Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

28 September 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting No. SPC23-6
HELD IN THE Council Chambers, Barkes Corner, 1484 Cameron Road, Tauranga
ON Thursday, 28 September 2023 AT 9.30am


1                 Karakia

Whakatau mai te wairua Whakawātea mai te hinengaro Whakarite mai te tinana

Kia ea ai ngā mahi



Settle the spirit

Clear the mind

Prepare the body

To achieve what needs to be achieved.



2                Present

Mayor J Denyer (Chairperson), Cr R Crawford, Cr T Coxhead, Cr G Dally, Cr A Henry, Cr M Grainger, Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour, Cr D Thwaites and Cr A Wichers

Via Zoom

Cr R Joyce and Cr A Sole

3                In Attendance

J Holyoake (Chief Executive Officer), R Davie (Deputy CEO/General Manager Strategy and Community), A Curtis (General Manager Regulatory Services), C Crow (General Manager Infrastructure Group), G Golding (Governance Manager), K McGinty (Senior Policy Analyst), C McGirr (Policy Analyst),  N Mogford (Building Services Manager), I Kruis (Resource Recovery and Waste Team Leader), H Wi Repa (Governance Systems Advisor), J Osborne (Governance Advisor) and P Osborne (Senior Governance Advisor)


One member of the press.


C Hughes (Systems Advisor Policy and Planning)





4               Apologies


Resolution  SPC23-6.1

Moved:                         Cr A Henry

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

That the apology for leave of absence from Cr Murray-Benge be accepted.



5                Consideration of Late Items


6                Declarations of Interest


7                Public Excluded Items


8                Public Forum


9                Presentations


10              Reports

10.1        Submission on Building Consent System Review: Options Paper Consultation (2023)

The Committee considered a report dated 28 September 2023 from the Senior Policy Analyst. The report was taken as read.

Staff responded to pātai as below:  

·                There was risk associated with the proposed requirement for one person to be accountable for a building project was acknowledged. However, the current building process was fragmented up into different sections of a construction process. This meant that different people were accountable for their particular section of the project, and there was no connection between them.

The proposed requirement would mean that if the person responsible abandoned the project, the risk and responsibility would fall back onto the Consenting Authority.

·                Results had been published for the 2022 Building Consent Systems Review, noting that there had been significant input from members of the impacted industries.

·                New legislation and regulations set by Central Government brought extra costs onto applicants.

·                Potential future cost increases would be caused by carbon footprint requirements (such as the requirement of double-framed construction). 

·                There had been a deficiency of available people in the trade.

·                The increase in costs was due to the better quality homes being built, as well as the responsibility of compliance costs which was carried by Council.

·                Self-certification was written into the Building Act in 2004 however, it had been redacted due to the industry not being prepared.

·                Council did not have any role in the Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP) scheme.

·                The main risk Council faced was the liquidation of construction companies when projects went wrong.

Resolution  SPC23-6.2

Moved:                         Cr A Henry

Seconded:         Cr R Crawford

1.        That the Senior Policy Analyst’s report dates 28 September 2023 titled ‘Submission on Building Consent System Review: Options Paper Consultation (2023)’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.



10.2       Submission on critical Infrastructure Phase One Consultation

The Committee considered a report dated 28 September 2023 from the Senior Policy Analyst. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  SPC23-6.3

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Mayor J Denyer

1.        That the Senior Policy Analyst’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Submission on Critical Infrastructure Phase One Consultation’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.



10.3       Submission on Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024

The Committee considered a report dated 28 September 2023 from the Senior Policy Analyst. The report was taken as read.

Staff responded to pātai as below:

·                Clarification relating to the referenced numbers of sealed and unsealed roads within the submission would be provided to the Committee following further investigation.

Resolution  SPC23-6.4

Moved:                         Deputy Mayor J Scrimgeour

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

1.        That the Senior Policy Analyst’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Submission on Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.



10.4       Submission on Western Bay of Plenty Development Plan: Major Capex Proposal long-list consultation

The Committee considered a report dated 28 September 2023 from the Strategic Advisor Resource Management. The report was taken as read.

Staff responded to pātai as below:

·         PowerCo and Transpower were working collaboratively with SmartGrowth, to prepare a list of Capital Expenditure for the next 10-20 years, recognising the significant growth in the district. Council had been involved in technical workshops to provide guidance on Council’s spatial planning.

·         There was currently no opportunity to provide feedback on distributed generation of electricity (such as solar power) through this submission. It was noted that this could be channelled through staff and Councillors that attended the SmartGrowth meetings.

Resolution  SPC23-6.5

Moved:                         Cr A Henry

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

1.        That the Strategic Advisor Resource Management’s report dated 28 September 2023 titled ‘Submission on Western Bay of Plenty Development Plan: Capex Proposal long-list consultation’ be received.

2.      That the submission, shown as Attachment 1 to this report, be received by the Strategy and Policy Committee and the information noted.




The Meeting closed at 9.54am.


Confirmed as a true and correct record by Council on 26 October 2023.