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Strategy and Policy Committee

Kōmiti Rautaki me Kaupapa Here



Thursday, 9 November 2023, 9.30am

Council Chambers, Barkes Corner,

1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga





Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


Strategy and Policy Committee




Mayor James Denyer

Deputy Chairperson

Cr Richard Crawford


Cr Tracey Coxhead

Cr Grant Dally

Cr Murray Grainger

Cr Anne Henry

Cr Rodney Joyce

Cr Margaret Murray-Benge

Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour

Cr Allan Sole

Cr Don Thwaites

Cr Andy Wichers


Six (6)


Six weekly



·           To develop and review strategies, policies, plans and bylaws to advance the strategic direction of Council and its communities.

·           To ensure an integrated approach to land development (including land for housing), land use and transportation to enable, support and shape sustainable, vibrant and safe communities.

·           To ensure there is sufficient and appropriate housing supply and choice in existing and new urban areas to meet current and future needs.



·           Development and review of bylaws in accordance with legislation including determination of the nature and extent of community engagement approaches to be deployed.

·           Development, review and approval of strategies and plans in accordance with legislation including

·           determination of the nature and extent of community engagement approaches to be deployed.

·           Subject to compliance with legislation and the Long Term Plan, to resolve all matters of strategic policy outside of the Long Term Plan process which does not require, under the Local Government Act 2002, a resolution of Council.

·           Development of District Plan changes up to the point of public notification under the Resource Management Act 1991.

·           Endorsement of the Future Development Strategy and sub-regional or regional spatial plans.

·           Consider and approve changes to service delivery arrangements arising from service delivery reviews required under the Local Government Act 2002 (provided that where a service delivery proposal requires an amendment to the Long Term Plan, it shall thereafter be progressed by the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee).

·           Where un-budgeted financial implications arise from the development or review of policies, bylaws or plans, recommend to Council any changes or variations necessary to give effect to such policies, bylaws or plans.

·           Listen to and receive the presentation of views by people and engage in spoken interaction in relation to any matters Council undertakes to consult on whether under the Local Government Act 2002 or any other Act.

·           Oversee the development of strategies relating to sub-regional parks and sub-regional community facilities for the enhancement of community wellbeing of the Western Bay of Plenty District communities, for recommendation to Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council.

·           Approve Council submissions to central government, councils and other organisations, including submissions on proposed legislation, plan changes or policy statements.

·           Receive and make decisions and recommendations to Council and its Committees, as appropriate, on reports, recommendations and minutes of the following:

-          SmartGrowth Leadership Group

-          Regional Transport Committee

-          Any other Joint Committee, Forum or Working Group, as directed by Council.

·           Receive and make decisions on, as appropriate, any matters of a policy or planning nature from the following:

-          Waihī Beach, Katikati, Ōmokoroa, Te Puke and Maketu Community Boards.

-          Community Committee.

Power to Act:

·           To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the limitations imposed.

Power to Recommend:

·           To Council and/or any Committee as it deems appropriate.


Power to sub-delegate:

·           The Committee may delegate any of its functions, duties or powers to a subcommittee, working group or other subordinate decision-making body subject to the restrictions within its delegations and provided that any such sub-delegation includes a statement of purpose and specification of task.

·           Should there be insufficient time for Strategy and Policy Committee to consider approval for a final submission to an external body, the Chair has delegated authority to sign the submission on behalf of Council, provided that the final submission is reported to the next scheduled meeting of the Strategy and Policy Committee.


