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Ōmokoroa Community Board

Poari ā Hapori o Ōmokoroa



Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 7.00pm

Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue,






Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


Ōmokoroa Community Board




Peter Presland

Deputy Chairperson

Allan Hughes


Ben Bell

Greig Neilson

Councillor Murray Grainger

Councillor Don Thwaites




Eight weekly / Workshops as required


Role and Purpose of Community Boards:

·           To represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of their communities.

·           To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees, or any matter of interest or concern to the Community Board.

·           To maintain an overview of services provided by Council within the community.

·           To prepare an annual submission to the Council for expenditure within the community.

·           To communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community.

·           To undertake responsibilities as delegated by Council or its Committees.

Delegated Functions:

Subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies, plans and legislation:

·           To have input into Council and its Committees on issues, services, plans and policies that affect communities within the Community Board Area.

·           To provide an effective mechanism for community feedback to Council.

·           To receive reports from Council appointees on Council matters relevant to the Community Board.

·           To control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

·           To allocate Community Board reserve funds to specific capital non-recurring projects for council assets on council land.


Notice is hereby given that an Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting will be held in the Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue, Ōmokoroa on:
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 at 7.00pm


Order Of Business

1           Present. 4

2          In Attendance.. 4

3          Apologies. 4

4         Consideration of Late Items. 4

5         Declarations of Interest. 4

6         Public Excluded Items. 4

7          Public Forum... 4

8         Minutes for Confirmation.. 5

8.1             Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 26 September 2023.. 5

9          Reports. 17

9.1             Ōmokoroa Community Board - Chairperson's Report - November 2023.. 17

9.2            Ōmokoroa Community Board Councillor's Report - November 2023.. 21

9.3            Ōmokoroa Community Board - Approval of Funding - Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society. 23

9.4            Ōmokoroa Community Board - 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget 36

9.5            Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board November 2023. 40

9.6            Financial Report Ōmokoroa - October 2023.. 55

9.7            Ōmokoroa Community Board - Operational Report - November 2023.. 59



1                 Present

2                In Attendance

3                Apologies

4               Consideration of Late Items

5                Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.

6                Public Excluded Items

7                Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions.

Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer relationship management system as a service request, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.

8                Minutes for Confirmation

8.1            Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 26 September 2023

File Number:          A5777992

Author:                   Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager



1.        That the Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 26 September 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




1.       Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 26 September 2023 


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

26 September 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting No. OMC23-6
HELD IN THE Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue, Ōmokoroa
ON Tuesday, 26 September 2023 AT 7.00pm


1                 Present

Chairperson P Presland, Member B Bell, Member G Neilson, Cr M Grainger and Cr D Thwaites.

2                In Attendance

G Golding (Governance Manager), A Curtis (General Manager Regulatory Services), A Hall (Roading Engineer West) and J Osborne (Governance Advisor).


11 members of the public.

3                Apologies

Member Allan Hughes – Leave of Absence.

4               Consideration of Late Items


5                Declarations of Interest

Members were advised that if they had an interest (actual, potential, pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest) in any item on the agenda, then they must declare this interest and refrain from discussing or voting on this item and were advised to withdraw from the meeting table for the item. [As per the Local Authorities (Member’s Interest) Act 1968].

·      Chairperson Presland and Members Neilson and Bell advised the Board that they had a declaration of interest regarding the Ōmokoroa Tennis Club, and report 9.3 of the agenda – Grant Application - September 2023 – as they were members of the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society.

6                Public Excluded Items


7                Public Forum

7.1          Sharon Parker - Ōmokoroa Sport and Recreation Society Grant Application

·      The steps had been included in the original building design for the Ōmokoroa Sports Pavilion, but were not built.

·      The lack of steps was a safety issue, as people were climbing the steep bank to get to the Pavilion.

·      The steps would increase amenity value for the area.

·      The Ōmokoroa Sport and Recreation Society had put a lot of work into the project, and had $10,000 of their own funding put aside.

·      The total cost for the project was approximately $34,000.


7.2              Public Art Group - Western Avenue Mural

·      For the last few months, the Group had been gathering drawings from children from various schools around Ōmokoroa.

·      The children had shared many ideas regarding what they liked about Ōmokoroa and what they enjoyed doing (such as sports and activities).

·      The Group were incorporating the children’s drawings into the mural designs, as well as the range of activities that took place at the Western Avenue Reserve.

·      Once the discussions had taken place with the Ōmokoroa Community Board and Council’s Reserves and Facilities Manager, the Group were planning to socialise the designs and ideas with other community groups in the area.

·      The Group already had funding for the project.

·      The Board congratulated the group on their community consultation process, dedication, and creativity during the project.


7.3         Chris Dever - Various Topics

·      It was clarified that anyone was able to speak in a public forum meeting at any Community Board meeting, not just residents from the area.

·      The details of Council’s newly appointed Community Resilience Advisor, could be made available.

·      There was concern raised regarding the pace at which the Ōmokoroa Boat Club lighting project was being carried out. The Board noted that there had been contact with the Commodore of the Boat Club, and a plan had been put in place to get this project underway.

