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District Licensing Committee

Komiti Raihana-ā-Rohe



Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (Formerly Waihī  Beach Liquor Centre)

Monday, 30 October 2023, 9.30am

Council Chambers, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga





District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


District Licensing Committee




Commissioner/Chairperson from the District Licensing Committee Members List (‘the List’)


Cr Don Thwaites (Licensing Commissioner)

Murray Clearwater (Licensing Commissioner)

James Davison (Licensing Commissioner)

Beverley Edlin (Licensing Commissioner)

Arthur Wilkinson (Licensing Commissioner)

Steve Williams (Licensing Commissioner)


Commissioner and two members from the List (Section 191 – Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)


As required



As conferred under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012:

·           To consider and determine applications for licences and manager’s certificates.

·           To consider and determine applications for renewal of licences and manager’s certificates.

·           To consider and determine applications for temporary authority to carry on the sale and supply of alcohol in accordance with Section 136 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

·           To consider and determine applications for the variation, suspension, or cancellation of special licences.

·           To consider and determine applications for the variation of licences (other than special licences) unless the application is brought under Section 280 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

·           With the leave of the Chairperson for the licensing authority, to refer applications to the licensing authority.

·           To conduct inquiries and to make reports as may be required of it by the licensing authority under Section 175 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

·           Any other functions conferred on licensing committees by or under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 or any other enactment.





Chairperson’s Delegation:


·                Where no objection to the application has been received within the timeframes as prescribed under the Act the authority to decide on the papers and issue decisions on such applications (Section 191 (2) Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012).

District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


Notice is hereby given that a District Licensing Committee Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga on: Monday, 30 October 2023 at 9.30am


Order Of Business

1           Present. 5

2          In Attendance.. 5

3          Apologies. 5

4         Declarations of Interest. 5

5         Public Excluded Items. 5

6         Hearings. 6

6.1             LL8873 - Off Licence - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (Formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) - Application for an Off Licence.. 6

6.2            LL8873 - Off Licence - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (Formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) - Inspector's Report 30

6.3            LL8873 - Off Licence - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) - External Reports. 40



1                 Present

2                In Attendance

3                Apologies

4               Declarations of Interest

5                Public Excluded Items

District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


6                Hearings

6.1            LL8873 - Off Licence - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (Formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) - Application for an Off Licence

File Number:          A5777144

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The District Licensing Committee Hearing, set for Monday, 30 October 2023 at 9:30am, is to hear an application from BVSS 2015 Wines & Spirits, pursuant to section 100 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, for the grant of an Off Licence in respect of premises situated at 18A Wilson Road, Waihī Beach, known as ‘Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach’ (formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) (Attachment 1).



1.         Application for Off Licence Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach  


District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


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District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


6.2           LL8873 - Off Licence - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (Formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) - Inspector's Report

File Number:          A5777173

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The District Licensing Committee Hearing, set for Monday, 30 October 2023 at 9:30am, is to hear an application from BVSS 2015 Wines & Spirits, pursuant to section 100 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, for the grant of an Off Licence in respect of premises situated at 18A Wilson Road, Waihī Beach, known as ‘Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach’ (formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre).



The following report has been provided:

1.        Western Bay of Plenty District Council Alcohol Licensing Inspector’s Report (Attachment 1).



1.         Inspector's Report - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach  


District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


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District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


6.3           LL8873 - Off Licence - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach (Formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre) - External Reports

File Number:          A5777165

Author:                   Rosa Leahy, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The District Licensing Committee Hearing, set for Monday, 30 October 2023 at 9:30am, is to hear an application from BVSS 2015 Wines & Spirits, pursuant to section 100 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, for the grant of an Off Licence in respect of premises situated at 18A Wilson Road, Waihī Beach, known as ‘Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach’ (formerly Waihī Beach Liquor Centre).



The following report and supporting documents have been provided:

1.        Medical Officer of Health Report (Attachment 1);

2.       Agreed Conditions (Attachment 2);

3.       Medical Officer of Health Opposition Withdrawn (Attachment 3); and

4.       Police Report (Attachment 4).



1.         Medical Officer of Health Report - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach

2.        Agreed Conditions

3.        Medical Officer of Health Opposition Withdrawn

4.        Police Report - Liquor Barrel Waihī Beach  


District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


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District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


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A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer

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District Licensing Committee Meeting Agenda

30 October 2023


A screenshot of a computer

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A white paper with black text

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