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


Notice is hereby given that a Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, Barkes Corner, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga on:
Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 9.30am


Order Of Business

1           Karakia.. 6

2          Present. 6

3          In Attendance.. 6

4         Apologies. 6

5         Consideration of Late Items. 6

6         Declarations of Interest. 6

7          Public Excluded Items. 6

8         Public Forum... 6

9          Presentations. 6

10       Reports. 7

10.1            Adoption of the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for Consultation.. 7

10.2          Katikati and Ōmokoroa Dog Exercise Areas. 150

10.3          Submission on Ministry for the Environment consultation: Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities. 187

10.4          Submission to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Changes to Freshwater Management in the Bay of Plenty. 190

10.5          Submission on Inquiry into Community-led retreat and adaptation funding.. 195

10.6          Feedback: Managing the use and development of highly productive land: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL). 213

11         Information for Receipt. 220



1                 Karakia

Whakatau mai te wairua Whakawātea mai te hinengaro Whakarite mai te tinana

Kia ea ai ngā mahi



Settle the spirit

Clear the mind

Prepare the body

To achieve what needs to be achieved.



2                Present

3                In Attendance

4               Apologies

5                Consideration of Late Items

6                Declarations of Interest

7                Public Excluded Items

8                Public Forum

9                Presentations

Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


10              Reports

10.1          Adoption of the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for Consultation

File Number:          A5772994

Author:                   Charlotte McGirr, Policy Analyst

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

1.        The purpose of this report is for the Committee to determine if any changes should be made to the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, and to adopt the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for public consultation.


1.        That the Policy Analysts report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Adoption of the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for Consultation’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of medium significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That, with consideration of the Waste Assessment 2022, the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan be amended in accordance with section 50(3) of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

4.       That the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and accompanying Statement of Proposal, Waste Assessment and submission form be adopted for public consultation between 10 November 2023 and 10 December 2023.



2.       It is a requirement under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 that Council must have an operative Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP). This plan must be reviewed and publicly consulted on every six years.

3.       The plan outlines the objectives, methods and funding sources for Council’s solid waste activities. It will also provide an overview of what actions we will investigate, develop and possibly implement over the next six years.

4.       Under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, Council receives funding from the waste levy administered by the Ministry for the Environment. Having an operative WMMP is a critical requirement for Council to receive this funding.

5.       Another key component to receive wasty levy funding includes the completion of a Waste Assessment every six years. The purpose of this assessment is to report on how Council has delivered on the actions set out in the current WMMP as well as identifying current issues and recommendations to inform the next WMMP review. This assessment was completed and adopted by the Policy Committee on 14 June 2022.

Key COnsiderations

6.      The Waste Assessment completed in 2022 identified key issues to inform this WMMP review. This included:

(a)    Reliance on waste infrastructure located outside of the District;

(b)    Noticeable quantities of recyclables and food waste in general waste bins;

(c)    A lack of proactive engagement with local iwi;

(d)    Specific waste streams require more attention; and

(e)    Significant national initiatives underway.

7.       The New Zealand Waste Strategy was announced in March 2023. The updated strategy has a focus on achieving a more circular economy for waste and provides direction to government, businesses and communities in order to achieve this.

8.      The Strategy outlines a number of responsibilities and expectations for Council. These include but are not limited to:

(a)    Aligning our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan with the Strategy;

(b)    Collaborating with other councils to progress circular economy opportunities;

(c)    Supporting local community groups and organisations with their initiatives to reduce waste;

(d)    Work with behaviour change programmes to support waste-related activities;

(e)    Consider waste management infrastructure within planning and consenting processes;

(f)     Identify and manage vulnerable landfills and contaminated sites;

(g)    Monitoring and reporting on the amount of waste being diverted from landfill.

9.       The proposed draft plan builds on the 2017 Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, with new actions created in response to the outcomes of the Waste Assessment 2022, pre-engagement feedback and to align with the New Zealand Waste Strategy 2023.

Significance and Engagement

10.     The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decisions in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions.

11.      The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

12.     In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be of medium significance. There is a legal requirement to engage with the community under section 44 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, and the proposed actions in the draft plan will have district-wide impacts that may be of high community interest. However, any significant proposals contained within the draft WMMP will be subject to further investigations, community consultation and consideration of cost before they are implemented.

