Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

26 September 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting No. OMC23-6
HELD IN THE Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue, Ōmokoroa
ON Tuesday, 26 September 2023 AT 7.00pm


1               Present

Chairperson P Presland, Member B Bell, Member G Neilson, Cr M Grainger and Cr D Thwaites.

2              In Attendance

G Golding (Governance Manager), A Curtis (General Manager Regulatory Services), A Hall (Roading Engineer West) and J Osborne (Governance Advisor).


11 members of the public.

3              Apologies

Member Allan Hughes – Leave of Absence.

4              Consideration of Late Items


5              Declarations of Interest

Members were advised that if they had an interest (actual, potential, pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest) in any item on the agenda, then they must declare this interest and refrain from discussing or voting on this item and were advised to withdraw from the meeting table for the item. [As per the Local Authorities (Member’s Interest) Act 1968].

·        Chairperson Presland and Members Neilson and Bell advised the Board that they had a declaration of interest regarding the Ōmokoroa Tennis Club, and report 9.3 of the agenda – Grant Application - September 2023 – as they were members of the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society.

6              Public Excluded Items


7              Public Forum

7.1            Sharon Parker - Ōmokoroa Sport and Recreation Society Grant Application

·        The steps had been included in the original building design for the Ōmokoroa Sports Pavilion, but were not built.

·        The lack of steps was a safety issue, as people were climbing the steep bank to get to the Pavilion.

·        The steps would increase amenity value for the area.

·        The Ōmokoroa Sport and Recreation Society had put a lot of work into the project, and had $10,000 of their own funding put aside.

·        The total cost for the project was approximately $34,000.


7.2              Public Art Group - Western Avenue Mural

·        For the last few months, the Group had been gathering drawings from children from various schools around Ōmokoroa.

·        The children had shared many ideas regarding what they liked about Ōmokoroa and what they enjoyed doing (such as sports and activities).

·        The Group were incorporating the children’s drawings into the mural designs, as well as the range of activities that took place at the Western Avenue Reserve.

·        Once the discussions had taken place with the Ōmokoroa Community Board and Council’s Reserves and Facilities Manager, the Group were planning to socialise the designs and ideas with other community groups in the area.

·        The Group already had funding for the project.

·        The Board congratulated the group on their community consultation process, dedication, and creativity during the project.


7.3           Chris Dever - Various Topics

·        It was clarified that anyone was able to speak in a public forum meeting at any Community Board meeting, not just residents from the area.

·        The details of Council’s newly appointed Community Resilience Advisor, could be made available.

·        There was concern raised regarding the pace at which the Ōmokoroa Boat Club lighting project was being carried out. The Board noted that there had been contact with the Commodore of the Boat Club, and a plan had been put in place to get this project underway.

·        The Speed Management Review was a process that Council was required to undertake. The consultation process would be discussed at a Strategy and Policy Workshop on 28 September 2023. It was noted that ‘Central Business District’ referred to the main business and central areas of each township. Waka Kotahi (NZTA) required that these areas, which were currently 50km/h, be reduced to 40km/h.

·        The Transportation Area Engineer confirmed that there was street lighting planned for Tralee Street, where the new village was being built.


7.4          Hugh Moleta - Links View Drive Flooding

·        During the heavy rain events in May 2023, the stormwater drains on the road had not coped with the amount of water, causing flooding for nearby houses.

·        There were no stormwater services in place for majority of homes on the road, noting that rain flowed from the road onto these properties.

·        It was believed that the main issue was a large, deciduous tree, which was close to the road and near a large stormwater sump, causing blockage issues.

·        A long-term solution was needed for this issue, as the flooding had caused damage to properties and there was a risk it would continue happening.

·        There were parts of the tree which were rotting, and roots from the tree were cracking the road seal.

·        There had been no flooding issues during the weather events in January 2023.

·        Typically, the stormwater systems were designed for a one-in-25-year storm event, and the weather events in 2023 were thought to have been larger than this.