·      The Speed Management Review was a process that Council was required to undertake. The consultation process would be discussed at a Strategy and Policy Workshop on 28 September 2023. It was noted that ‘Central Business District’ referred to the main business and central areas of each township. Waka Kotahi (NZTA) required that these areas, which were currently 50km/h, be reduced to 40km/h.

·      The Transportation Area Engineer confirmed that there was street lighting planned for Tralee Street, where the new village was being built.


7.4         Hugh Moleta - Links View Drive Flooding

·      During the heavy rain events in May 2023, the stormwater drains on the road had not coped with the amount of water, causing flooding for nearby houses.

·      There were no stormwater services in place for majority of homes on the road, noting that rain flowed from the road onto these properties.

·      It was believed that the main issue was a large, deciduous tree, which was close to the road and near a large stormwater sump, causing blockage issues.

·       A long-term solution was needed for this issue, as the flooding had caused damage to properties and there was a risk it would continue happening.

·      There were parts of the tree which were rotting, and roots from the tree were cracking the road seal.

·      There had been no flooding issues during the weather events in January 2023.

·      Typically, the stormwater systems were designed for a one-in-25-year storm event, and the weather events in 2023 were thought to have been larger than this.

·      The contractors were currently maintaining the tree and catch-pit to Council’s levels of service.


The Transportation Area Engineer advised the Board that WestLink had attended the site and confirmed there were no blockages. The tree was inspected, and hanging branches that posed a safety risk would be cut back. It was suggested that, because Council did not have a Street Tree Policy, this issue be referred back to the Board for consideration. The Board would discuss this at their next Ōmokoroa Community Board workshop with Council staff to reach a resolution.


7.5         Andrew Dallas - Ōmokoroa Tennis

·      The Ōmokoroa Tennis Club was seeking support from the Community Board for three goals, which were described in Tabled Item 1 – Submission in Support of Additional Tennis Courts at Western Avenue, and below:

1.        Tennis in Ōmokoroa be centred to one facility at Western Avenue.

2.      Addition of three new courts to the Western Avenue side of the existing courts.

3.      The new courts to have flexipave surface to support junior tennis.

·      The Tennis Club membership had grown significantly over the last year, and the current tennis court facility was felt to be inadequate for the number of members.

·      The club proposed that the court closest to the Old Pavilion be the multi-use court and there be two tennis courts within the fences. The primary concern with having multi-use courts was who would look after the courts and manage the changeover for different sports codes.

·      If an agreement for the courts was achieved, the Club would begin exploring options for raising funds.

Mr Dallas responded to the Board’s questions as follows:

·      The club did not have an approximate cost of a tennis court, but it was thought that the majority of the cost would come from the earthworks required for the proposed site of the new courts.

·      Currently, the courts were being used in the evenings from Monday through to Thursday, and Friday and Saturday mornings. Interclub also took place on Sundays. Future projections for the use of the courts was that they would be used very regularly, and that seven courts would be sufficient for the growth.


7.6         Matthew Farrell - Ōmokoroa Tennis and Youth Wellbeing

·      There was concern with the desired expansion of the tennis courts on Western Avenue, as there was finite space and resources in the community. It was believed that consideration needed to be given to ratios of space.

·      It was believed that broader consultation needed to take place, rather than just with users who have an interest in tennis.

·      Mr Farrell noted that the Tennis Club were doing great work, and he was not intending to exclude the Tennis Club from opportunities, but there was a need for a wider range of community facilities.

·      It was thought there was a need for a ‘youth club’ in Ōmokoroa, and a range of facilities to provide an outlet for young people.

·      There was a need for a social strategy for future social wellbeing of Ōmokoroa, and to aid in decreasing the antisocial behaviours that come with a growing community.

·      It was believed that there were many facilities in Ōmokoroa for tennis, but there was concern that there were limited facilities for other sports.

8                Minutes for Confirmation

8.1          Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023

The Community Response Plan was put together by members of the Ōmokoroa Response Team in conjunction with Council’s Senior Emergency Management Advisor. It was requested that the Community Response Plan be discussed at a future Ōmokoroa Community Board workshop to identify changes/amendments, and that the publishing of this Response Plan be postponed.

Resolution  OMC23-6.1

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

1.        That the Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record, with the following amendment made:

·      That on page 7 of the minutes, under item 10.5, the following should read:

”OM1.8 – Up to $50,000 committed from the Board’s Reserve Account for two bus shelters on Ōmokoroa Road, which was now to be funded from the Ōmokoroa Road Stage 2 Urbanisation Project fund.”

2.      That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


9                Reports

9.1          Chairperson's Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The Board took the report as read.

Resolution  OMC23-6.2

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Chairperson’s report dated 26 September 2023, titled ‘Chairperson’s Report – September 2023’, be received.



9.1.1        Crapp Reserve Signage

Resolution  OMC23-6.3

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That staff investigate the replacement of the Crapp Reserve signage, which is currently out of date, and report back to the Board.



