Projects and Monitoring Meeting Minutes

31 October 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Projects and Monitoring Meeting No. PMC23-4
HELD IN THE Council Chambers, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga
ON Tuesday, 31 October 2023 AT 9.30am


1               Karakia

Whakatau mai te wairua Whakawātea mai te hinengaro Whakarite mai te tinana

Kia ea ai ngā mahi



Settle the spirit

Clear the mind

Prepare the body

To achieve what needs to be achieved.



2              Present

Cr D Thwaites (Chairperson), Cr T Coxhead, Cr R Crawford, Cr G Dally, Mayor J Denyer, Cr M Murray-Benge, Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour and Cr A Wichers.


via zoom

Cr A Sole and Cr R Joyce.

3              In Attendance

J Holyoake (Chief Executive Officer), R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), A Henderson (General Manager Corporate Services), A Curtis (General Manager Regulatory Services), C Crow (General Manager Infrastructure Group), P Watson (Reserves and Facilities Manager), S Parker (Cycleways Manager), J Paterson (Transportation Manager), C McLean (Senior Transportation Engineer) H Wi Repa (Governance Systems Advisor), C Irvin (Senior Governance Advisor) and R Leahy (Governance Advisor).


others in attendance

5 members of the public including:

Alan Fraser (Waihī Beach Landowner)

Andrew Fraser (Waihī Beach Landowner)

4              Apologies


Resolution  PMC23-4.1

Moved:         Cr M Murray-Benge

Seconded:   Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

That the apologies for absence from Cr A Henry and Cr M Grainger be accepted.


5              Consideration of Late Items


6              Declarations of Interest


7              Public Excluded Items


8              Public Forum

8.1           Robbie Frew - Te Puke Cycleway

Te Puke Resident, Robbie Frew was in attendance to speak in objection to the proposed Te Puke Cycleway. The following comments were provided:

·            Mr Frew was supportive of a cycleway but not on Cameron Road and Boucher Avenue.

·            Schools in the area were not supportive of the cycleway as it did not address their safety concerns.

·            A more appropriate route for the cycleway would be to link the existing Te Puke Te Ara Kahikatea Pathway to Maketu.



8.2          adele alexander - te puke cycleway

Te Puke resident, Adele Alexander was in attendance to speak in objection to the proposed Te Puke Cycleway. The following comments were provided:

·            Ms Alexander had conducted her own resident survey on the Te Puke Cycleway.

·            The Council-led survey focussed on the design options for the cycleway rather than if the cycleway was wanted.

·            There were some cyclist groups in Te Puke that would support the cycleway, however the majority of residents surveyed were opposed.

·            There was limited parking available for school pick up and drop offs. The cycleway would worsen this problem.

·            There was a broad demographic that responded to the survey.

·            Most residents who responded to the survey felt that Council had not provided them with enough information about the cycleway.

·            The survey showed that 74 percent of people who participated in the survey used bikes. Residents were not opposed to cycleways but preferred a destination cycleway rather than one that went through the main streets of Te Puke.


9              Presentations


10            Reports

10.1          Waihī Beach Rock Revetment - Council Landowner Consented Coastal Protection Works

The Committee considered a report dated 31 October 2023 from the Reserves and Facilities Manager who took the report as read.

Mr Alan Fraser and Mr Andrew Fraser (both Waihī Beach Landowners) spoke to the report and, along with the Reserves and Facilities manager provided the following comments:

·            The Environment Court had previously rejected a rock revetment wall in the area.

·            Mr Fraser stated that there was clear erosion on the affected properties as a result of Three Mile Creek. The affected landowners were willing to pay for a rock revetment wall to mitigate the erosion, however this should be on Council land.

·            A Resource Consent for the sand dune enhancement highlighted the need for the proposed rock revetment wall to have a five metre setback from the private property boundaries. 

