtaining funding from the Government for Maketu would not be easy.  The new Government had indicated they had a very different approach to spending.  As such, it was not envisaged there would be more opportunities like this in the short term.  It was important to take opportunities when they arose and make the most of them when they were available. 


General Manager Strategy and Community responded to a pātai as follows:

·       During the Three Waters proposal, the prevailing Government made available to all councils across the country a package of funding, known as ‘Better off Funding’.  Western Bay of Plenty District Council made the decision to use this funding for progressing housing outcomes, some of which was ring-fenced for Te Arawa ki Tai to identify land blocks in the rohe of Ngāti Whakaue, Waitaha and Tapuika, who were at a point of readiness to explore the possibility of Papakāinga.   The funding was being used to progress development feasibility assessments. 

Resolution  MKC23-7.7

Moved:          Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

Seconded:   Chairperson L Rae

1.            That Deputy Mayor’s report dated 28 November 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board Councillor’s Report – November 2023’ be received.



12.3         Maketu Community Board - 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget

The Board considered a report dated 28 November 2023 from the Senior Governance Advisor.  The report was taken as read.

The Maketu Community Board requested clarification of the numbers in the ‘Options’ section of the report.


Resolution  MKC23-7.8

Moved:          Cr R Crawford

Seconded:    Member D Walters

1.      That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 28 November 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operation Budget’ be received.

2.     That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.     That it be recommended to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee that the Maketu Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget be:











Milage Allowance




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation







12.4         Maketu Community Board - Financial Report October 2023

The Board considered a report dated 28 November 2023 from the Financial Business Advisor.  The report was taken as read.


Resolution  MKC23-7.9

Moved:          Member T Hopping

Seconded:    Cr R Crawford

1.            That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 28 November 2023 titled ‘Maketu Community Board – Financial Report October 2023’ be received.



The Chairperson thanked everyone involved with the Board, including those who provided input during Public Forum, as well as the staff.


The Meeting closed at 9.00pm with a karakia.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Maketu Community Board meeting held on 20 February 2024.




Chairperson L Rae



Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


9              Reports

9.1           Maketu Community Board - Chairperson's Report - February 2024

File Number:            A5933370

Author:                       Laura Rae, Community Board Chairperson

Authoriser:               Emily Watton, Acting General Manager Strategy and Community/Strategic Policy and Planning Programme Director


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Maketu Community Board’s Chairperson to provide the Board with information and updates on events and matters in the Maketu community.


1.        That the Chairperson’s report dated 20 February 2024 titled ‘Maketu Community Board – Chairperson’s Report – February 2024’ be received.

2.       That the Maketu Community Board approve up $8,000 from the Maketu Community Board Reserves Account, for costs relating to the Maketu Information Centre mural.



Happy New Year everyone – I hope you all had a wonderful summer break. Our weather has certainly been a lot better than this time last year thankfully.  


1.    Report back from Young Elected Members Conference in Bay of Islands  

I would like to thank Mayor Denyer, staff, and Local Government New Zealand for providing the opportunity for me to attend the conference for all members under 40 years of age, elected to councils around New Zealand. The people were amazing, likeminded individuals who have stuck their neck out to fend for their communities. The scenery was breath taking.


Day 1 of the conference, set in Waitangi at the infamous Treaty grounds, was amazing too. We had two different panels of people who were leaders in some form, including Jenny Shipley and Eric Rush, all with words of wisdom to share. We heard from one of their main sponsors, Creative New Zealand - a panel that included musicians and artists to help us with ideas to navigate that creative space, by enabling the talent that already exists within our communities. We also worked collectively within our zones to establish our priorities and our direction for the 2024 year. A hot topic was climate change and all the reoccurring issues that seem to be that way right around the country. We even had a session on building confidence to effectively communicate using a range of mechanisms including media. We learned a lot about the history of the area and things that the Far North District Council has done to enable local hapū members and youth to be employed in, whilst sharing their ancestral stories. We also went to the Ngawha Innovation Centre to see just how they took empty, unused land and turned it into a multi-functional space that multiple groups all enjoy together.  


2.   Civil Defence Launch Day 

We are pleased to say we successfully launched our very own Maketu community civil defence plan with help of staff at the Maketu market day just before Christmas (Attachment 1). We managed to hand out between 150-200 of our detailed packs, which were extremely well received. 



