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Ōmokoroa Community Board

Poari ā Hapori o Ōmokoroa



Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 7.00pm

Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue,






Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


Ōmokoroa Community Board




Peter Presland

Deputy Chairperson

Allan Hughes


Ben Bell

Greig Neilson

Councillor Murray Grainger

Councillor Don Thwaites




Eight weekly / Workshops as required


Role and Purpose of Community Boards:

·           To represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of their communities.

·           To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees, or any matter of interest or concern to the Community Board.

·           To maintain an overview of services provided by Council within the community.

·           To prepare an annual submission to the Council for expenditure within the community.

·           To communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community.

·           To undertake responsibilities as delegated by Council or its Committees.

Delegated Functions:

Subject to compliance with Council strategies, policies, plans and legislation:

·           To have input into Council and its Committees on issues, services, plans and policies that affect communities within the Community Board Area.

·           To provide an effective mechanism for community feedback to Council.

·           To receive reports from Council appointees on Council matters relevant to the Community Board.

·           To control, expend and monitor funds as allocated by Council.

·           To allocate Community Board reserve funds to specific capital non-recurring projects for council assets on council land.


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


Notice is hereby given that an Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting will be held in the Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue, Ōmokoroa on:
Tuesday, 26 September 2023 at 7.00pm


Order Of Business

1           Present. 4

2          In Attendance.. 4

3          Apologies. 4

4         Consideration of Late Items. 4

5         Declarations of Interest. 4

6         Public Excluded Items. 4

7          Public Forum... 4

8         Minutes for Confirmation.. 5

8.1             Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023.. 5

9          Reports. 14

9.1             Chairperson's Report - September 2023.. 14

9.2            Councillor's Report - September 2023.. 17

9.3            Grant Application - September 2023.. 18

9.4            Operational Report - September 2023.. 22

9.5            Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023.. 27



1                 Present

2                In Attendance

3                Apologies

4               Consideration of Late Items

5                Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.

6                Public Excluded Items

7                Public Forum

A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions.

Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer relationship management system as a service request, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.

Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


8                Minutes for Confirmation

8.1            Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023

File Number:          A5711718

Author:                   Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager



1.        That the Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.       That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




1.       Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 1 August 2023 


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

1 August 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting No. OMC23-5
HELD IN THE Ōmokoroa Library & Service Centre, Western Avenue, Ōmokoroa
ON Tuesday, 1 August 2023 AT 7.00pm


1                 Present

Chairperson P Presland, Deputy A Hughes, Member B Bell, Cr M Grainger and                              Cr D Thwaites

2                In Attendance

A Curtis (General Manager Regulatory Services), A Hall (Roading Engineer East and West) G Golding (Governance Manager), and J Osborne (Governance Advisor)


Councillor M Murray-Benge

34 members of the public

3                Apologies


Resolution  OMC23-5.1

Moved:                         Deputy A Hughes

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

That the apology for absence from Member G Neilson be accepted.



4               Consideration of Late Items


5                Declarations of Interest


6                Public Excluded Items


7                Public Forum

7.1          Bruce Hamblyn - Fluoridation

Mr Hamblyn was in attendance on behalf of Kane Titchener (Fluoride Free New Zealand) to speak regarding fluoridation concerns. The following points were made:

·         There should be public engagement on the mandates.

·         ‘New Health New Zealand’ had filed legal proceedings against the Director-General of Health’s directives.

·         It was suggested that Council request an interim injunction against the mandates, as this would mean a delay in fluoridating the water supply.

·         It was believed that fluoride lowered IQ levels, and that there was no safe level of fluoride.

·         It was requested that the Ōmokoroa Community Board resolve to support Council in lodging an interim injunction, and that the Board supported Kane Titchener’s development of a remit for Region 2 of the Community Board’s Executive Committee (CBEC) against fluoridation.

·         Mr Hamblyn expressed that he was willing to speak to members of the Board at a later date if requested.


7.2         Dr. D Crone - Fluoridation

Dr Crone was in attendance and spoke to a PowerPoint presentation regarding fluoridation, noting the following:

·         He believed fluoride was a toxic industrial waste product.

·         He was also of the belief that it lowered IQ in children, and caused conditions such as dental and skeletal fluorosis.

·         Fluorine had no known metabolic role in mammals.

·         It was believed that issues with teeth were due to poor nutrition and exposure to sugar, and that fluoridating the water was not the solution.


