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Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee




Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 6.00pm

Te Puke Library and Service Centre (Boardroom),

Jellicoe Street, Te Puke





Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


Te Puke Spatial Plan

Sub Committee





Deputy Chairperson



Cr Tracey Coxhead

Cr Richard Crawford

Cr Grant Dally

Cr Andy Wichers

Kassie Ellis – Te Puke Community Board (Chair)

Dale Snell – Te Puke Community Board

Karen Summerhays – Te Puke Community Board

Neena Chauhan – Te Puke Community Board

Darlene Dinsdale (Tangata Whenua representative)

Helen Biel (Tangata Whenua representative)


6 (Six) must include at least one Councillor, one Community Board member and one Tangata Whenua representative.


As required



·                To engage with key staff and over the development of the Te Puke Spatial Plan.

·                To provide guidance, direction and support to the Te Puke Spatial Plan project team.

·                To advocate the potential outcomes of the spatial plan to the wider Council and community.

·                To approve options to test via targeted pre-engagement.

·                To endorse the draft spatial plan to the Strategy and Policy Committee to consider adopting for community consultation.

·                Listen to and receive the presentation of views by people and engage in spoken interaction in relation to any Te Puke Spatial Plan community engagement on whether under the Local Government Act 2002 or any other Act.

·                Following consideration of submissions, to recommend changes to the spatial plan and endorse the final spatial plan to Strategy and Policy Committee for adoption.



To subcommittee is delegated authority to:

·                To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role of the Subcommittee subject the limitations imposed.

·                No financial delegations.


Power to recommend:

To the Strategy and Policy Committee/Council as it deems appropriate.


Power to sub-delegate:

No power to sub-delegate.

Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


Notice is hereby given that a Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting will be held in the Te Puke Library and Service Centre (Boardroom), Jellicoe Street, Te Puke on:
Wednesday, 22 November 2023 at 6.00pm


Order Of Business

1           Karakia.. 5

2          Present. 5

3          In Attendance.. 5

4         Apologies. 5

5         Consideration of Late Items. 5

6         Declarations of Interest. 5

7          Presentations. 5

8         Reports. 6

8.1             Appointment of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to the Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee.. 6

8.2            Te Puke Spatial Plan - Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy. 9

9          Information for Receipt. 45



1                 Karakia

2                Present

3                In Attendance

4               Apologies

5                Consideration of Late Items

6                Declarations of Interest

7                Presentations

Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


8                Reports

8.1            Appointment of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to the Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee

File Number:          A5814703

Author:                   Carolyn Irvin, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Te Puke Spatial Plan Subcommittee to appoint a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson in accordance with Clause 26, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. 



1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 22 November 2023 titled ‘Appointment of Chairperson to the Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That, in accordance with Clause 26, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, ……………………………………… be appointed as Chairperson of the Te Puke Spatial Plan Subcommittee.

4.       That, in accordance with Clause 26, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, ……………………………………… be appointed as Deputy Chairperson of the Te Puke Spatial Plan Subcommittee.



1.    The Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee and Terms of Reference was established by resolution at the Council meeting held on 30 August 2023. 

2.   The purpose of the subcommittee is to provide guidance, direction, and support to the project team in the development of the Te Puke Spatial Plan (TPSP).

3.   Under its Terms of Reference, its role is to:

·    Engage with key staff and oversee the development of the TPSP;

·    Provide guidance, direction ad support to the TPSP project;

·    Advocate potential outcomes to the wider Council and community;

·    Approve options to test via targeted pre-engagement;

·    Endorse the draft Spatial Plan to the Strategy and Policy Committee to consider adopting for community consultation;

·    Listen to and receive the presentation of views by people and engage in spoken interaction in relation to any Te Puke Spatial Plan community engagement whether under the Local government Act 2022 or any other Act; and

·    Following consideration of submissions, to recommend changes to the Spatial Plan and endorse the final Spatial Plan to Strategy and Policy Committee for adoption.

4.   In order for the TPSP subcommittee to carry out its role under its Terms of Reference and in accordance with Clause 26, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, it is recommended that members elect a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.

Significance and Engagement

5.   The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decision in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions.

6.   The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

7.   In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be of low importance because it is a procedural matter required under Clause 26, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.

Engagement, Consultation and Communication

8.   No engagement or consultation is required to elect a Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a subcommittee.

Issues and Options Assessment

Option A

That the Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee elects a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


It is prudent to have a chairperson presiding at each meeting to:

·        Carry out the subcommittee’s business;

·        Ensure all general and special directions are carried out as set out in its delegations; and

·        Perform its role as a subcommittee as set out in its Terms of Reference.

A Deputy Chairperson, in the absence of the Chairperson, will act as the Chairperson, ensuring the same.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect and contingent costs).


Reasons why no other options are available:

·    Section 79 (2) (c) and (3) Local Government Act 2002


If a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson were not elected, it would negatively impact the ability of the subcommittee to make decisions and carry out its duties.

Statutory Compliance

9.   The recommendations in the report are in accordance with Clause 26, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.

Funding/Budget Implications

10.  There are no financial or budgeting implications for the election of a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.




Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


8.2           Te Puke Spatial Plan - Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy

File Number:          A5812610

Author:                   Ariell King, Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community



For the Subcommittee to consider, provide feedback on, and endorse the Te Puke Spatial Plan Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy (Attachment 1 and 2).



1.        That the Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects’ report dated 22 November 2023, titled ‘Te Puke Spatial Plan - Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy’, be received.

2.       That the subcommittee endorse the Te Puke Spatial Plan Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy (Attachment 1 and 2 of this report).

3.       That any amendments to the Te Puke Spatial Plan Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy agreed at the meeting are completed and final versions of the documents provided to the subcommittee.



1.        The Te Puke Spatial Plan Project Plan sets out the scope, background, objectives and intended outputs of the project. It also includes the governance structure of the project, identified risks and the key project phases.

2.       The proposed scope of the spatial plan includes community aspirations and outcomes, housing delivery across the housing continuum, hard and social infrastructure needs - including potential locations, direction for existing planned projects and direction for district plan changes (e.g., rezoning of land for residential and industrial use, and direction for development of the town centre). 

3.       The exact geographical scope of the spatial plan is still to be determined. However, it is intended that it is focussed on the Te Puke urban area. Surrounding areas will be considered from a greenfield development perspective as will linkages to the Manoeka Road and Waitangi village areas.

4.       It is intended that we partner with Tangata Whenua in the development of the spatial plan and align outcomes and actions with the planning that Waitaha and Tapuika have undertaken.

5.       The Communications and Engagement Strategy sets out an overview of the proposed communication and engagement for the development of the Te Puke Spatial Plan. This strategy should be read in conjunction with the Te Puke Spatial Plan Project Plan.

6.      There is an emphasis on community-led engagement which in part will be facilitated by Colab[1].

7.       Key messages will be developed for each engagement phase and a range of communication channels will be utilised to ensure that the community has multiple opportunities to be involved in the development of the spatial plan.

8.      The engagement phases align with the key phases set out in the project plan. 

9.       A project update report will be provided to each subcommittee meeting. Any required or proposed updates or amendments to the Te Puke Spatial Plan Project Plan and Communication and Engagement Strategy can be discussed at future subcommittee meetings.



1.         Draft Te Puke Spatial Plan - Project Plan

2.        Te Puke Spatial Plan - Communication and Engagement Strategy  


Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


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Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


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Te Puke Spatial Plan Sub Committee Meeting Agenda

22 November 2023


9                Information for Receipt


[1] https://www.tepukeonline.nz/colab