3.   Mowing and General Services 

As the Maketu Community Board Chairperson, I was very unhappy with the mowing in our village over the holiday period.  We had very long grass almost everywhere, with some areas worse than others.  Reserve and roadside mowing was also unsatisfactory.  Some residents mowed Council land themselves during this time. Roadside spraying was also an issue; however, this has now been done.  The site where the Rotary Club’s monthly market is held was also not mown.  

The Board would like to know the outcome of the site visit done by the Reserves and Facilities Officer East and the audit done with the contractor.  Going forward we would like assurance that the mowing would be done during the holiday season and also in a timely manner for the Rotary Club Market.

We take pride our beautiful village and would like it kept to a certain standard so it can be appreciated by all.  This highlights the need for social procurement which the Board would like to look into more.  

Staff Comment:

Reserves staff and Downer are happy to meet the Board to discuss any concerns about levels of services and clarify expectations as there are some areas that are not under service contract. 

The Reserves and Facilities Officer East met with the mowing service contractor in early January for an audit.  The areas of concern were mowed, and they advised their next scheduled day to mow Park Road (where the Rotary Markets are held) was around 4 January 2024.

Staff encourage residents to use Council’s Service Request system to advise if an area needs mowing.  There was one service request for mowing in Maketu for December 2023 and January 2024.


4.   Maketu Urupa Taskforce Meeting

The Board would like to provide the Urupā Taskforce with an update on the proposed work to alleviate the drainage issues.  This was discussed at the previous Maketu Community Board meeting held on 28 November 2024, where it was agreed that no work would take place over the holiday period.  The Taskforce will meet at a date to be set in March. 

Staff Comment:

Staff have received the survey results for the extension area and the lower section of the cemetery. The survey identifies some low spots that are causing ponding during heavy rain events. The intention is to add some soil to these low spots which will divert any stormwater away from the plots towards the drainage swale at the bottom of the cemetery. At the previous Board meeting, it was agreed that this work would be undertaken early in 2024.  It is recommended that staff work with the Community Board chairperson and engage with the next of kin to inform them of the proposed work to be undertaken to better manage the stormwater in the lower part of the cemetery.


5.   Managed Retreat Meeting  

As we know, last year the topic of managed retreat came up and certain recommendations were supported and added, and then sent to Parliament. Our community freaked when they saw the media release, which left too much room for assumptions and criticism towards Western Bay. With that, I agreed to facilitate a meeting on the topic. Firstly, by giving our Mayor the chance to explain his decision further and address some facts - like the ‘why, who, how’, and then most importantly having the transparent conversation about what managed retreat, if any, should look like. We have had high interest from our neighbours in Pukehina, as they are affected in the same way we would be if this recommendation went further. Our Mayor has already agreed to attend and has been formally invited along with local Members of Parliament. The date set for this is 5 March 2024, 5pm till 7pm, in the Maketu Community Centre. If there are any other staff members who wish to attend and listen, please reach out.  


6.   Shared Reading Book Shelter  

The Board would like to provide a small central space within the village that helps keep reading alive amongst all generations. We would like to install a small shelter (Attachment 2) in view of CCTV next to the information centre. Books could be borrowed or swapped by residents, or even non-residents, who may wish to enjoy a book by the sea. We are currently awaiting a quote from a local builder, who is SHE Pre-Qual registered, to complete the work. Hopefully, we will have this quote at our upcoming meeting. We need a ‘green light’ from Council to be able to erect the small structure on reserve land.  


6.  Mural for our Information Centre Building (East Facing Wall)    

Our Board has been discussing the beautification of our CBD area and a mural has always been front of mind for this blank white wall (Attachment 3). I have met with our proposed artist, Robin Williams, who we think would be absolutely perfect for this work. She has every intention of making that happen for us, she is ready to go as soon as we are. A recommendation for this project has been included in this report for the Board’s consideration.


7.    Other Requests 

a)    Little Waihī Road Wattle Tree Trimming

Can we ask that the tree tech contactor return to Little Waihī Road and trim all the overhanging wattle trees that will only grow into a problem further down the track. Cutting and filling and dripping the stump is recommended rather than the cut back approach. 