The Chairperson noted that if the community wished to raise awareness of this issue, a community meeting could be facilitated without necessarily involving the Community Board.


7.3         Chris Dever - Multiple Topics

Mr Dever was in attendance to speak on the below multiple topics:

·         He was of the belief that community fluoridation had no adverse health effects, and that there was no convincing scientific evidence to prove this.

·         Fluoridation was seen to be an effective tool for improving dental health.

·         A service request had been submitted to Council regarding damaged playground equipment, which had been replaced with a smaller piece of equipment rather than fixing what was there. Mr Dever expressed concern with Council’s approach to maintenance. The Board noted that there had been staff correspondence and action to get this particular issue corrected with the supplier.



Resolution  OMC23-5.2

Moved:                         Cr D Thwaites

Seconded:                            Member B Bell

That in accordance with Standing Orders the order of business be changed and that the item 9.4: “Operational Report – August 2023”, be dealt with as the next item of business, in order to release interested parties from the meeting.



8.1          Operational Report - August 2023

·         The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         The Board had received some options from staff for bollards at the end of The Esplanade cul-de-sac, which included an option for removeable bollards, that could be lifted out during the Summer months and replaced in Winter (Option 1).

·         Mr Textor expressed that removing them in the Summer was not a suitable option, as the antisocial behaviour was heightened during this time.

·         The Board noted that having removeable bollards was better than none at all, and there was still an option for these to become permanent or reinstalled during Summer if needed.

Cr Grainger tabled Item 1: options for bollards at the end of The Esplanade.


·         The Board expressed gratitude that the Titoki trees on Margaret Drive had been removed.

Resolution  OMC23-5.3

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That, as per the option 1 diagram in Tabled Item 1, removeable bollards be installed at the end of The Esplanade, at a cost of $3,601.00 to be funded from the Ōmokoroa Community Board Roading Account.


Resolution  OMC23-5.4

Moved:                         Deputy A Hughes

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 1 August 2023 titled ‘Community Board Operational Report’ be received.


9                Minutes for Confirmation

9.1          Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 6 June 2023

The Board noted that the $50,000 committed expenditure for bus shelters should have been removed from the Financial Report, and requested for staff to investigate to ensure the next financial report reflected this resolution.

Resolution  OMC23-5.5

Moved:                         Deputy A Hughes

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 6 June 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Resolution  OMC23-5.6

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Deputy A Hughes

That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.


10              Reports

10.1        Chairperson's Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items:

Resolution  OMC23-5.7

Moved:                         Chairperson P Presland

Seconded:         Deputy A Hughes

1.        That the Chairperson’s report dated 1 August 2023, titled ‘Chairperson’s Report – August 2023’, be received.



10.1.1      Running Bird Cafe Bike Racks

The bike racks outside the Running Bird Café had been funded through the Ōmokoroa Community Board in a previous triennium, and were currently in storage. The Roading Engineer (East and West) was working with The Old Library regarding how the placement of the racks impacted their signage.

The Roading Engineer (East and West) would provide a cost estimate to the Board for concrete and labour involved in the installation of the bike racks.


10.1.2     Footpath extension on Hamurana Road

Cost estimates were being sought for the footpath extension on Hamurana Road, which would be presented to the Board. The Board also wished to get a sense of the pedestrian movement in the area before making a decision.


10.1.3     New Zealand PolicE Funding

The Board had been informed that New Zealand Police were unable to receive any funding from outside organisations, in regard to the Community Policing, and had to be internally funded.






10.2       Councillor's Report - August 2023

The Board considered a report from Councillor Grainger. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  OMC23-5.8

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Cr D Thwaites

That the Councillor’s report dated 1 August 2023, titled ‘Councillor’s Report – August 2023’, be received.



10.3       Member's Update - August 2023

The Board considered a report from Member Hughes. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         The Community Response Plan was currently with Council staff for sign-off, and Member Hughes would circulate this to Board members.

Resolution  OMC23-5.9

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

That the Member Hughes’ report dated 1 August 2023, titled ‘Member’s Update – August 2023’, be received.



10.4       Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board August 2023

The Board considered a report from the Executive Assistant Senior Team Administrator. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         Funding had been provided by the Board in the previous triennium for additional parking by the fire station. This project was now complete, and the cycle repair station was due to be installed in coming weeks.

·         The Roading Engineer (East and West) would follow up on the status of Ōmokoroa Road Stage 2, and it was noted a business case had been presented to Waka Kotahi for funding. An update would be included on the next Ōmokoroa Community Board agenda.