9.1.2       Ōmokoroa Skatepark Concrete Pathway

Resolution  OMC23-6.4

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Board approve Option B for the Ōmokoroa Skatepark Concrete Pathway: Alternative option to replace the concrete with a fibreglass deck, at a cost of $3,488.00. This will be funded from the Community Board Reserves Account.




9.2         Councillor's Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from Councillor Thwaites. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·      The Annual Plan process had been delayed, however, it had now been adopted.

·      Feedback for the future development of TECT Park had now closed.

·      There would be an opportunity for community feedback on the draft Speed Management Plan.

·      There had been desire from residents to reduce speed limits in rural areas, noting that this feedback had been overwhelming within the Te Puna community.

·      Staff were working to complete the first draft of the Long Term Plan budgets, with full-day Council workshops planned during the remainder of 2023.

Resolution  OMC23-6.5

Moved:                         Cr D Thwaites

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

That Councillor Thwaites’ report dated 26 September 2023, titled ‘Councillor’s Report – September 2023’, be received.



9.3         Grant Application - September 2023

Chairperson Presland and Members Grieg and Bell declared in interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·            The Board agreed that the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation society should not have to front the cost of the stairs as it was a community asset and would be maintained by Council, and the project should be funded entirely from the Community Board Reserves Account. This would be brought to the next Community Board meeting for the funding to be committed. It was agreed that the grant application would be declined for this reason.

·            Council’s Reserves and Facilities Manager had provided specifications that the project must adhere to, and the planning had been completed in accordance with these specifications.

Resolution  OMC23-6.6

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

1.        That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Grant Application – September 2023’ be received.

2.      That the Ōmokoroa Community Board do not approve the grant application from the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated.



9.4         Operational Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·      It was clarified that the Lee Street Pensioner Houses were not situated in Ōmokoroa, and this was just an administration error when running the report.

Resolution  OMC23-6.7

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

1.        That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – September 2023’ be received.

2.      That the Ōmokoroa Community Board requests that the remainder of the ‘Committed – Reserve Expenditure’ contribution to develop a Passive Reserve at the Western Avenue extension (OM1.8), be released back into the Reserve Account as the works have now been completed, with the remainder being $26,043.00.



9.4.1      Sea Scout Den

Resolution  OMC23-6.8

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

The Board sought an update on the Sea Scout Den, as there were a number of parties interested in leasing the space. Staff would investigate and an update would be included in the next Ōmokoroa Community Board Operational Report.



9.5         Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023

The Board considered a report from the General Manager Infrastructure Services. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·      The road marking outside the Fire Station had been completed, and the addition of signs would supplement the Parking Bylaw, as well as the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) parking requirements.

·      The $4,000 for the FENZ Signs was an estimate, and included a contingency amount.

Resolution  OMC23-6.9

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

1.        That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report, dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023’ be received.


Resolution  OMC23-6.10

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

2.       TOLO Cycle Racks

         That the Board fund from the Community Board Roading Account a poured concrete surface and the installation of three previously purchased cycle racks and purchase two additional units (5 cycle rack units in total), to be located adjacent to the Old Library on McDonell Street. Costs will include relocating the existing sign and adjusting the adjacent garden edging accordingly, at a cost estimate of $8,000.00.


Resolution  OMC23-6.11

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

3.      FENZ SIGNS

That the Board fund, from the Community Board Roading Account, the supply and installation of two “No Parking Zone” signs, to be installed on Ōmokoroa Road, adjacent to the Fire Station main entrance; to support the existing Traffic and Parking Bylaw restrictions in the immediate vicinity.




That the Board fund, from the Community Board Roading Account, the supply and install an appropriate “FENZ Only/No Unauthorised Vehicles” style sign, to be located on the boundary of the Fire Station and the Station forecourt, to highlight the essential need to maintain a clear zone area to allow unrestricted access and egress of FENZ vehicles, at all times,  in front of the station main doors.  The cost estimate for this is $4,000.00.



The Chairperson noted that there was no Community Board financial report for this meeting, and that the August 2023 financial information was still valid. The financial report would be included in the next agenda.


The Meeting closed at 8.19pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Ōmokoroa Community Board meeting held on 21 November 2023.




Chairperson P Presland



Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9                Reports

9.1             Ōmokoroa Community Board - Chairperson's Report - November 2023

File Number:          A5790140

Author:                   Peter Presland, Community Board Chairperson

Authoriser:            Alison Curtis, General Manager Regulatory Services




That the Chairperson’s report dated 21 November 2023 titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board - Chairperson’s Report – November 2023’ be received.


Maintenance Improvements

The Transportation Area Engineer and I spent an afternoon recently looking at some issues raised by the community. First up a big thank you to the Transportation Area Engineer for his time, I know and understand it is a precious commodity. For the twin purpose of both informing/updating our Board and to catalogue progress, I provide the following summary:


Ōmokoroa Boat Club

Regarding issues with lighting adjacent to the entrance, a single light pole will be installed. In addition, the plantings along the path will be cut back as they are encroaching on the path.