Staff Comment: This issue has been raised as a Service Request for Council’s Roading contractors. Service Request number SR.34020.


b)    Bledisloe Park Avenue

Bledisloe Park Avenue needs more visible signage around the slip point that occurred mid last year, my understanding is there was a car accident there this year due to poor signage, a large slip and being too far over on one side due to the nature of the roadway, are we also able to receive an update on what is likely to happen with it and when.  

Staff Comment: This issue has been raised as a Service Request for Council’s Roading team. Service Request number SR.34019. The Transportation Area Engineer has instructed contractors to put a backing board on the sign to increase visibility, and paint around the slip to better highlight its location.



c)    School Road

We would like a brief update on the infill of the large ruts caused by waterflow outside the Maketu School carpark area. The school have asked many times if we can assist. My understanding is its already being taking care of directly through the Board of Trustees and staff, but I just want to check that one please. 

Staff Comment: This issue has been raised as a Service Request for Council’s Roading team. Service Request number SR.34022. 

The Transportation Area Engineer met with a school board member on Monday 12 February, and a quote is currently being sought for the work.


d)    Drain Maintenance Works for 2024

Can staff please provide to the Board a list of known proposed drain maintenance works for 2024, including dredging, spraying, clearing and planting etc, so the Board can review and make further recommendations and prepare an onsite meeting, if necessary.

Staff Comment: This issue has been raised as a Service Request for Council’s Utilities Engineering team. Service Request number SR.34023.



1.         Photo - Maketu Community Lead Civic Response

2.        Photo - Public Library Swap Box

3.        Photo - Information Centre Wall  





Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024



Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024




Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


9.2          Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - February 2024

File Number:            A5933384

Author:                       Richard Crawford, Councillor

Authoriser:               Emily Watton, Strategic Policy and Planning Programme Director


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for Councillor Crawford to provide the Board with updates on the items listed below.



1.        That Councillor Crawford’s report dated 20 February 2024 titled ‘Maketu Community Board - Councillor's Report - February 2024’ be received.



Happy New Year to everyone .

When I wrote my Councillor’s report at the beginning of last year, we were going through some major weather events and across the district suffered some serious damage. This activated our council to respond to emergency management and state of emergency was declared first from the mayor then a national state of emergency. This has come at a big cost to all that have had to respond, and council resources diverted from “business as usual “to emergency clean ups and repairs. Some of these are still on going.  Since then, there has been lost of discussion from both central government and local government about how do we manage these high-risk areas going forward into the future.


1.    Managed Retreat

As the public may have been alerted to, a submission the council made from a series of questions the Government ask us to submit on has alarmed a lot of people, especially on coastal properties, about what could happen to their land. This  created a lot of confusion and misunderstanding in what has been discussed. At our next Community Forum which (to be held in Maketu on 28 February at 7.00pm - venue to be confirmed). We would like to include this subject on the agenda and welcome all those concerned people to attend. Mayor James Denyer will be there to answer any questions.



2.   Emergency Services

I would like to give a shout out to the emergency services for all the work they do, especially during the holiday period. Thank you to the great work in rescuing some of our young people who got in trouble in the water and nearly drowned. Good effort from all involved .

Last year Council agreed to lease the land and building at Ford Road to Maketu Coast Guard to further establish their capacity to store equipment and operations to respond to emergency.


3.   Service Contracts / Level of Service

Last year there were a lot of complaints about Levels of Service (LOS) in the district, especially mowing the lawns. Council’s contract with WestLink ended in November last year.  LOS’s are being managed in-house,  with Council extending its service contracts to a wider group with the intention of using local contractors as much as possible. Our Transportation Manager has noticed a reduction in complaints. Seem to be on the right track.


4.   Annual Plan/Long Term Plan

As Councillors and Community Boards we are fully back into it. Our first focus is going to be on the Annual Plan and Long-Term Plan (LTP). Last year we approved an extension on the LTP due to the uncertainty of the new incoming government plans. The LTP is usually ready and signed off by 30 June but ours is extended out to September 2024. There will be lots of community engagement around the LTP plan so hopefully all those who have desires to see things happen in your community make submissions when the time is right.


Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


9.3          Maketu Community Board - ANZAC Day Commemoration 2024

File Number:        A5957020

Author:                Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:           Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The Maketu Community Board is required to make a decision regarding attendance and presentation of a wreath at the ANZAC Service in Maketu on ANZAC Day, Thursday 25 April 2024.