Ōmokoroa Settler’s Hall/Ōmokoroa Fire Station Parking:

·         There was concern from the Fire Brigade about the parking of vehicles over the fire station driveway during the Ōmokoroa Settler’s Hall markets, and how this impacted the ability for emergency services to get in and out of the station.

·         Edge markers had been ordered to delineate between the Settler’s Hall and the bridge footpath, which would be installed as soon as possible.

·         Staff would investigate the Settler’s Hall lease agreement to ensure that they were operating within it.

·         It was suggested that, as a member of the Ōmokoroa Settler’s Hall Society Incorporated Committee, Member Neilson approach the Hall Committee in the first instance.

·         Additional signage and road marking could be investigated by the Roading Engineer (East and West), if requested by the Board, and would come from the Ōmokoroa Community Board roading account.

Resolution  OMC23-5.10

Moved:                         Deputy A Hughes

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the Executive Assistant Senior Team Administrator’s, dated 1 August 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board August 2023’ be received.



10.5       Financial Report Ōmokoroa - June 2023

The Board considered a report from the Financial Business Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below:

·         Staff would investigate the two items of Committed Expenditure that the Board had agreed to release back into the reserves account, being:

o   OM1.8 – Up to $45,000 committed to develop a Passive Reserve at the Western Avenue extension, with the remainder being $26,043.

o   OM1.8 – Up to $50,000 committed for two bus shelters on Ōmokoroa Road, which would now be funded from the Ōmokoroa Community Board roading account.

Resolution  OMC23-5.11

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Cr M Grainger

That the Financial Business Advisor’s report dated 1 August 2023 and titled ‘Financial Report Ōmokoroa – June 2023’ be received.



10.6       Concrete Pathway - Ōmokoroa Skatepark

It was requested that staff investigate and include a report in the agenda of the Ōmokoroa Community Board, scheduled for 26 September 2023, regarding the concrete pathway at the Ōmokoroa Skatepark, in order for the Board to make a formal decision.


The Meeting closed at 8.08pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Ōmokoroa Community Board meeting held on 26 September 2023.




Chairperson P Presland



Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


9                Reports

9.1             Chairperson's Report - September 2023

File Number:          A5711486

Author:                   Peter Presland, Community Board Chairperson

Authoriser:            Alison Curtis, General Manager Regulatory Services




1.        That the Chairperson’s report dated 26 September 2023, titled ‘Chairperson’s Report – September 2023’, be received.

2.       That staff investigate the replacement of the Crapp Reserve signage, which is currently out of date, and report back to the Board.

3.       That the Board approve Option A for the Ōmokoroa Skatepark Concrete Pathway: Concrete option at a cost of $3,277.00, to be funded from the Community Board Reserves Account.


That the Board approve Option B for the Ōmokoroa Skatepark Concrete Pathway: Alternative option to replace the concrete with a fibreglass deck, at a cost of $3,488.00. This will be funded from the Community Board Reserves Account.


Crapp Reserve Signage

The Crapp Reserve sign is out of date (see below). The proposal is to update the sign, to reflect the growth and development of the area.

While on the matter, I will ask the Board whether there are any other signs on the peninsular which require an update/facelift.

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Concrete Pathway Ōmokoroa Skatepark


As discussed at our Board meeting on 1 August 2023, Steven White, (Reserves and Facilities Team Leader Operations) has received the following from Downer:

·    Option A: Concrete option: $3,277.00

·    Option B: Alternative option: $3,488.00.  This option replaces concrete with a fibreglass deck.  This is the same specification as installed further along the sportsground shared-path and is considered to be a better option due to better protection for the tree root-zone area.  It also delineates change and discourages high speed scooters, bikes, or skateboards between the skate-path and shared-path sections.


Kaimai Community Forum 18th September 2023


The Kaimai Community Forum took place on 18 September 2023, commencing at 7pm, at the Ōmokoroa Sports Pavilion on Western Avenue (in the Social Room). These forums present a great opportunity to engage with your Elected Members. I encourage all present tonight to both come along and spread the word about future forums, to encourage others to attend.


Thank You


Thank you to Council staff, across the various business units at Western Bay. I know that you have much on, so I appreciate the prompt response to us/our peninsular community, and activity to make the place we choose to reside a better place to live.





Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


9.2            Councillor's Report - September 2023

File Number:          A5711373

Author:                   Don Thwaites, Councillor

Authoriser:            Alison Curtis, General Manager Regulatory Services




1.        That Councillor Thwaites’ report dated 26 September 2023, titled ‘Councillor’s Report – September 2023’, be received.


1.    Annual Plan: The Annual Plan was passed on 30 August 2023. The overall rates increase was set at 7.04%.

2.   The future development for TECT Park is open for submissions. To provide your ideas, visit TECT Parks website through the following link and complete the survey - https://www.tectpark.co.nz/take-our-survey

3.   The Draft Speed Management Plan proposed to Waka Kotahi, a speed limit of 40kph within the central business district of Ōmokoroa. The Ōmokoroa Community Board have fed into this Speed Management Plan Process.

4.   The Long Term Plan has had a number of workshops to bring all 13 areas of Council before Councillors. Next month, initial financial estimates will highlight the impact of inflation on the 2021 plan.





Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


9.3            Grant Application - September 2023

File Number:          A5721391

Author:                   Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to enable the Ōmokoroa Community Board to make a decision regarding the application for Community Board Grant Funding as applied for by the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated.


1.     That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Grant Application – September 2023’ be received.

2.    That the Ōmokoroa Community Board approve the grant application from the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated for $_____, to contribute towards costs associated with building steps at the northern end of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion at Western Avenue. This grant will be funded from the Ōmokoroa Community Board Grants Account, subject to all accountabilities being met.


That the Ōmokoroa Community Board do not approve the grant application from the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated.



The Ōmokoroa Community Board has funding of $12,000 available for disbursement to community organisations for the 2023/2024 financial year. The balance as of 26 September 2023 is $12,000.

The Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated has submitted an application for $27,943.00 to contribute towards the construction of concrete steps with stainless steel handrails, on the north side of the Ōmokoroa Pavilion, to link the top and bottom fields.

The project will benefit all users of the Western Avenue Reserve, and the design is in accordance with specifications provided by Council’s Reserves and Facilities Manager.

The Community Board have received the financial information of the Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society, a detailed design of the steps and options for handrails (Attachment A), construction quotes, and supporting statements from the following parties:

·  Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society

·  Ōmokoroa Football Club

·  Yoga Instructor at the Pavilion

·  A local user of the Pavilion

·  Ōmokoroa Community Tennis Club


Engagement, Consultation and Communication

Interested/Affected Parties



The Ōmokoroa Sports and Recreation Society Incorporated

The applicant will be advised of the outcome of their respective Grant Application.


Funding/Budget Implications

Budget Funding Information

Relevant Detail

Community Board Grant Funds


The Community Board will consider applications for distribution of grant funding before the end of the financial year.


Annual Budget          $12,000


Current Balance       $12,000




1.         Attachment A - Design for Steps and Handrails - Ōmokoroa Pavilion  


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


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Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


9.4           Operational Report - September 2023

File Number:          A5711781

Author:                   Jahneisha Osborne, Governance Advisor

Authoriser:            Greer Golding, Governance Manager


Executive Summary

This report is an operational update from across Council for matters that relate to the Ōmokoroa Community Board area.


1.        That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – September 2023’ be received.

2.       That the Ōmokoroa Community Board requests that the remainder of the ‘Committed – Reserve Expenditure’ contribution to develop a Passive Reserve at the Western Avenue extension (OM1.8), be released back into the Reserve Account as the works have now been completed, with the remainder being $26,043.00.


Service Requests

This section is to provide an overview of Service Requests for the Ōmokoroa Community Board area since the last meeting.

There has been one of each of the following subtypes of Service Requests raised and completed.


·  Abandoned Vehicle

·  Local Road – Barriers and Rails

·  Reserves – Bollards

·  Local Road – Bus Shelters (Rural)

·  Complaints about Freedom Camping on Reserves

·  Cycleways on Reserves

·  District Plan Compliance

·  Reserves – Abandoned Vehicle

·  Resource Consent Enquiries

·  Water – Taste/Smell/Quality

·  Water Pressure Too High/Low

·  Graffiti in Reserve

·  Kerbside – Debris from Collection

·  Health – Liquor License

·  Local Road – Non Urgent Tree Requests

·  No Water

·  Kerbside – PAYT Issue

·  Properties – Lee Street Pensioner Housing

·  Sewer Pipe Block/Damage

·  Stormwater Man Hole – Missing Lid



The table below shows Services Request’s that are higher in numbers and have a mix of statuses.