·        The contractors were currently maintaining the tree and catch-pit to Council’s levels of service.


The Transportation Area Engineer advised the Board that WestLink had attended the site and confirmed there were no blockages. The tree was inspected, and hanging branches that posed a safety risk would be cut back. It was suggested that, because Council did not have a Street Tree Policy, this issue be referred back to the Board for consideration. The Board would discuss this at their next Ōmokoroa Community Board workshop with Council staff to reach a resolution.


7.5           Andrew Dallas - Ōmokoroa Tennis

·        The Ōmokoroa Tennis Club was seeking support from the Community Board for three goals, which were described in Tabled Item 1 – Submission in Support of Additional Tennis Courts at Western Avenue, and below:

1.           Tennis in Ōmokoroa be centred to one facility at Western Avenue.

2.              Addition of three new courts to the Western Avenue side of the existing courts.

3.              The new courts to have flexipave surface to support junior tennis.

·        The Tennis Club membership had grown significantly over the last year, and the current tennis court facility was felt to be inadequate for the number of members.

·        The club proposed that the court closest to the Old Pavilion be the multi-use court and there be two tennis courts within the fences. The primary concern with having multi-use courts was who would look after the courts and manage the changeover for different sports codes.

·        If an agreement for the courts was achieved, the Club would begin exploring options for raising funds.

Mr Dallas responded to the Board’s questions as follows:

·        The club did not have an approximate cost of a tennis court, but it was thought that the majority of the cost would come from the earthworks required for the proposed site of the new courts.

·        Currently, the courts were being used in the evenings from Monday through to Thursday, and Friday and Saturday mornings. Interclub also took place on Sundays. Future projections for the use of the courts was that they would be used very regularly, and that seven courts would be sufficient for the growth.


7.6           Matthew Farrell - Ōmokoroa Tennis and Youth Wellbeing

·        There was concern with the desired expansion of the tennis courts on Western Avenue, as there was finite space and resources in the community. It was believed that consideration needed to be given to ratios of space.

·        It was believed that broader consultation needed to take place, rather than just with users who have an interest in tennis.

·        Mr Farrell noted that the Tennis Club were doing great work, and he was not intending to exclude the Tennis Club from opportunities, but there was a need for a wider range of community facilities.

·        It was thought there was a need for a ‘youth club’ in Ōmokoroa, and a range of facilities to provide an outlet for young people.

·        There was a need for a social strategy for future social wellbeing of Ōmokoroa, and to aid in decreasing the antisocial behaviours that come with a growing community.

·        It was believed that there were many facilities in Ōmokoroa for tennis, but there was concern that there were limited facilities for other sports.

8              Minutes for Confirmation

8.1           Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023

The Community Response Plan was put together by members of the Ōmokoroa Response Team in conjunction with Council’s Senior Emergency Management Advisor. It was requested that the Community Response Plan be discussed at a future Ōmokoroa Community Board workshop to identify changes/amendments, and that the publishing of this Response Plan be postponed.

Resolution  OMC23-6.1

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

1.            That the Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record, with the following amendment made:

·        That on page 7 of the minutes, under item 10.5, the following should read:

”OM1.8 – Up to $50,000 committed from the Board’s Reserve Account for two bus shelters on Ōmokoroa Road, which was now to be funded from the Ōmokoroa Road Stage 2 Urbanisation Project fund.”

2.      That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


9              Reports

9.1           Chairperson's Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The Board took the report as read.

Resolution  OMC23-6.2

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Chairperson’s report dated 26 September 2023, titled ‘Chairperson’s Report – September 2023’, be received.



9.1.1         Crapp Reserve Signage

Resolution  OMC23-6.3

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That staff investigate the replacement of the Crapp Reserve signage, which is currently out of date, and report back to the Board.



9.1.2        Ōmokoroa Skatepark Concrete Pathway

Resolution  OMC23-6.4

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Board approve Option B for the Ōmokoroa Skatepark Concrete Pathway: Alternative option to replace the concrete with a fibreglass deck, at a cost of $3,488.00. This will be funded from the Community Board Reserves Account.