1.     That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 20 February 2024, titled ‘Maketu Community Board – ANZAC Day Commemoration 2024’, be received.

2.    That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.    That the Maketu Community Board provide a wreath for the ANZAC Day Service, to be paid from the Maketu Community Board Contingency Account (up to the value of $200).


That Maketu Community Board provide a reusable wreath for the ANZAC Day Service, to be paid from the Maketu Community Board Contingency Account (up to the value of $350).


That the Maketu Community Board do not provide a wreath for the ANZAC Day Service.

4.    That ……………………………………………………. represents the Maketu Community Board at the ANZAC Day Service in Maketu on 25 April 2024.




Community Boards participate in ANZAC Day Services in their respective areas. Community Board Chairpersons are requested to liaise with their appointed Board Councillors to co-ordinate the representation at services across the Western Bay of Plenty District Council region on Thursday 25 April 2024.

Significance and Engagement

1.        The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decision in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions.

2.       The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

3.       In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be of low significance because it does not meet the threshold of the significance policy.

Engagement, Consultation and Communication

Interested/Affected Parties


General Public

No consultation is planned.

The report recommendation and Community Board decision are publicly available.

Issues and Options Assessment

Option A

To fund an ANZAC Wreath

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect and contingent costs).

Each Community Board has funded the cost of an ANZAC Day Wreath in previous years. It shows support to the community for this event.

Option B

To not fund an ANZAC Wreath

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect and contingent costs).

Not supporting the community event.

Statutory Compliance

The Board has delegation to allocate funding from their Corporate Budget – Contingency Account.

Funding/Budget Implications

Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail

Up to $200.00 or up to $350.00 (for a reusable wreath) allocated from the Board Contingency Account.

The funding of up to $200.00 or up to $350.00 (for a reusable wreath) for a wreath to be laid by Maketu Community Board Representatives on ANZAC Day 2024.




Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


9.4          Maketu Community Board - Projects and Operations Report - February 2024

File Number:            A5933327

Author:                       Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:               Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide the Maketu Community Board with an overview of the infrastructure projects currently being undertaken in the Maketu area, and provide an overview of the operational matters from across Council that relate to the Maketu area.


That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 15 February 2024 titled ‘Maketu Community Board – Projects and Operations Report – February 2024’ be received.



Maketu Community Board Roading Current Account


Current Account Opening Balance 1 July 2023


Allocation for 2023/24


Interest for 2023/2024




Approved Projects



Bus Shelter

Awaiting Final Costs


Bike Racks





Forecasted Current Account Closing Balance 30 June 2024



Project Updates – Roading


Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Construct a 2.5m wide cycleway between Kaituna Road and the Maketu Township.

This project has been completed.




Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

The Board was advised that the parallel pipe with fish friendly flaps was being assessed before approaches were made to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council with a proposal for consideration of funding options.

The Westlink contract was terminated, and staff are waiting to receive the WSP design outputs on the work that had been done to date. Once this is received, we will be able to progress.



In progress








Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Widening of Wilson Road North.

Project has been delayed by the end of the WestLink contract.

On hold.



Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Stage 2 of the Spencer Avenue cycleway.

Project completed.




minute action sheets – roading


Meeting Date


Latest Update

November 2023

The Board would like to be provided with a project timeline/high level plan on what would happen and when regarding the planned works for Wilson Road North.  The expectations of the community needed to be managed and they needed to be kept informed.

Refer to Project above: “Wilson Road North Widening”.


As this item will continue to be reported as a project within future Maketu Community Board agendas, this MAS has been closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

November 2023

The Board would like to know who had been working on the alternative exit, four wheel drive track in Little Waihī and to explore facilitating some work, or assisting to finance, the stabilisation of it.

The work done on the driveway was due to the water mains becoming exposed during this years’ weather events. They were recovered and ground was compacted and reinstated as to what was previously there.

The land is owned by Te Arawa.  It has been confirmed by Council’s transport team that there are no plans to upgrade or stabilise this accessway as it is private property.

The fourwheel drive track/accessway is not suitable to be used in an emergency because there is swamp land at the bottom.