Engagement, Consultation and Communication

13.     When preparing, amending or revoking a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan there is a legal requirement to engage with the community under section 44 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. This consultation must use the special consultative procedure set out in section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002 and in doing so, must notify the most recent waste assessment with the statement of proposal.

14.     Consultation is planned to run from 10 November 2023 to 10 December 2023. This timeframe enables the consultation period to be completed prior to the end of the year and provides the opportunity to register to speak on 14 December 2023.

Interested/Affected Parties


Interested parties/groups

Emails to notify the following parties of consultation on the draft plan and invite feedback through the Have Your Say site:

·    Neighbouring councils

·    Central North Island Waste Liaison Group

·    Environmental Interest Groups

·    Waste Operators

·    Industry representatives – construction, healthcare and food and beverage.



Tangata Whenua

Workshops were held with both Tangata Whenua forum as part of the development of the draft plan.

Further input will be sought as part of the formal engagement through workshops and targeted communication.


General Public

Community feedback from the Your Place Tō wāhi campaign has informed the development of the draft plan.

Public feedback will be sought through access to the Have Your Say site, email and hard copy forms available at the Council Libraries and Service Centres.

Issues and Options Assessment

15.     There are two options for consideration, the advantages and disadvantages are outlined below.

Option A

That the Committee adopt the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, draft Statement of Proposal, draft submission form and Waste Assessment 2022 for consultation.

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


-    Consultation on the draft WMMP is a necessary step in completing the WMMP review.

-    By completing this process, this enables Council to retain eligibility for funding through the Waste Levy.

-    Consultation provides opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the draft WMMP for Council to consider.

-    By progressing with the WMMP review, this will outline a clear action plan for Council’s solid waste activity while responding to the New Zealand Waste Strategy and community feedback raised through pre-engagement.


-    The draft WMMP may not deliver some actions as quickly as desired (e.g. Establishment of a transfer station) but is a key tool to progress these actions.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect and contingent costs).

Staff time will be required to respond to queries from the community about the WMMP.

Actions included in the plan to investigate options will be managed by existing staff and budgets. There will be a further consideration of costs required depending on the results of these investigations.

Option B

That the Committee does not adopt the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, draft Statement of Proposal, draft submission form and Waste Assessment 2022 for consultation.

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


-    Cost of consultation will be delayed.


-    The WMMP will not be reviewed, consulted on and adopted in a timely manner. This will delay the progression of actions included in the draft WMMP.

-    This will impact Council’s eligibility to receive funding from the Waste Levy.

-    Council will still have to complete a WMMP review, as this is a requirement under section 43 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 that territorial authorities must adopt a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect and contingent costs).

If the review is delayed, more staff time may be required to revisit issues included in the draft plan.

Potential income from the Waste Levy may be lost if the review fails to meet the requirements set out in Section 44 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

Statutory Compliance

16.     Council must have a Waste Management and Minimisation plan in accordance with section 43 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. This plan must promote effective and efficient waste management and minimisation within the district.

17.      Under section 50 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, a WMMP must be reviewed every six years.

18.     In reviewing and amending the WMMP, consideration must be given to the waste hierarchy, New Zealand Waste Strategy and Council’s most recent waste assessment.

19.     The draft plan will be released for community feedback in accordance with section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002, as required by section 44 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. The most recent waste assessment must be notified with the statement of proposal to comply with these requirements.

20.    The draft plan is consistent with Council’s other plans, policies and bylaws.

Funding/Budget Implications

21.     Implementation of the WMMP action plan will be undertaken within existing resource allocations.

22.    Any significant proposals contained within the draft WMMP will be subject to further investigations, community consultation and consideration of cost before they are implemented.


1.         Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2023

2.        Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Review - Statement of Proposal

3.        Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Submission Form 2023

4.        Waste Assessment 2022  


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


10.2         Katikati and Ōmokoroa Dog Exercise Areas

File Number:          A5665921

Author:                   Jason Crummer, Senior Recreation Planner

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

1.        Public feedback received on proposed dog exercise areas in Katikati and Ōmokoroa is presented for receipt and to inform decision making.