Staff Comment:

Further to the restructuring of Council’s Maintenance Contract, the Transportation Area Engineer has approached an alternative lighting specialist with a request for options and costings.

Currently, the two options being considered are:

·   A flag light; and

·   Illuminated bollards.

Once a cost estimate has been received, the Board will be notified and a resolution for funding will be drafted accordingly.


Running Bird Café Bike Racks

A location has been established.  We are now awaiting installation by the contractor. The Board would like a verbal update as to contractual negotiations.


Anderley Avenue Berm

When stage one of this estate was developed, there was no berm installed from the Ōmokoroa Road entrance on the left hand side, with considerable run-off possible. Council will look at options for swale plantings to assist with drainage of excess water on the left hand side of Anderley Avenue as you enter the estate. Installing a concrete berm would be very expensive.


Tui Glen Lighting

There are 13 residences in Tui Glen, the entrance to the New Zealand Housing Foundation development.  The proposal is for 109 houses to eventually enter/exit the Glen. There has been a request for lower impact runway style lighting to be installed, which needs to be evaluated given the cost and likely widening on the roadway in the long term.


Links Avenue Tree Adjacent to 55 Links Avenue

This tree has been the subject of a verbal presentation at the last Board meeting. The Transportation Area Engineer and I agreed the tree was partially dead and removing it would have a very low environmental impact.  We are currently awaiting costings.

Staff Comment:

An alternative vegetation contractor has been approached to discuss the trees current health situation and long term status.

Once feed back has been received with treatment costings, Council will consider the appropriate measures. These measures may include:

·    A significant prune;

·    Removal and ground reinstatement (this will not include a replacement tree); and

·    Do the minimum.

Works on this tree will likely be funded through Council’s tree maintenance budget rather than the Community Boards Roading Account.


Kaimai Views
We drove through the development, noting a lack of consistency in berm plantings and maintenance. An on-going review of this is needed, plus timely maintenance of roadsides Council is responsible for.

Other things for consideration are: Coppelia Avenue/OPS boundary (the removal of vegetation and replacement with lower impact shrubbery), the overdue maintenance of vegetation both planted and seeded along our roadsides, roundabouts, and berms. 

A conversation is needed on the type of plantings, and the maintenance, required post planting.

As a Board we have also discussed the need for Council to have a mechanism to close the loop on service requests, made either via Antenno or online.

Staff Comment:

At the Community Committee meeting on 19 October 2023, the Customer Services Manager advised that Council staff had been working alongside Council’s contractors to ensure that the Service Request process, and reporting back of outcomes, was more efficient for customers. Process improvement had been planned, mapped, and was being implemented.


Godwit Festival

At the time of writing and at the request of the organisers, I have been invited to open this Festival on Sunday 5 November 2023. This event not only marks the migration of one of nature’s wonders to our home but is also a hallmark of our community coming together to celebrate the wonderful environment that many in our community work hard to enhance and preserve for all to enjoy. I congratulate the Ōmokoroa Environmental Manager’s Incorporated (OEMI) for their hard work. The Board appreciate all that you do on behalf of the community.


Thank You

Given this is our last meeting for 2023, I would like to acknowledge the following:

Our Public

Those that consistently attend, we truly appreciate your engagement and interest in our community, but to all who have attended, made submissions, looked for our support, and our action - while at times you may feel you have not been heard given a lack of resolution as you may desire, we do hear you, and we do feel the weight of responsibility to represent you.

Our Board

Thank you to all of you. I often observe goings on around the country and take great satisfaction in being part of the Ōmokoroa Community Board. I appreciate the collaboration, wisdom, and guidance you bring to all the issues that come our way.

Our Council Staff

To the Governance Manager, our Governance Advisor, General Manager Regulatory Services, and our Transportation Area Engineer, as well as all who have supported us at workshops and in person, we thank you. You carry a considerable workload, then must react at times to unscripted (sometimes not quite following process) requests from us, yet always respond professionally, with humour and sound advice.

We will do it all again in 2024!



Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.2            Ōmokoroa Community Board Councillor's Report - November 2023

File Number:          A5790119

Author:                   Murray Grainger, Councillor

Authoriser:            Alison Curtis, General Manager Regulatory Services




1.        That the Councillor’s report dated 21 November 2023 titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board Councillor’s Report – November 2023’ be received.




1.         PC92 – Medium Density Residential Standards
Hearings for this Plan Change commenced on 11 September 2023 and were adjourned at the end of that week. The Independent Hearings Panel heard submitters and evidence from Council staff on the key issues for recommendation by the Panel. It is expected that the recommendation from the Panel back to Council, and the Council decision, will be finalised by the end of 2023.


2.        Community Engagement
Tō Wahi – Your Place: Community led conversations were conducted online from 30 May 2023 until 30 June 2023. Community-led events were held during this period, aligning with existing events or creating new ones to seek community feedback on Council topics and those priorities identified by each community.  These conversations will provide information to support several key planning processes such as the Long Term Plan (LTP), District Plan Review, Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, SmartGrowth Strategy, Reserve Management plans and the Te Puke Spatial Plan. A presentation on the LTP feedback was provided to Council on 13 July 2023.  