Meeting Date


Latest Update

October 2023

The Board requested an onsite workshop with the Transportation Area Engineer to discuss the Wilson Road North project. The Transportation Area Engineer would discuss the project with the designers prior to the workshop.

The Transportation Area Engineer will organise a workshop with the Board once new designers are procured.




Meeting Date


Latest Update

October 2023

The Board requested a quote for an additional rubbish bin to be installed at the bus shelter on Arawa Avenue.

The contractor has provided the following breakdown for the initial quote (GST inclusive):

·    Bin cost:          $2,250

·    Installation:    $2,250

·    Total:               $4,500


A second quote was requested and received from an alternative supplier.  This quote was more expensive.

Because the work is within a road corridor, suitably qualified TTM trained people are required, as well as traffic management.  Given the cost, the Board may wish to look at other options that would meet the outcomes they are wanting. It is suggested that the Contract Manager Solid Waste be contacted for comment.

To note is that due to the ongoing maintenance of the bin (it would need to emptied daily), this project would need to be added as a Long Term Plan submission due to the cost of ongoing maintenance.





Meeting Date


Latest Update

October 2023

Construction on Stage 2 of the Spencer Avenue Cycleway was expected to take place this month. The Transportation Area Engineer would email the Board once the work commenced.

Project completed. Minute Action Sheet closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

October 2023

The Board requested an estimate price guide on basic roading infrastructure like kerbing/channelling (per metre).

Roading projects typically contain a number of variables that contribute to the cost of project. Variables include, but are not limited to, the following:

·    What is being carried out – scope, length, size.

·    Materials (which are continually changing due to supply and demand).

·    Whether utilities or existing infrastructure needs to be relocated or catered for,

·    Whether any structural elements are required, for example retaining walls.

·    The quality and type of material in the ground that is being built on.

·    Whether any earthworks are required.

·    Whether resource consent is required.

·    Whether archaeology authority or investigation is required.

·    Whether there are any agricultural or ecological impacts that need to be mitigated.

·    Whether formal design and/or public consultation is required.

·    The type of temporary traffic management required.


All these items can only be determined on a case-by-case basis. As a result, it is not possible to create an estimate price guide. It is recommended that the Community Board continue to raise their ideas with the Transportation Area Engineer which can be investigated as necessary.


Minute Action Sheet closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

October 2023

The Board requested that the existing bike rack on Beach Road be removed and placed next to or nearby the new one.

Project completed. Minute Action Sheet closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

August 2023

That the Maketu Community Board approve a further $3,320 of additional funding for the installation of the new bus shelter on Arawa Avenue, to be funded from the Maketu Community Board Reserve Account.

Project completed. Minute Action Sheet closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

April 2023

That the Maketu Community Board requests a quote for the widening of the road from the corner of Maketu School to the corner of Arawa Avenue to address health and safety and drainage issues.   

This project is included as part of the Wilson Road rehabilitation site, which will be reported to the Board through the Infrastructure updates. Minute Action Sheet closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

April 2023

That staff provide the Maketu Community Board with an update on the status of the Maketu Cycleway and the drainage issues.

Project completed. Minute Action Sheet closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

September 2019

The Board was advised that the parallel pipe with fish friendly flaps was being assessed before approaches were made to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council with a proposal for consideration of funding options.

Refer to Project above: “Improvement to Culvert Capacity - Spencer Avenue”.


As this item will continue to be reported as a project within future Maketu Community Board agendas, this MAS has been closed off.


project updates – water services


Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Maketu Wastewater Treatment Plant – Irrigation Field

The WWTP disposal field is currently non-compliant and needs to be renewed as soon as possible. The team are developing a design and will be looking to engage a contractor when this is complete.


On track

Maketu Water Reticulation Renewals

The team are working on renewing watermains in Maketu, scoping is complete, and design is underway.  A upon completion of the design, staff will undertake procurement to enable construction at the start of the season.

On track



minute action sheets – RESERVES


Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Coastal Erosion protection.

A drone survey will be carried out in a couple weeks to show the progress of this project. The site is deemed to be fit for purpose following the depositing of sand.

In progress.



Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Maketu Cemetery/Urupā extension

Staff have received the survey results for the extension area and the lower section of the cemetery. The survey identifies some low spots that are causing ponding during heavy rain events.