2.       The draft dog exercise area concept plan for Donegal Reserve, Katikati is presented to the Committee for adoption.

3.       Approval is sought to consult on Precious Family Reserve as a recommended alternate location for the dog exercise area for Ōmokoroa.



1.       That the Senior Recreation Planner’s report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Katikati and Ōmokoroa dog exercise areas be received.

2.      That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low to medium significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.      That the Policy Committee receives all feedback from the consultation period held between 30 May and 30 June 2023, as set out in the document titled “Dog Exercise Areas Submission Pack” (Attachment 1 of this report).

4.      That in relation to Issue 1, the Strategy and Policy Committee adopts the concept plan for Donegal Reserve, Katikati, as a dog exercise area (as per Attachment 2 of this report).

5.      That in relation to Issue 2, the Strategy and Policy Committee does not approve the concept plan for Links View Drive Reserve, Ōmokoroa (as per Attachment 3 of this report) as a dog exercise area at this point but undertakes additional investigation and community consultation on Precious Family Reserve as a possible alternate location for the dog exercise area for Ōmokoroa.



4.       In September 2020, Council committed to the provision of dog exercise areas across the district, with one intended in each of the four main towns. Council resolved to develop basic facilities, with $30,000 of funding for each respective dog exercise area included in the Long-Term Plan 2021/31, and to be funded through 80% dog registration fees and 20% general rates. Additional costs were to be covered by external funders and/or through community fundraising.

5.       Basic facilities include a fully fenced area with a double entry gate, access to drinking water, some natural contouring of land, trees planted for shade, dog poo bag dispensers, rubbish bins, and basic bench seating.

6.      The preferred location of Lawrence Oliver Park, Te Puke was determined through consultation on the Te Puke-Maketu Ward Reserves Management Plan process. The subsequent concept plan was adopted by the Strategy and Policy Committee on 14 June 2022. Links View Drive Reserve, Ōmokoroa and Donegal Reserve, Katikati were the preferred locations determined through pre-engagement on the Long-Term Plan 2021/31 consultation process and site assessments by Council staff.

Community engagement

7.       The proposed Ōmokoroa and Katikati locations were approved for formal consultation by the Strategy and Policy Committee on 7 March 2023, and this was carried out from 30 May to 30 June 2023 through the ‘Your Place Tō Wāhi’ community engagement.

8.      The details of the engagement are covered further in paragraph 25 below.

Donegal Reserve, Katikati draft concept plan development (Attachment 2)

9.       Feedback received through ‘Your Place Tō Wāhi’ engagement informed the development of the draft concept plan, including 81% of submitters supporting the location for a dog exercise area at Donegal Reserve.

10.     Submitters provided several alternate locations for this dog exercise area which were Moore Park, Park Road, Levley Lane, Haiku Park, Talisman Drive and MacMillan Reserve. All of these locations were included in the list of sites that were considered at the Strategy and Policy Committee on 8 February 2023 but were not considered optimal for a variety of reasons compared to Donegal Reserve.

11.      Submitters told us that dog poo bag dispensers/disposal stations and water stations were the highest priority features, followed by seating, shade, chill-out/small dog zone, fully fenced area, double entry gate, and space for future community funded agility items.

12.     The double entry gate into the dog exercise area is positioned at the midway point, so users have equal walking distance from the northern and southern access points. Rubbish bin, dog poo bag dispenser and water fountain with attached dog bowl are positioned at the entrance for easy access.

13.     The exercise area is split into 3 zones.

a)  Separate chill-out/small dog zone positioned in the north-western part of the exercise area and close to the main entrance.

b)  The high-energy zone through the middle which provides dogs with 95 metres of end-to-end exercise.

c)  Future agility items on the eastern side which provides clear separation from the other activities.