3.        Three Waters
The election result has created issues for staff preparing the LTP. As the law currently stands (which staff must operate under and auditors will assess) the Three Waters component leaves Council with control of its budgets in 2025.  However, if the new Government changes the law when it ‘repeals and replaces’, as they campaigned on, then staff may have to adapt the LTP accordingly. The possibility exists that the Government may allow for Council LTPs to be delayed because of this uncertainty.  It all results in more work and stress for staff and uncertainly for Councillors as decisions are made on future spending and the impact on rates.


4.        Ōmokoroa / SH2 intersection
The investigation and design of the intersection is progressing according to the agreed schedule, with the preliminary design complete. This is now going to be safety audited before it progresses to the detailed design.  The funding is secured, as is the agreement to utilise existing Waka Kotahi contracts for construction. This is critical to maintain the design and the delivery of the programme. 


5.        Other Ōmokoroa Projects
A number of key infrastructure projects in Ōmokoroa e.g., Prole Road and the Heartwood Avenue Extension, are currently being constructed to support growth in
Ōmokoroa. The Heartwood Avenue sealing has been impacted by weather.  The Ōmokoroa Road Urbanisation Stage 2, the Southern Industrial Road and the Southern Stormwater Pond are also being investigated, designed, and proposed for construction in 2024.


6.        Draft Speed Management Plan
This is now out for public consultation. Feedback closes 5pm, Thursday 23 November 2023.
Online at https://haveyoursay.westernbay.govt.nz/smp



Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.3            Ōmokoroa Community Board - Approval of Funding - Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society

File Number:          A5810056

Author:                   Carolyn Irvin, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society applied for funding for the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails to the north side of the Ōmokoroa pavilion to link the top and bottom fields.   At the Ōmokoroa Community Board meeting on               26 September 2023, the application was declined, and the Board discussed the merits of funding the project entirely from the Community Board Reserves Account as this would be good use of these funds to benefit the community.



1.     That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 21 November 2023 titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board - Approval of Funding - Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society’ be received.

2.    That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.   That the Ōmokoroa Community Board approve $30,530.50 to fund the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails, on the north side of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion, to link the top and bottom fields. This will be funded from the Ōmokoroa Community Board reserve account.


That the Ōmokoroa Community Board do not approve to fund the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails, on the north side of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion, to link the top and bottom fields.




1.   The Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated submitted an application for $27,943 to contribute towards the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails, on the north side of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion, to link the top and bottom fields. The design for the handrail and the steps is detailed in Attachment 1.

2.  The project would benefit all users of the Western Avenue Reserve, and the design is in accordance with specifications provided by Council’s Reserves and Facilities Manager.

3.  An amount of $2,587.50 for a topographical survey was not included in the amount that was submitted to the Board in September 2023.  But has since been highlighted as an additional cost associated with the project. This amount has been included in the total cost outlined in recommendation two.

4.  The Community Board were provided with financial information of the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society, a detailed design of the steps and options for handrails construction quotes, and supporting statements from the following parties (Attachment 2):

·    Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society;

·    Ōmokoroa Football Club;

·    Yoga Instructor at the Pavilion;

·    A local user of the Pavilion; and

·    Ōmokoroa Community Tennis Club.

5.   At the Ōmokoroa Community Board meeting on 26 September 2023, the Board discussed that the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society should not have to front the cost of the stairs as it was a community asset and would be maintained by Council, and that the project should be funded entirely from the Community Board Reserves Account. 

Significance and Engagement

 The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decision in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions.

 The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

 In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be of low significance because there is no community engagement required, there has been strong support from local community groups, and the use the Ōmokoroa Community Board’s reserve fund directly and positively supports the community it affects.

Engagement, Consultation and Communication

Interested/Affected Parties



Ōmokoroa Sport and Recreation Society Incorporated

The applicant will be advised of the outcome of their respective funding request.



Issues and Options Assessment

Option A


That the Ōmokoroa Community Board approve $30,530.50 to fund the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails, on the north side of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion, to link the top and bottom fields. This will be funded from the Ōmokoroa Community Board reserve account.


Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·      Economic

·      Social

·      Cultural

·      Environmental


Feedback from the community indicates that installing steps and handrails at the northern end of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion would make the Western Avenue Reserve and the pavilion itself much more usable.

In funding this project, the Ōmokoroa Community Board would be providing a beneficial asset to the community.



Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect, and contingent costs).



Option B

That the Ōmokoroa Community Board do not approve to fund the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails, on the north side of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion, to link the top and bottom fields.


Assessment of advantages and disadvantages including impact on each of the four well-beings

·      Economic

·      Social

·      Cultural

·      Environmental


Not funding the project would mean access to the Western Avenue Reserve and the pavilion would remain the way it is.



Costs (including present and future costs, direct, indirect, and contingent costs).