The intention is to add some soil to these low spots which will divert any stormwater away from the plots towards the drainage swale at the bottom of the cemetery. At the previous Board meeting, it was agreed that this work would be undertaken early in 2024.

It is recommended that staff work with the Community Board chair and engage with the next of kin to inform them of the proposed work to be undertaken to better manage the stormwater in the lower part of the cemetery.


In progress.




Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Midway Park Development

The Reserves and Facilities Officer East is working though the items for this project and liaising with the Pukehina Beach Rate Payers Association Representative.

 The new barbeque has been ordered and is planned for installation in March/April once it has been delivered.

In progress



Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Implement Concept Design plan

Seating has been ordered, and mulching around the fruit trees is planned to be completed.


In progress.


minute action sheets – reserves


Meeting Date


Latest Update

November 2023

Maketu Urupā - Photos/visuals to provide to the Urupā Task Force so that they could see what was being done to maintain and upgrade the Urupā.

Staff will organise to meet with the Task Force in the coming months, via the Community Board.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

November 2023

Maketu Sports Field

The Maketu Community Board requested that the area of the footpath that had been boarded off be investigated and opened up to allow for better pedestrian access.

The footpath has been completed in November 2023.


This MAS has been closed off.



Meeting Date


Latest Update

October 2023

Request for information on the level of service for mowing on Arawa Avenue.

This matter is a roading matter and has been reallocated to correct staff.




Meeting Date


Latest Update

June 2023

That the Board approves expenditure of up to $26,000, funded from the Boards Reserve account, for the purpose of installing handrails at the Maketu Cemetery (Wharekahu), provided that a second quote is sought in a timely manner by Council staff, and the Board reserves the right to engage on the final design with the Urupā Task Force.

Staff are following up with the fabricator for progress on delivery and installation of the handrail.




Meeting Date


Latest Update

June 2023

That Council’s infrastructure staff provide a list of Council-owned buildings (above ground infrastructure) to the Maketu Community Board (excluding obvious assets such as playgrounds and BBQs).

The link below takes you to the Te Puke/Maketu Ward Reserve Management Plan, which includes all of Council’s Reserves and Facilities assets in it. https://www.westernbay.govt.nz/council/plans-policies-strategies-bylaws/plans/reserve-management/te-puke-maketu-reserves-management-plan

 In addition to the assets identified in the Reserve Management Plan, Council owns a number of buildings in Maketu as listed below:

• Otaiparia Wharenui

• Waste Water Treatment Plant ( land leased from Te Awara Lakes Trust)

• Community centre on Wilson Road North

• Information Centre on Little Waihi Road.

This MAS has been closed off.






project updatEs – OPERATIONS


Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Establishing community resource recovery centres at the Te Puke Recycle Centre, working with Iwi and community groups.

A funding offer for Tapuika Group for a trial Community Resource Recovery Centre (CRRC) on the Te Puke Recycle Centre site, was made on 25 January 2024. Staff are currently working through the funding details of the offer and the proposed timelines for a trial to start working with the local iwi and community groups.

In progress.



Project Description

Staff Comment/Update

Progress Level

Support the Maketu Community to be Resilient in the event of an Emergency.

Council staff have attended a market in Maketu to support the Community Response Team in promoting their activity and the re-establishment of a team in Maketu.

Council staff are supporting the Community Response Team with a Disability Information Open Day planned for March to raise awareness of household and personal emergency preparedness for people living with disabilities in Maketu.

Council staff supported Whakaue Marae with hazard information and assisted with a funding application to enhance their capability in an emergency.

Support to the Maketu/Little Waihi Community to promote community resilience is ongoing.

In progress.

service requests

This section is to provide an overview of Service Requests for the Te Puke Community Board area since the last meeting.

There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and completed.

·          All Water Leaks – Known Issue

·          Water – Emergency Shutdown

·          Stormwater – Flooding/Open Drain or Culvert

·          Kerbside – Lost/Stolen Bins

·          Maketu Cemetery – Internment

·          Reserves – buildings/tracks/roads/furniture

·          Resource consent queries

·          Taste/Smell/Quality of Water

·          Local Road – Barriers/Rails

·          Kerbside General Enquiry

·          Local Road Signs – Damaged/Graffiti

·          Kerbside – Missed Collection

·          Noise Complaint – Afterhours

·          Reserves – Park and Playground Equipment

·          Local Road – Shoulders/Dropout/Edgebreak


There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised, which are under investigation.

