Community Committee Meeting Minutes

19 October 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Community Committee Meeting No. CM23-2
HELD IN THE Council Chambers, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga
ON Thursday, 19 October 2023 AT 9.30am


1                 Karakia

Whakatau mai te wairua Whakawātea mai te hinengaro Whakarite mai te tinana

Kia ea ai ngā mahi



Settle the spirit

Clear the mind

Prepare the body

To achieve what needs to be achieved.



2                Present

Cr M Murray-Benge (Chairperson), Cr G Dally, Cr T Coxhead, Cr R Crawford, Mayor J Denyer, Cr M Grainger, Cr A Henry, Cr R Joyce, Cr A Sole (via Zoom), Cr D Thwaites, Cr A Wichers, Katikati Community Board Chairperson J Clements, Maketu Community Board Chairperson L Rae, Ōmokoroa Community Board Chairperson P Presland, Te Puke Community Board Chairperson K Ellis and Waihī Beach Community Board Chairperson R Goudie.

3                In Attendance

R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manger Strategy and Community), J Rickard (Community and Strategic Relationships Manager), G Golding (Governance Manager), S Wilburn (Community Outcomes Advisor), R Chambers (Events Specialist), V Duncan (Customer Services Manager), H Wi Repa (Governance Systems Advisor), R Leahy (Governance Advisor), and J Osborne (Governance Advisor).

Via zoom

S Cuers (Strategic Housing Programme Lead).

4               Apologies

Leave of Absence – Cr M Grainger.





Resolution  CM23-2.1

Moved:                         Maketu Community Board Chairperson L Rae

Seconded:         Cr M Murray-Benge

That the apology for absence from Deputy Mayor Scrimgeour be accepted.



5                Consideration of Late Items


6                Declarations of Interest


7                Public Excluded Items


8                Public Forum


9                Reports

9.1          Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund (TWBCEF) Update

The Committee considered a report dated 19 October 2023 from the Community and Strategic Relationships Manager. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         The maximum funding available per applicant in Western Bay of Plenty was $15,000, and $50,000 in Tauranga City. This was determined by the amount contributed by each Council.

·         Round Three of the fund closed on 20 October 2023, and Round Four closes on 20 January 2024.

·         The funding panel attempted to spread the annual funding over the year, however, allocation was primarily based on whether the applicant met the criteria and was rated highly against this criteria.

·         The fund was renewed every financial year.

·         Applications could be submitted for different aspects of an event (e.g. social media or advertising), and funding was not tagged to specific items.

·         If funding had been received by an applicant for an event, then other applicants that sought funding under the umbrella of the same event would not be eligible. However, this did not apply for separate events for the same overall celebration/event (e.g. Matariki Day or Anzac Day) if adequate evidence was provided that it was separate.

Resolution  CM23-2.2

Moved:                         Cr A Sole

Seconded:         Cr R Crawford

1.        That the Community and Strategic Relationships Manager’s report dated 19 October 2023, titled ‘Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund (TWBCEF) Update’, be received.



9.2         Mayors Task Force for Jobs update

The Committee considered a report dated 19 October 2023 from the Community Outcomes Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         There were ten employment outcomes that were required to be achieved, and had been achieved, throughout the Mayor’s Task Force for Jobs (MTFJ) for Western Bay of Plenty. Subsequently, the funding for this had been extended to 2025.

·         In nine months, 20 rangitahi had been placed into sustainable employment (90+ days of employment).

·         An issue for all youth employment programmes was transport options for youth to and from workplaces. Council was working towards a driver licensing programme to assist youth to move from a learners license to restricted license.

Resolution  CM23-2.3

Moved:                         Mayor J Denyer

Seconded:         Cr A Henry

That the Community Outcomes Advisor’s report dated 19 October 2023, titled ‘Mayor’s Task Force for Jobs Update’, be received.






9.3         Community Forum Outcomes

The Committee considered a report dated 19 October 2023 from the Governance Manager. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         The main purpose of the report was to close the loop on public concerns and queries, so that the Convenor’s could report back to the Community Forums.

·         Staff had been working alongside Council’s contractors to ensure that the Service Request process, and reporting back of outcomes, was more efficient for customers.

·         Process improvement had been planned and mapped, and it was now just a matter of implementing it.

·         The Antenno app was a shared service with Tauranga City Council and multiple other Councils and was not just a Western Bay of Plenty District Council tool.

·         There were different programs of infrastructure maintenance, including reactive, planned, and urgent maintenance.

·         It was the responsibility of the Convenors to provide the feedback to Community Forum attendees, and any recommendations for the Community Committee needed to be put forward from Convenors.

·         There were still ongoing concerns with responsiveness and the disconnect with the Service Request process, however, improvements were continuing in this space.

·         Feedback and notes from each Community Forum were published on the Council website for public viewing.

·         There needed to be thought put into other ways for the Community Forum feedback to reach the public, rather than just through the Committee, such as Community Board meetings.

Resolution  CM23-2.4

Moved:                         Mayor J Denyer

Seconded:         Cr M Murray-Benge

1.           That the Governance Manager’s report dated 19 October 2023, titled ‘Community Forum Outcomes’, be received.

2.         That the Community Committee request that the 70 metre paper road section of No 3 Road,  as referenced on page 17 of the agenda, be assessed against Council’s Policy for Council Maintenance of Previously Unmaintained Roads.




10              Information for Receipt

10.1        Community Forum Notes for Receipt

The Committee considered a report dated 19 October 2023 from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  CM23-2.5

Moved:                         Cr G Dally

Seconded:         Cr M Murray-Benge

1.     That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 19 October 2023, titled ‘Community Forum Notes for Receipt’, be received.

2.    That the Kaimai Ward Community Forum notes, held on 18 September 2023, be received.

3.    That the Katikati-Waihī Beach Ward Community Forum notes, held on 15 August 2023, be received.

4.    That the Maketu-Te Puke Ward Community Forum notes, held on 22 May 2023, be received.

5.    That the Maketu-Te Puke Ward Community Forum notes, held on 21 August 2023, be received.




The Meeting closed at 10.43am.


Confirmed as a true and correct record by Council on 23 November 2023.