Service Request Subtype



Under Investigation/Scheduled for Completion

All Water Leaks

Multiple on McKenna Lane and Ōmokoroa Road.



Kerbside – Damaged Bin (replace/repair)

All across Ōmokoroa.



Emergency Water Shutdown

2 on Ōmokoroa Road



Customer Service Planning (Duty Planner)

Across Ōmokoroa



Building General Enquiries

All Across Ōmokoroa



Local Road – General/Misc

Mix of queries including trees, footpaths, parking issues, and intersections. Across Ōmokoroa – multiple on Ōmokoroa Road.



Reserves – Harbour Structures

Both queries regarding reinstatement of Ōmokoroa Boat Ramp on The Esplanade.



Kerbside General Enquiry

Queries relating to litter after collection/new bins.



Kerbside – New Property Bins

Across Ōmokoroa



Local Roads – Lighting (Replacement/Maintenance)

Both on Ōmokoroa Road.



Kerbside – Lot/Stolen Bins

Across Ōmokoroa.



Kerbside – Missed Collection

All across Ōmokoroa



Reserves – Mowing and Vegetation (not trees)

Lynley Park Reserve and Bramley Drive.



No Water – Known issue

Multiple on Ōmokoroa Road and Owen Place.



Noise Complaint – After Hours

Across Ōmokoroa



Compliance – Parking Query

Multiple Reports on Bert Wall Drive.



Reserves General

Mix of queries including toilets, rubbish bin requests, fences, and information requests.



Reserves – Trees

Multiple on Western Avenue.



Urban Stormwater General/Info Request

Technical queries relating to services/buildings close to stormwater. Across Ōmokoroa.



Local Road – Vegetation (not trees)/Mowing

Two on Ōmokoroa Road.




Matters arising from previous community board meetings (NOT MINUTE ACTION SHEETS)

This section relates to any matters arising from prior Community Board meetings where a Minute Action Sheet was not raised.

Date raised



April 2023

That staff provide an update on the status of the Ōmokoroa-Pahoia Sea Scout Den, including whether repairs were still required (and an indicative cost), and whether any parties other than the ŌBC were interested in leasing the facility, and that the update be provided to all members of the Board prior to the next Board meeting scheduled 6 June 2023.

There are several parties interested in leasing the Ōmokoroa-Pahoia Sea Scout Den but as there are no facilities (toilets, running water) in the building current building code requirements mean it can’t be used for clubs to gather. The Ōmokoroa Boat Club are interested in a lease to store boats and Pirirakau have registered an interest in storing Waka-ama. Given this high level of interest a registration of interest will soon be called for which will be considered in consultation with the Community Board.

This matter continues to be worked on.

June 2023

Roading/reserves update for Kaimai Views.

July 2023: Kaimai Views Contract Renewals

The reserves maintenance contract is due for renewal in September and wouldn’t be contestable. In the meantime, staff continue to work with the Friends of Kaimai Views on maintaining the native revegetation areas in the gullies.

This matter continues to be worked on.


Ōmokoroa Sports Pavilion update.

Ōmokoroa Sports Pavilion

This is intended to be a bookable space for access by the entire Community.  If a youth group wishes to book the space, they will be able to do so, providing they meet booking requirements.

This matter continues to be worked on.

August 2023

Bollards at the end of The Esplanade.

The Board had received some options for bollards at the end of The Esplanade cul-de-sac, which included an option for removeable bollards, that could be lifted out during the Summer months and replaced in Winter (Option 1).

The Board resolved to install Option 1, as above (Resolution OMC23-5.3).


Bus Shelters Committed Expenditure

The Board requested staff investigate to ensure the $50,000 committed expenditure was removed as the funding was no longer needed. This action has been completed.


Circulation of Community Response Plan to Board Members.

Member Hughes circulated the plan to the Board. This action has been completed.


Passive Reserve Committed Expenditure

The Board noted that the remaining $26,043 from the committed expenditure of $45,000 was no longer needed, as the project had been completed. The resolution to release these funds is included as a recommendation in the Operational Report.


Concrete Pathway – Ōmokoroa Skatepark.

An email was circulated to the Board during September presenting options to consider.

This information is contained within the attachment in the Infrastructure Report. A recommendation can be made from this information within the Infrastructure Report.