Funding/Budget Implications

Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail

Ōmokoroa Community Board Reserve Account


Opening balance before committed expenditure        $220,642

Balance after 2023/2024 committed expenditure        $215,646


Project cost                                                                             $30,530.50                           

Balance of reserve account if funding granted               $185,115.50                                          





1.         Attachment 1 - Design for Steps and Handrail Options

2.        Attachment 2 - Supporting Statements  


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023



Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.4           Ōmokoroa Community Board - 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget

File Number:          A5837290

Author:                   Carolyn Irvin, Senior Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Sarah Bedford, Finance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is for the Ōmokoroa Community Board to review its annual budget and make a recommendation on what the Board considered its operations budget should be for the upcoming financial year, as required in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.

The Board is aware that the Annual Plan will be subject to Council review and consultation.

The Board should give consideration to their work programme going forward and commitment of any Reserve funding for future projects.



1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report dated 15 November 2023 titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operation Budget’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That it be recommended to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee that the Ōmokoroa Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget be:













Milage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation






1.        Under the role and purpose of Community Boards, subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies and legislation, the Community Board has the delegated function to:

-    Control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

2.       The salary component of all Community Boards has been determined by the Remuneration Authority and the Board has no control over this figure. Under the process used by the Remuneration Authority the increment will be assessed annually.

3.       The Ōmokoroa Community Board Budget for 2022/2023, as adopted in the Long Term Plan (LTP) is shown below:


2022/2023 Actual

2022/2023 Budget










Milage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation





Significance and Engagement

4.       The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decision in this report against Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. In making this formal assessment there is no intention to assess the importance of this item to individuals, groups, or agencies within the community and it is acknowledged that all reports have a high degree of importance to those affected by Council decisions.

5.       The Policy requires Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

6.      In terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy this decision is considered to be low significance because it is only considering the distribution of funds between the operational budget lines, as the overall total has already been approved through the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee. 

Engagement, Consultation and Communication

Interested/Affected Parties


General Public

The public may comment on the Board’s budget during the Annual Plan/Long Term Plan consultation process.


Issues and Options Assessment

That it be recommended to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee that the Ōmokoroa Community Board 2024/2025 Annual Operating Budget be:














Milage Allowance






Street Decorations




Determined by Remuneration Authority

Inter Departmental Charges

Determined by Overhead Cost Allocation







Reasons why no options are available:

·    Section 79 (2) (c) and (3) Local Government Act 2002

Local Government Act 2002 Section 52(d):


The role of a community board is to prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the community.


Statutory Compliance

7.       The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Community Board prepare an annual submission to Council for expenditure within the community.


Funding/Budget Implications

Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail


The Ōmokoroa Community Board does not have the delegated authority to make funding allocations outside of the adopted budget. The Community Board may make recommendations to Council.




Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.5           Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board November 2023

File Number:          A5817808

Author:                   Tracy Harris, Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group

Authoriser:            Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

This report provides specific information on Infrastructure activities of interest to the Board.



That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report dated 21 November 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board November 2023’ be received.





State Highway 2 (SH2) & Associated Ōmokoroa Road Upgrades – Joint Agency Project:

WBOPDC, Waka Kotahi & Kāinga Ora

Description: Kāinga Ora has approved the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund for the SH2 Ōmokoroa Intersection, Francis Road roundabout and four-laning through to Prole Road. The design phase of this Council project commenced in August 2022 for the project to be completed by mid-2025.

Latest Update:

There was a meeting held Friday 22 September with the affected landowners south of SH2, who currently access directly onto SH2. As an outcome of the meeting there were requested changes, resulting in additional options being evaluated.


It is worth noting that there will be ongoing meetings between affected landowners and Powerco. This is due to the concerns relating to the temporary realignment of the existing overhead power lines in order for the construction earthworks to be completed.



Transportation - Ōmokoroa Community Roading

Description: Develop and implement the community roading plan approved by the Ōmokoroa Community Board.

Ōmokoroa Community Board Roading Current Account

Paid in 2022 $

Ōmokoroa Community Board $

Current Account:



Current Account Opening Balance 1 July 2022:






Allocation for 2022/23



Sub Total



Committed Projects



TOLO Cycle Racks



FENZ Signs



Completed Projects



Cycle Maintenance Stations



Goldstone Lane (Fire Station Parking)



Gane Place Urbanisation (awaiting Final Claim)



Ōmokoroa Boat Club Side Fencing



Subtotal Committed and Proposed Projects:



Forecasted Current Account Closing Balance 30 June 2023




FENZ Ōmokoroa – No Parking Signs

Description: The Board has been made aware of several instances where vehicles have parked across the main entrance of the Ōmokoroa Fire Station. 

Latest Update:

The Board resolved to fund two “No Parking Zone” signs to be installed on Ōmokoroa Road, adjacent to the Fire Station main entrance, as well as the supply and installation of an appropriate “FENZ Only/No Unauthorised Vehicles” style sign, to be located on the boundary of the Fire Station and the Station forecourt.

The Transportation Area Engineer has approached a supplier to manufacture and install the FENZ Signs. 