9.2          Councillor's Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from Councillor Thwaites. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·        The Annual Plan process had been delayed, however, it had now been adopted.

·        Feedback for the future development of TECT Park had now closed.

·        There would be an opportunity for community feedback on the draft Speed Management Plan.

·        There had been desire from residents to reduce speed limits in rural areas, noting that this feedback had been overwhelming within the Te Puna community.

·        Staff were working to complete the first draft of the Long Term Plan budgets, with full-day Council workshops planned during the remainder of 2023.

Resolution  OMC23-6.5

Moved:                         Cr D Thwaites

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

That Councillor Thwaites’ report dated 26 September 2023, titled ‘Councillor’s Report – September 2023’, be received.



9.3          Grant Application - September 2023

Chairperson Presland and Members Grieg and Bell declared in interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·        The Board agreed that the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation society should not have to front the cost of the stairs as it was a community asset and would be maintained by Council, and the project should be funded entirely from the Community Board Reserves Account. This would be brought to the next Community Board meeting for the funding to be committed. It was agreed that the grant application would be declined for this reason.

·        Council’s Reserves and Facilities Manager had provided specifications that the project must adhere to, and the planning had been completed in accordance with these specifications.

Resolution  OMC23-6.6

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

1.       That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Grant Application – September 2023’ be received.

2.      That the Ōmokoroa Community Board do not approve the grant application from the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated.



9.4          Operational Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·        It was clarified that the Lee Street Pensioner Houses were not situated in Ōmokoroa, and this was just an administration error when running the report.

Resolution  OMC23-6.7

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

1.       That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – September 2023’ be received.

2.      That the Ōmokoroa Community Board requests that the remainder of the ‘Committed – Reserve Expenditure’ contribution to develop a Passive Reserve at the Western Avenue extension (OM1.8), be released back into the Reserve Account as the works have now been completed, with the remainder being $26,043.00.



9.4.1       Sea Scout Den

Resolution  OMC23-6.8

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

The Board sought an update on the Sea Scout Den, as there were a number of parties interested in leasing the space. Staff would investigate and an update would be included in the next Ōmokoroa Community Board Operational Report.



9.5          Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023

The Board considered a report from the General Manager Infrastructure Services. The Board took the report as read, with further discussion on the below:

·        The road marking outside the Fire Station had been completed, and the addition of signs would supplement the Parking Bylaw, as well as the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) parking requirements.

·        The $4,000 for the FENZ Signs was an estimate, and included a contingency amount.

Resolution  OMC23-6.9

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

1.       That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report, dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023’ be received.




Resolution  OMC23-6.10

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

2.      TOLO Cycle Racks

         That the Board fund from the Community Board Roading Account a poured concrete surface and the installation of three previously purchased cycle racks and purchase two additional units (5 cycle rack units in total), to be located adjacent to the Old Library on McDonell Street. Costs will include relocating the existing sign and adjusting the adjacent garden edging accordingly, at a cost estimate of $8,000.00.


Resolution  OMC23-6.11

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

3.      FENZ SIGNS

That the Board fund, from the Community Board Roading Account, the supply and installation of two “No Parking Zone” signs, to be installed on Ōmokoroa Road, adjacent to the Fire Station main entrance; to support the existing Traffic and Parking Bylaw restrictions in the immediate vicinity.




That the Board fund, from the Community Board Roading Account, the supply and install an appropriate “FENZ Only/No Unauthorised Vehicles” style sign, to be located on the boundary of the Fire Station and the Station forecourt, to highlight the essential need to maintain a clear zone area to allow unrestricted access and egress of FENZ vehicles, at all times,  in front of the station main doors.  The cost estimate for this is $4,000.00.



The Chairperson noted that there was no Community Board financial report for this meeting, and that the August 2023 financial information was still valid. The financial report would be included in the next agenda.








The Meeting closed at 8.19pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Ōmokoroa Community Board meeting held on 21 November 2023.




Chairperson P Presland