Completed minute action sheets (not infrastructure)

This section relates to any Minute Action Sheets that are currently outstanding, as well as completed Minute Action Sheets since the last Community Board meeting. This list excludes Minute Action Sheets that are included in the Infrastructure Report, as these will be reported on in the Infrastructure Report.




Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


9.5           Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023

File Number:          A5665740

Author:                   Tracy Harris, Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group

Authoriser:            Cedric Crow, General Manager Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary

This report provides specific information on Infrastructure activities of interest to the Board.



1.    That the Executive Assistant Infrastructure Group’s report, dated 26 September 2023 titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board September 2023’ be received.


2.   TOLO Cycle Racks

That the Board fund from the Community Board Roading Account a poured concrete surface and the installation of three previously purchased cycle racks, to be located adjacent to the Old Library on McDonell Street. Costs will include relocating the existing sign and adjusting the adjacent garden edging accordingly, at an estimate of $7,000.00.




That the Board fund from the Community Board Roading Account a poured concrete surface and the installation of three previously purchased cycle racks and purchase two additional units (5 cycle rack units in total), to be located adjacent to the Old Library on McDonell Street. Costs will include relocating the existing sign and adjusting the adjacent garden edging accordingly, at a cost estimate of $8,000.00.



That the Board fund from the Community Board Roading Account the supply and installation of two “No Parking Zone” signs, to be installed on Ōmokoroa Road, adjacent to the Fire Station main entrance; to support the existing Traffic and Parking Bylaw restrictions in the immediate vicinity.




That the Board fund from the Community Board Roading Account the supply and install an appropriate “FENZ Only/No Unauthorised Vehicles” style sign, to be located on the boundary of the Fire Station and the Station forecourt, to highlight the essential need to maintain a clear zone area to allow unrestricted access and egress of FENZ vehicles, at all times,  in front of the station main doors.  The cost estimate for this is $4,000.00.




State Highway 2 (SH2) & Associated Ōmokoroa Road Upgrades – Joint Agency Project:

WBOPDC, Waka Kotahi & Kāinga Ora

Description: Kāinga Ora has approved the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund for the SH2 Ōmokoroa Intersection, Francis Road roundabout and four-laning through to Prole Road. The design phase of this Council project commenced in August 2022 for the project to be completed by mid-2025.

Waka Kotahi and Council have agreed to utilise the existing SH2 safety improvements suppliers to progress the design and investigation works required to be undertaken for this joint multi-agency project. The existing utilities and land surveying work has been undertaken as well as further geotechnical investigation of the underlying ground conditions and existing road pavements to identify their material properties and suitability for future use.

The Council owned dwelling on the eastern side of Ōmokoroa Road, adjacent to the kiwifruit block, has been removed. The house on the corner of Ōmokoroa Road/SH2 within Waka Kotahi property has now been removed and the driveway blocked to prevent further material dumping.

Waka Kotahi is progressing the Tauranga Northern Link (TNL) Stage 2 designation review with lodgement planned for later in the year. The designation changes are required due to changes to the national environmental standards resulting in a larger footprint for this project.

Staff have been working with Waka Kotahi designers and the interim intersection design team to co-ordinate the short-term design with the longer-term interchange specimen design which is necessary and required for the designation changes.

This is expected to identify any land requirements necessary for the interim intersection and the planned Francis Road / Industrial Road intersection.

The intersections final designs are now expected to be completed by November 2023 once the remaining influencing constraints can be mitigated (i.e., property access provision, underground and above ground space allocation, existing service relocations, new road alignments and intersection positioning, design life for capacity and future growth demands, the approach gradients limitations for heavy traffic, traffic design speeds, etc.).

It is intended to undertake enabling works such as initial vegetation clearance and earthworks once the design progresses further and in conjunction with the other SH2 safety works delivery.

A meeting is planned with the affected landowners south of SH2 who currently access directly onto SH2 on Friday 22 September 2023.




Transportation - Ōmokoroa Community Roading

Description: Develop and implement the community roading plan approved by the Ōmokoroa Community Board.