The Old Library Ōmokoroa (TOLO) Cycle Racks

Description:  The Board resolved to fund the installation of five cycle racks within the TOLO block on McDonnell Street.

Latest Update:

The racks are expected to be installed by December 2023.


Water Services

Ōmokoroa Groundwater Development

Description: To explore and develop additional groundwater supply for the increased growth planned. The groundwater supply will aim to provide water that is safe and healthy, resilient, and environmentally sustainable.

Latest Update:

The bore pump design is complete, and long lead items have been purchased. Site development physical works is underway.



Prole Road Urbanisation – Ōmokoroa Road to Waipapa River

Description: Prole Road is part of the CIP programme and partly funded by the Government. The project involves urbanisation of the section of Prole Road from Ōmokoroa Road to Waipapa Road with new pavement, kerbing, pedestrian/cycleway facilities, drainage, lightings, landscaping, and plantings.

Latest Update:

There have been some delays due to rainfall however, the full Prole Road construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.  


New Southern Industrial Road

Description: Ōmokoroa Industrial Road design and construction.

Latest Update:

There are no further updates at this time.


Ōmokoroa Road Urbanisation Stage 1 - Western Avenue to Tralee Street

Description: Ōmokoroa Urbanisation Project - Western Avenue to Tralee Street including services, walking, and cycling, and bus stops.

Latest Update:

This project is now complete and in defects liability period until the end of 2023.  Defects liability inspection will be carried out in November and any remedial works required will be completed by the end of this year.  Council has asked the contractor to mark cycle lanes and safety facilities from the Omokoroa Rail bridge to Kayelene Place and this will be undertaken towards the end of November 2023.  Once this is complete, it will provide a much safe route for cyclists between the Omokoroa rail bridge and Kaylene Place.


Ōmokoroa Road Urbanisation Stage 2 – Prole Road to Railway Track

Description: The upgrading of Omokoroa Road between Prole Road and the railway crossing from 2 lanes to 4 lanes.

Latest Update:

The business case has not been approved by Waka Kotahi, so the bulk of the project will be funded by rates and financial contributions.  The design is currently being finalised and we expect to go market for construction work in early 2024.


Ōmokoroa Domain

Description: Implement the approved Domain Concept Plan including the destination playground.

Latest Update:

There are no further updates at this time.


Prole Road to Pahoia Walkway/Cycleway

Description: Construction of a cycleway suspension bridge across the Waipapa Stream.

Latest Update:

·    Public access from Prole Road is closed due to major construction activities; and

·    Kiwirail license to occupy has been received and reviewed by our Legal Team before signing. 


Pedestrian/Cycle bridge over Railway from Kaimai View to Tui Glen

Description: Construction of a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Railway line to enable pedestrians and cyclists to connect Kaimai Views to Tui Glen.

Latest Update:

There are no further updates at this time, as it is still in the design stage.


Ōmokoroa Wharf

Description: Repairs to Ōmokoroa Wharf and Boat Ramp

Latest Update:

Currently, the gangway that leads down the concrete pontoon has been repaired and several piles have been replaced.  All works in relation to this project are now complete.



Western Solid Waste  

Description: Waste management that meets the needs of the community and protects the environment for present and future generations.

Latest Update:

There are no further updates at this time.


Emergency Management

Description: Support the Ōmokoroa Community to be resilient in the event of an Emergency.

Latest Update:

An additional resource box has been delivered to Ōmokoroa Community Church to replace the large bin which was out of date.


The implementation of updated tsunami evacuation zone maps across the district took place in October 2023. Part of this implementation included new information boards and work on the new Community Guide to Emergencies, which included the Ōmokoroa area.



1.         MAS Ōmokoroa Community Board November 2023  


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


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Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.6           Financial Report Ōmokoroa - October 2023

File Number:          A5821629

Author:                   Ezelle Thiart, Financial Business Advisor

Authoriser:            Allan Carey, Finance Business Partner Lead


Executive Summary

This report provides the Community Board with a two-monthly monitoring of its operational budget. Attached are the financial statements for the period ended                    31 October 2023 (Attachment 1).

Total operational costs are under budget YTD for 2023/24. 

Attached are also the final financial statements for the period ending 30 June 2023. Previously submitted financials were not final and additional salary costs were recognised before the period was closed. (Attachment 2)


That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 21 November 2023 titled ‘Financial Report Ōmokoroa – October 2023’ be received.



Financial Report year to date - October 2023:

Grant payments made to date:





No transactions year to date



2023/24 Grants to date



Committed - Operational expenditure:





No commitments



2023/24 Outstanding operational commitments






2023/24 Reserve analysis:





2023/24 Opening Balance



Spending $120 per advertisement from its Reserve Account, to advertise the Board’s upcoming meetings in the ‘Lizard News” for the next 12 months from May 2023.



2023/24 Closing reserve balance



Committed - Reserve expenditure:





Opening balance before committed expenditure



Grant application from the Ōmokoroa Bowling Club for $9,200 to be funded from the Reserve Account.

(Note: 50% progress payment of $4,600 paid July 2021).