14.     The planting and drain enhancement, indicated on the concept plan, is separate to the dog exercise area but can be delivered alongside implementation. This element may involve additional engagement with neighbouring property owners.

Links View Drive Reserve, Ōmokoroa draft concept plan development (Attachment 3)

15.     Feedback received through ‘Your Place Tō Wāhi’ engagement informed the development of the draft concept plan for a dog exercise area at Links View Drive Reserve.

16.     The adjacent property owners at the Western Avenue subdivision asked that a dog exercise area not be constructed in front of their properties but if one was, that Council use their existing fences to form the eastern perimeter of the exercise area.

17.      Other concerns raised by the adjacent property owners were:

·    Proximity to their properties

·    Fencing construction and design

·    Lack of lighting in the area

·    Lost of privacy and increased security risk

·    Increased noise

·    Lack of car parking, causing vehicles to park along the main access road into the residents’ properties

18.     Although 64% of submitters (56 out of 87) supported this location, we received 35 responses suggesting alternate locations with Precious Family Reserve being the most common alternative for Ōmokoroa. This location is additional to the list of sites that were considered at the Strategy and Policy Committee on 8 February 2023. An initial site assessment of Precious Family Reserve suggests the Reserve is viable for further investigation and potential future community consultation.

19.     Similar to the Katikati feedback, submitters told us that dog poo bag dispensers/disposal stations and water stations were the highest priority features, followed by seating, shade, chill-out/small dog zone, fully fenced area, double entry gate, and space for future community funded agility items.

20.    This design has two double entry gates into the dog exercise area to allow easy access for all residents from the north and south of the reserve. Rubbish bin and dog poo bag dispenser is positioned by each entrance and water fountain with attached dog bowl at the northern entrance which is adjacent to the main cycleway and walkway connection.

21.     This exercise area provides a similar 3-zone split to the Katikati design.

a)  Separate chill-out/small dog zone positioned by the southern entrance.

b)  High-energy zone through the middle which provides dogs with 90 metres of end-to-end exercise and positioned away from the adjacent Western Avenue property owners.

c)  Future agility items with mound contour on the eastern side which provides clear separation from the other activities. This is also positioned away from corner fence of the adjacent property owners to provide more privacy.

Significance and Engagement

22.    The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decision in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions. The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

23.    In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be of low to medium significance due to the level of community interest, the proposed development costs, the consultation requirements that have been met, and recognising the Māori cultural values and their relationships to land and water.

Engagement, Consultation and Communication

24.    The engagement, consultation, and communication already undertaken for these concept plans is set out below:

Interested/Affected Parties

Completed Engagement/Consultation/Communication

Tangata Whenua

·     Pirirakau – Council has contacted Pirirakau for feedback on the draft concept plan for Ōmokoroa, but this has not yet been received. As per the recommendations of this report, further investigation for a suitable dog exercise area location will provide Pirirakau with another opportunity to engage with Council through future Tangata Whenua and community engagement.

·     Ngāti Taka

·     Ngāi Tamawhariua


Name of interested parties/groups

·     Donegal Reserve, Katikati

Katikati Community Board

Adjacent property owners

WBOPDC Animal Services

·     Links View Drive Reserve, Ōmokoroa

Ōmokoroa Community Board

Adjacent property owners

WBOPDC Animal Services

General Public

·     Katikati & Ōmokoroa community

25.   Community Consultation

(a)    Letters on the proposed locations were sent to adjacent property owners referring those interested to go to the Council’s Have Your Say website and methods to provide feedback in person.

(b)    One-month consultation was successfully undertaken through the Your Place Tō Wāhi 2024/34 LTP process.

(i)     Questions asked through Your Place Tō Wāhi consultation were:

(1)     Do you agree with this location?

(a)    If not, where is a better location?

(2)    What features would you like to see?

(c)    A blue and white brochure with a graphic of a dog and a person running

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Council received 496 individual pieces of feedback on the proposed dog exercise area locations including their desired features within each respective area.