Ōmokoroa Community Board Roading Current Account

Paid in 2022 $

Ōmokoroa Community Board $

Current Account:



Current Account Opening Balance 1 July 2022:






Allocation for 2022/23



Sub Total



Completed Projects



Cycle Maintenance Stations



Goldstone Lane (Fire Station Parking)



Gane Place Urbanisation (awaiting Final Claim)



Ōmokoroa Boat Club Side Fencing



Subtotal Committed and Proposed Projects:



Forecasted Current Account Closing Balance 30 June 2023




FENZ Ōmokoroa – No Parking Signs

The board has been made aware of several instances where vehicles have parked across the main entrance of the Ōmokoroa Fire Station. This usually happens during events or on market days at the Ōmokoroa Settlers Hall. There are designated no parking lines that comply with the Council's Traffic and Parking Bylaw, but it has been observed that these lines have faded. It is expected that the lines will be repainted during September-October. However, it is still believed that additional signs would improve awareness of the no parking regulations. Moreover, the forecourt of the fire station has also experienced unauthorised vehicles parking on it when parking availability in the area is limited. To address this issue, a sign stating “No Unauthorised Vehicles” could be placed at the boundary of the fire station.

Water Services

Ōmokoroa Groundwater Development

Description: To explore and develop additional groundwater supply for the increased growth planned. The groundwater supply will aim to provide water that is safe and healthy, resilient, and environmentally sustainable.

The bore pump design is still underway and will dictate the size of transformer needed on site. Physical works are yet to begin on site.


Prole Road Urbanisation – Ōmokoroa Road to Waipapa River

Description: Prole Road is part of the CIP programme and partly funded by the Government. The project involves urbanisation of the section of Prole Road from Ōmokoroa Road to Waipapa Road with new pavement, kerbing, pedestrian/cycleway facilities, drainage, lightings, landscaping, and plantings.

Higgins Contractors has been awarded this contract for construction work and this project is progressing well.  The contractor is currently installing/relocating underground utility services e.g., power, water, stormwater, wastewater, and minor structures such as retaining walls.  The road corridor has been cleared up to the Waipapa River and minor earthworks have commenced.  The full Prole Road construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.  

New Southern Industrial Road

Description: Ōmokoroa Industrial Road design and construction.

This project is now delayed due to SH2/Ōmokoroa intersection works and stormwater issues.  Council is now investigating the options for constructing a permanent stormwater pond at the upper end of the existing gully to receive and treat stormwater runoff from part of the Ōmokoroa Road and Industrial Road, and the upper catchments areas of the southern industrial zone.  The design for this project requires co-ordinating with the SH2/Ōmokoroa intersection and Ōmokoroa widening project to ensure that both the designs are consistent and can be progressed simultaneously to provide cost savings.  Once the design of the road and the stormwater pond is complete, Council will investigate utilising the existing SH2 safety improvements suppliers to carry out the construction work.  

The next stage is to complete the design of the Industrial Road and the Stormwater Pond and discuss construction options with the SH2/Safety improvement suppliers.    

Ōmokoroa Road Urbanisation Stage 1 - Western Avenue to Tralee Street

Description: Ōmokoroa Urbanisation Project - Western Avenue to Tralee Street including services, walking, and cycling, and bus stops.

This project is now complete and in defects liability period until the end of 2023.  The next stage is to complete the final inspection of the works and issue the contract completion certificate towards the end of this year.

Status of Omokoroa Road Stage 2

Description: The upgrading of Omokoroa Road between Prole Road and the railway crossing from 2 lanes to 4 lanes.


The business case now been submitted to Waka Kotahi. Council is making the changes to the previous design so it can tender it out to market.  Tendering is expected before Christmas 2023 and construction expected to start in the first quarter of next year. This matter continues to be worked on.


Ōmokoroa Domain

Description: Implement the approved Domain Concept Plan including the destination playground.

Staff are still seeking pricing for the implementation of the new pathway connection along the Domain frontage to Gerald Crapp Reserve.

Construction of a new path connection along the foreshore to Gerald Crapp Reserve and car-parking improvements once pricing has been received and budget confirmed. 

Prole Road to Pahoia Walkway/Cycleway

Description: Construction of a cycleway suspension bridge across the Waipapa Stream.


·    Vegetation control activities have cleared weeds and a maintenance plan is in place.

·    Trail chip-sealing has been completed through to Prole Rd – noting that public access from prole Rd is closed due to major construction activities there.

·    Kiwirail license to occupy application is under intense scrutiny to progress it.  There is an issue with an overlapping Kiwirail license to occupy held by another unnamed leaseholder.  Staff are working with Kiwirail to resolve this problem and have a license in place as soon as possible.

·    Complete signage, bridge cultural art, Pahoia Rd exit, railway fencing.

·    The planting week beginning 14 August was a big success with over 5000 plants established with the help of community volunteers, staff and a local primary school.  Ōmokoroa Lizard News as in attendance to prepare an article for the next edition. 