Commits to spending $120 per advertisement from its Reserve Account, to advertise the Board’s upcoming meetings in the ‘Lizard News” for the next 12 months from May 2023. ($120 * 6 = $720 - $324 spent = $396)



2023/24 Balance after the committed expenditure




1.         Financial Report Ōmokoroa – October 2023

2.        Financial Report Ōmokoroa – June 2023 (Final)  


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


9.7            Ōmokoroa Community Board - Operational Report - November 2023

File Number:          A5844800

Author:                   Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

This report is an operational update from across Council for matters that relate to the Ōmokoroa Community Board area.


1.        That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 21 November 2023 titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board - Operational Report – November 2023’ be received.


Service Requests

This section is to provide an overview of Service Requests for the Ōmokoroa Community Board area since the last meeting.

There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and completed.

·  Sealed Road – Cesspit/Grill/Gutters & Drains

·  Building Compliance

·  Graffiti in Reserve

·  Local Road – Litter/Bins/Carpark/Rest Area

·  State Highway – Road Surface Defects

·  Local Road – Slip/Flood/Crash/Trees Down

·  Water Pressure (too high/low)

·  All Water Leaks – Known Issue

·  Detritus on Local Road

·  Liquor License

·  Local Road Signs – Damaged/Graffiti

·  No Water – Known Issue

·  Local Road – Road Surface Defects

·  Wastewater General Query

·  Water General Query


There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised which are under investigation:

·  Meter/Toby Issue (not leak)

·  Resource Consent Compliance

·  Reserves – Abandoned Vehicle

The table below shows Services Request’s that are higher in numbers and have a mix of statuses.

Service Request Subtype



Under Investigation/Scheduled for Completion

Abandoned Vehicle

Across Ōmokoroa



All Water Leaks

Across Ōmokoroa – multiple on Links View Drive, Margaret Drive, and Kayelene Place



Local Road – Bus Shelters (Rural Only) – Replace/Maintenance

Both on Ōmokoroa Road



Compliance and Enforcement General

Queries related to enforcement notices and follow up questions.



Complaints about Freedom Camping – Roads/Reserves

Both on Cooney Reserve



Cycleways – Reserves

Suggestions raised by the public.



Kerbside - Damaged Bin – Replace/Repair

Across Ōmokoroa



General District Plan Queries.

Mix of queries relating to resource consents/district planning.



Water – Emergency Shutdown

Across Ōmokoroa.



General Building Queries

Mix of queries relating to building consents/buildings.



Local Road – General/Miscellaneous

Mixed queries relating to mowing, maintenance, and vegetation.



Hydrant/valve issue (not leak)

Across Ōmokoroa



Kerbside General Enquiry

Mixed queries relating to excess bins, litter, and concerns with rubbish trucks.



Kerbside – New Property Deliver

Across Ōmokoroa



Local Road – Lighting (Replacement/Maintenance)

Street lighting issues.



Reserves – Litter/Litter Bins/Dumping

Multiple reports on Anderley Avenue.



Local Roads – Non Urgent Tree Requests

Mixed queries relating to maintenance/removal options for trees.



Kerbside – Lost/Stolen Bins

Across Ōmokoroa.



Kerbside Missed Collection – Investigation

Across Ōmokoroa



Reserves – Mowing/Vegetation (not trees)

Requests for maintenance



Noise Complaint - Afterhours

Across Ōmokoroa



Parking Queries

Across Ōmokoroa



Kerbside PAYT Issue

Concerns relating to stolen/missing PAYT tags



Reserves – Plumbing

Different reserves across Ōmokoroa.



Reserves – Public Toilets Hygiene

Across Ōmokoroa



Reserves Building/Roads/Tracks/Furniture

Across Ōmokoroa – maintenance issues.



Reserves General

Mixed queries relating to reserves concerns/improvements/suggestions/requests.



Roading Network General/Misc

Queries relating to speed humps/trees



Rubbish/Illegal Dumping

Across Ōmokoroa



Reserves – Trees

Tree maintenance queries



Local Road – Mowing/Vegetation (not trees)

Multiple reports on Ōmokoroa Road. Mixed queries relating to maintenance and lack of mowing





Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

21 November 2023


Matters arising from previous community board meetings (NOT MINUTE ACTION SHEETS)

This section relates to any matters arising from prior Community Board meetings where a Minute Action Sheet was not raised.



Completed minute action sheets (not in infrastructure report)

This section relates to any Minute Action Sheets that are currently outstanding, as well as completed Minute Action Sheets since the last Community Board meeting. This list excludes Minute Action Sheets that are included in the Infrastructure Report, as these will be reported on in the Infrastructure Report.

Date raised



September 2023

Passive Reserve Committed Expenditure

The Board noted that the remaining $26,043 from the committed expenditure of $45,000 was no longer needed, as the project had been completed.

The Board resolved to release these funds in September 2023. This action has been completed.


Grant Application – Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society

The Board declined the grant application, on the basis that the project will be funded entirely from the Community Board’s Reserve Account. A report is being presented to the November meeting to approve this funding.