26.    The full set of responses is provided in Attachment 1.

27.     Recommendation 5 of this report is that the Committee does not approve the concept plan for Links View Drive Reserve (as per Attachment 3) as a dog exercise area at this point but undertakes additional investigation and community consultation on Precious Family Reserve as a possible alternate location for the dog exercise area for Ōmokoroa. It is intended that this consultation would include targeted engagement with Tangata Whenua, Ōmokoroa residents and immediate neighbours of Precious Family Reserve. This will consider the suitability of the location and potential design aspects.

Issues and Options Assessment

Issue 1:  Location, layout, and features in the concept plan for Donegal Reserve, Katikati

Option 1: That the Strategy and Policy Committee approves the concept plan for Donegal Reserve, Katikati, (as per Attachment 2 of this report) as a dog exercise area.

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


·    81% of submitters who agreed with this location.

·    Responds to the feedback provided by submitters on their desired features within the dog exercise area.

·    Meets Council’s agreed approach for dog exercise areas.

·    Council’s contribution towards implementation is included in the Annual Plan.

·    Provides a destination for dog owners to exercise their dogs off-lead safely.

·    Provides an opportunity for community relationship building and engagement.

·    Gives use of a large portion of Council-owned land that was previously left vacant and not utilised.


Does not respond to the 19% of submitters who disagreed with this location.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect, and contingent costs).

Indicative costs for implementation are included in the Annual Plan 2023/24.

Other implications and any assumptions that relate to this option

The adopted implementation budget could be insufficient to cover the full build cost, requiring significant investment from external funders.


Option 2: That the Strategy and Policy Committee does not approve the concept plan for Donegal Reserve, Katikati, (as per Attachment 2 of this report) as a dog exercise area.

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


·    Responds to the 19% of submitters who disagreed with this location.

·    Removes the need to source external funding.

·    Allows potential additional future use and opportunities of Donegal Reserve.


·    Does not respond to the 81% of submitters who agreed with this location.

·    Does not provide a destination for dog owners to exercise their dogs off-lead safely.

·    Does not meet Council’s agreed approach for dog exercise areas.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect, and contingent costs).

None relating to this decision.

Other implications and any assumptions that relate to this option

None relating to this decision.

Issue 2:  Location for the dog exercise area in Ōmokoroa.

Option 1: That the Strategy and Policy Committee does not approve the concept plan for Links View Drive Reserve as a dog exercise area at this time but undertake additional investigation and community consultation on Precious Family Reserve for a possible alternate location for the Ōmokoroa dog exercise area.

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


·    Responds to the 36% of submitters who disagreed with this location.

·    Responds to the concerns of the adjacent Western Avenue sub-division property owners.  

·    Responds to the submitters who named Precious Family Reserve as their preferred alternate location.

·    Provides the community further opportunity to feed into an alternative location to inform later decision making.

·    Allows further time for engagement with Tangata whenua.


·    Does not respond to the 64% of submitters who agreed with this location.

·    Delays implementation for Ōmokoroa.

·    The concept plan for Precious Family Reserve does not currently contemplate use as a dog exercise area.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect, and contingent costs).

None relating to this decision.


Option 2: That the Strategy and Policy Committee approves the concept plan for Links View Drive Reserve, as a dog exercise area (as per Attachment 3 of this report).

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·    Economic

·    Social

·    Cultural

·    Environmental


·    64% of submitters agreed with this location.

·    Responds to the feedback provided by submitters on their desired features within the dog exercise area.

·    Meets Council’s agreed approach for dog exercise areas.

·    Budget for implementation is included in the Annual Plan 2023/24.

·    Provides a destination for dog owners to exercise their dogs off-lead safely.

·    Provides an opportunity for community relationship building and engagement.


·    Does not respond to the 36% of submitters who disagreed with this location.

·    Does not respond to the submitters who named Precious Family Reserve as their preferred alternate location.

Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect, and contingent costs).

Indicative costs for implementation are included in the Annual Plan 2023/24.

Other implications and any assumptions that relate to this option

Practical application of integrating the dog exercise area fence with the adjacent property owner’s fences may need further consideration. If Council were to construct a fully independent dog exercise area boundary fence, the size of the area will be reduced, and its construction would be less supported by the adjacent Western Avenue subdivision property owners.

Statutory Compliance

28.    Consultation on the approved locations was in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.

29.    The development of the concept plans is consistent with the goals and approach of the Reserve Management Plans and Recreation and Open Space Activity Plan.

30.    Reserves planning and policy development are the responsibilities of the Strategy and Policy Committee.

31.     Funding for implementation is already included in the adopted Long-Term Plan 2021/31 and Annual Plan 2023/24 budgets.

Funding/Budget Implications


Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail

$53,280 capital expenditure


$16,160 ongoing operational expenditure

Council contribution to implementation for the two dog exercise areas has been budgeted for in the Long-Term Plan 2021/31 and Annual Plan 2023/24. External funding will be sought to meet the full project costs if implementation costs are greater than budgeted for.

Operational costs are included in Council’s forward budgets and are additional to current costs. Further consultation expenditure can be covered within current budgets.



1.         Dog exercise areas submission pack

2.        Donegal Reserve, Katikati dog exercise area draft concept plan

3.        Links View Drive Reserve, Ōmokoroa dog exercise area draft concept plan  


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


10.3         Submission on Ministry for the Environment consultation: Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities

File Number:          A5769968

Author:                   Megan Wakefield, Climate Change Programme Lead

Authoriser:            Jodie Rickard, Community and Strategic Relationships Manager


Executive Summary

For the information of the Strategy and Policy Committee, this report presents a submission made by Western Bay of Plenty District Council on the following matter:

(a)    Ministry for the Environment (MfE): Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities.


1.       That the Climate Change Programme Lead’s report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Submission on Ministry for the Environment consultation: Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.




1.         Submission to MfE: Deferral of NZ ETS reporting obligations for animals-farmer activities  


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


10.4         Submission to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Changes to Freshwater Management in the Bay of Plenty

File Number:          A5777237

Author:                   Ariell King, Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

1.        For the information of the Strategy and Policy Committee, this report presents a submission made by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council on the following matter:

(a)    Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) – Changes to Freshwater Management in the Bay of Plenty. 


1.       That the Strategic Advisor: Legislative Reform and Special Projects report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Submission to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Changes to Freshwater Management in the Bay of Plenty’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, is received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information is noted.




1.         Feedback to BOPRC on changes to freshwater management  


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


10.5         Submission on Inquiry into Community-led retreat and adaptation funding

File Number:          A5788865

Author:                   Tracey Miller, Strategic Advisor Resource Management

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

For information of the Strategy and Policy Committee, this report presents a submission made by Western Bay of Plenty District Council on the following matter:

(a)    Inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding.



1.        That the Strategic Advisor Resource Management’s report dated 9 November 2023, titled ‘Inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding’, be received.

2.       That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.





1.         Final Submission on Inquiry into Climate adaptation - October 2023 - WBOPDC  


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


10.6         Feedback: Managing the use and development of highly productive land: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL)

File Number:          A5796167

Author:                   Monique Va'ai Matatia, Senior Environmental Planner

Authoriser:            Rachael Davie, Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community


Executive Summary

For the information of the Strategy and Policy Committee, this report presents a submission made by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council on the following matter:

a)  Feedback: Managing the use and development of highly productive land: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL).



1.        That the Senior Environmental Planner report dated 9 November 2023 titled ‘Feedback: Managing the use and development of highly productive land: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL)’, be received.

2.       That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, is received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information is noted.





1.         NPS-HPL Submission - 31 Oct 2023 - Final  


Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

9 November 2023


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9 November 2023


11               Information for Receipt