·    A formal opening of the trail as soon as possible - subject to Prole Road construction public access implications, weather and Kiwirail license to occupy (to permit public access).


Pedestrian/Cycle bridge over Railway from Kaimai View to Tui Glen

Description: Construction of a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Railway line to enable pedestrians and cyclists to connect Kaimai Views to Tui Glen.

This project is currently in the design stage.

Ōmokoroa Wharf

Description: Repairs to Ōmokoroa Wharf and Boat Ramp

Currently, the gangway that leads down the concrete pontoon is being repaired. Before the gangway was taken away, some of the piles needed to be replaced in order to reattach the gangway. These repairs will begin in approximately 2-3 weeks, but this timeline is subject to weather conditions and the availability of a barge.

While these repairs are being carried out, the boat ramp will be temporarily closed the public for a day or two to replace a broken pile on the southern plastic pontoon.

Additionally, we will be installing a large steel fender pile on the barge side of the pontoon to provide extra protection. The goal is to have all the work completed before the summer season starts on Labour weekend.


Western Solid Waste  

Description: Waste management that meets the needs of the community and protects the environment for present and future generations.

Kerbside Collection Data

Kerbside Tonnes

Sep 2022

Oct 2022

Nov 2022

Dec 2022

Jan 2023

Feb 2023

Mar 2023

Apr 2023

May 2023

Jun 2023

Jul 2023

Aug 2024


Waste Tonnes














Recycle Tonnes














Glass Tonnes






























Total Tonnes Diverted from Landfill:                                   3724

Tonnes Diverted from Landfill Percentage:                       39%



SeatSmart Event – Sunday, 1 October 2023 – Katikati Recycling Centre

Over 10,000 baby car seats expire each year in New Zealand. Most of these car seats end up in landfill. Council is partnering with SeatSmart to run two one day amnesty events in Te Puke on 24 September and at the Katikati Recycle Centre for Western Bay of Plenty residents to bring in their expired baby car seats to be recycled.  The event will run from 10am to 3pm. Residents will need proof of address in the Western Bay to drop off car seats.  The waste minimisation levy will be used to cover the cost for recycling the car seats collected. Residents can drop-off any number of expired car seats at no cost on the day.  We cannot accept mouldy car seats, ‘snap and go’ seats, polystyrene, or car seat accessories such as mirrors.


Residents that miss the two amnesty events will still be able to take their car seats to “Baby on the Move” in Tauranga but will need to pay a subsidised $20 recycling fee for each expired car seat they drop off.


Teams at SeatSmart dismantle the seats and separate out the materials to go on to be repurposed and recycled. For example, seatbelt straps can be used to make bags. Up to 67 percent of the car seat’s materials by weight are recyclable. Please note that the Katikati Recycling Centre is usually closed on Sundays and will not be accepting recycling or greenwaste on the day. This event is for car seat drop-off only.





Establishing Community Resource Recovery Centres

The feasibility study into Community-led Resource Recovery for the current recycling centres went to Council on 7 March 2023. Staff is currently working with Chrome Collective and Envision, to progress the recommendations and continue conversations with community groups and Tangata whenua.

Emergency Management

Description: Support the Ōmokoroa Community to be resilient in the event of an Emergency.

Reviewed the new Community Response Plan and confirmed the abridged version which can go online for the community to see.


A resource supply box has been delivered to Ōmokoroa including a tear drop banner flag for use by the team for promotional activity and also for use during an emergency. A phone has been ordered for the team to have access to the WBOPDC EOC and to be able to use it during an emergency.


Online training is available now through the Civil Defence Emergency management training portal. The CDEM team at WBOPDC are able to provide the link to enable access to members of Community Response Teams.


A bespoke training programme is being developed specifically for Community Response Teams covering the basic CIMS (co-ordinated Incident management system) training, how a Community Response Team may be activated and how to ensure claims for reimbursements will take place. It will also include some personal resilience training for our Community Response Teams and local Marae.


The intention is for this training to be available from later this year/early next year.

All Community Response Teams will be issued with a new cell phone to better able them access to the WBOPDC before and during an emergency.


The new Community Resilience Advisor will be working with Community Response Teams to support community initiatives including market day attendance, community open days and other initiatives which the Community Response Teams may require support with.


1.         MAS Omokoroa Community Board Sept 2023 Word  


Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Agenda

26 September 2023


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