·          Building Act Compliance

·          Graffiti in Reserve


The table below shows Services Request’s that are higher in numbers and have a mix of statuses.

Service Request Subtype



Under Investigation/Scheduled for Completion

All Water Leaks

Across Maketu – multiple reports on Ngaroma Lane.



Complaints about Freedom Camping affecting Reserves or Roads

Most reports on Park Road, Maketu Road and Beach Road.



Kerbside – Damaged Bin Replace/Repair

Across Maketu



Building Team Queries

Range of reports including requests for inspections, CCC enquiries, and general building information requests.



Health – General Matters

Both reports for same business – related to food license.



Local Road – General/Miscellaneous

Reports related to signage and obstruction of road.



Wastewater – Grinder Pump/Septic Tank issue

Across Maketu – reports related to alarms going off.



Kerbside – Additional Bins

Request for Additional Bins



Litter Bins/Dumping in Reserve

Reports related to dumping and emptying of bin across Maketu.



Local Road – Non-urgent Tree Requests

Both reports on Little Waihi Road – tree encroaching onto road.



Reserves – Mowing/Vegetation/Gardens (not trees)

Across Maketu – reports for maintenance of vegetation.



No Water – Known Issue

Across Maketu.



Parking Query

Queries related to issued parking fines.



Reserves General

Across Maketu – queries relating to abandoned vehicles, vandalism, signage, and mowing.



Road Surface Defects – sealed local road.

Two reports on Beach Road – maintenance required.



Refuse – Illegal Dumping/Carcases.

Both reports on Arawa Road for dumping.



Wastewater – Sewage Overflow/Spill

Across Maketu – reports relating to sewage leaks and overflowing dump station.



Local Road – Slip/Flood/Crash/Spill (Urgent)

Reports related to vehicle collision and down tree.



Local Road – Vegetation (not trees)

Reports related to lack of mowing/overgrown foliage.



Water Pressure Too High/Low

Two reports on Wilson Road.









Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


Matters arising from previous community board meetings (Not minute action sheets)

This section relates to any matters arising from prior Community Board meeting where a Minute Action Sheet was not raised.




Completed/outstanding Minute Action Sheets (not INFRASTRUCTURE RELATED)

This section relates to any Minute Action Sheets that are currently outstanding, as well as competed Minute Action Sheets since the last Community Board meeting.

Date raised



November 2023


Approval of the Maketu Community Board Annual Operating Budget

This budget has been referred to the Long Term Plan.




Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024


9.5          Maketu Community Board - Financial Report December 2023

File Number:            A5958806

Author:                       Ezelle Thiart, Financial Business Advisor

Authoriser:               Allan Carey, Finance Business Partner Lead


Executive Summary

This report provides the Community Board with two-monthly monitoring of its operational budget. Attached are the financial statements for the period ended                     31 December 2023 (Attachment 1).

Total operational costs are under budget YTD. 


That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 20 February 2024 titled ‘Maketu Community Board – Financial Report December 2023’ be received.


Grant payments made to date:





No transactions year to date



2023/24 Total grants paid to date



Committed – Operational expenditure:





Approve up to $600 (excluding GST) from the contingency account for the purchase of a Maketu Community Board tear drop flag with Western Bay of Plenty District Council Brand



2023/24 Total operational commitments




2023/24 Reserve analysis:



$ (Payments made)


2023/24 Opening Reserve balance



No transactions year to date



2023/24 Closing Reserve balance before commitments



Remaining commitments from Maketu Community Board Reserve Account



$ (Remaining Funds)


Opening balance before commitments



Up to $30,000 for the installation of an additional BBQ by the Surf Club.

(Note: The project received approval and is going ahead)



Approves expenditure of up to $26,000, for the purpose of installing handrails at the Maketu Cemetery (Wharekahu), provided that a second quote is sought in a timely manner by Council staff, and the Board reserves the right to engage on the final design with the Urupa Task Force.



Approve the funding for the new bus shelter on Arawa Avenue for $7,500.



2023/24 Closing balance after the committed expenditure




1.         Maketu Community Board – Financial Report December 2023  


Maketu Community Board Meeting Agenda

20 February 2024