·            The existing rock revetment has served its purpose and function, it was not designed to stop overtopping. Council was pleased with how it repelled the effects of Cyclone Gabrielle.

·            If the rock revetment wall went ahead, it would be vested into Council assets. Consideration as to whether the asset would be replaced in the future would form some of the discussions prior to final approval of the project.

·            The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement objected to hard engineering in dynamic coastal environments. Bay of Plenty Regional Council was legislatively required to give effect to this Policy Statement when issuing Resource Consents.

·            Research on the affects on Island View Reserve South would be undertaken through the design process.

·            Council supported the project despite it being inconsistent with Council's Erosion Responses Policy 2017.

Resolution  PMC23-4.2

Moved:         Cr M Murray-Benge

Seconded:   Mayor J Denyer

1.     That the Reserves & Facilities Manager’s Report dated 31 October 2023 titled ‘Waihī Beach Rock Revetment - Council Landowner Consented Coastal Protection Works’ be received.

2.    That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of medium significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.    That Council notes that assessment against its Coastal Erosion Response Policy indicates no need to protect Council’s reserve with a hard structure.

4.    That Council, as administering body and landowner of the reserve, approves in principle to the private construction of consented coastal works on Council reserve, Lot 18 and 19 DPS 22035 Waihī Beach, subject to the conditions, including:

·   A resource consent being granted by Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC);

·   Consent and construction fully funded by the property owners;

·   Agreement with Council on operational cost and responsibilities.

5.  That Council notes this decision is not totally consistent with Council's Erosion Responses Policy 2017. Council is not intending to alter its policy as a result. This recommendation is in acknowledgement of s80 of the Local Government Act 2002.





10.2         Te Puke Transport Choices

The Committee considered a report dated 31 October 2023 from the Senior Transportation Engineer who took the report as read, and made following comments:

·            The Cycleways Manager advised the Committee that Waka Kotahi had put the funding on hold for the implementation and construction of the project.

·            Waka Kotahi are awaiting the direction of the incoming Government before making a decision on the funding.

·            Redesigning the cycleway to minimise the amount of carparks that required removal would increase the costs considerably and involve the removal of street trees in the area.

·            A shift to multi-modal transport options was necessary as Council was unable to upgrade roads to accommodate more cars.

The Committee made the following comments:

·            Community consultation showed that the community did not support the cycleway. There was public perception that this was a pre-determined decision by Council.

·            Community Consultation from Council should consider including the option to keep the status quo.

·            There were other areas in Te Puke for a cycleway that would have been more appropriate and amenable to the community.

Resolution  PMC23-4.3

Moved:         Cr A Wichers

Seconded:   Cr G Dally

1.        That the Senior Transportation Engineer’s report dated 31 October 2023 titled ‘Te Puke Transport Choices’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That the Projects and Monitoring Committee does not approve the implementation of the Transport Choices project on Cameron Road and Boucher Avenue.


10.50am  The meeting adjourned.

11.08am   The meeting reconvened.

11             Information for Receipt

11.1           Operational Risk and Scorecard Report Quarterly Update Ending 30 September 2023

The Committee considered a report dated 31 October 2023 from the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Services. The report was taken as read, with the following                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         comments made:

·            The orange alerts signaled there was a lot of work going on in the risk areas and contingencies  were being worked through.

·            Site clearing on the Ōmokoroa roundabout may commence construction this summer, but was not expected to begin this calendar year. Council was working through issues relating to landowner consent and property procurement. 

·            A draft design for access to Youngson Road was being worked through with affected landowners.

Resolution  PMC23-4.4

Moved:         Cr T Coxhead

Seconded:   Cr R Crawford

That the Executive Assistant, Infrastructure Group’s report, dated 31 October 2023 titled ‘Operational Risk and Scorecard Report Quarterly Update Ending 30 September 2023’ be received.




The Meeting closed at 11.17am.


Confirmed as a true and correct record by Council on 23 November 2023.