Katikati Community Board Meeting Minutes

20 September 2023



MINUTES OF Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Katikati Community Board Meeting No. KKC23-6
HELD IN THE Centre - Pātuki Manawa, 21 Main Road, Katikati
ON Wednesday, 20 September 2023 AT 7.00pm


1               Present

Member N Mayo (Acting Chairperson), Member A Earl, Member T Sage, Cr A Henry and  Cr R Joyce

2              In Attendance

J Holyoake (Chief Executive Officer), A Hall (Roading Engineer West), G Golding (Governance Manager), and J Osborne (Governance Advisor)


Mayor James Denyer.

One member of the public.

3              Apologies

Chairperson J Clements – Leave of Absence



Resolution  KKC23-6.1

Moved:                         Member T Sage

Seconded:         Cr A Henry

That the apology for lateness from Cr Joyce be accepted.



4              Consideration of Late Items


5              Declarations of Interest


6              Public Excluded Items


7              Public Forum


Public Shower in Katikati:

·       There had been several queries at the information centre, about whether there was a public shower available in Katikati.

·       It was requested that Council investigate the conversion of one of the toilets in the Arts Junction, into a public shower. It was thought that, as there were a number of homeless people in Katikati, this would be a nice service to have.

Annual Spring Clean:

·       The annual ‘Spring Clean Katikati’ took place over the weekend, which was supported by Council. The recycling waste from this cleanup was taken to the recycling centre.

·       There were 25 volunteers at the cleanup, and it was thought that there was not as much rubbish in the streets as there had been in previous years.

Kauri Point Wharf – Rubbish Bin:

·       It was requested whether Council investigate the viability of a rubbish bin at the end of wharf in Kauri Point.


8              Minutes for Confirmation

8.1           Minutes of the Katikati Community Board Meeting held on 26 July 2023

Resolution  KKC23-6.2

Moved:                         Member A Earl

Seconded:         Member N Mayo

1.    That the Minutes of the Katikati Community Board Meeting held on 26 July 2023 as circulated with the agenda be confirmed as a true and correct record.

2.   That the Chairperson’s electronic signature be inserted into the confirmed minutes.




9              Reports

9.1           Chairperson's Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items.

·       A discussion took place regarding recommendations 2-5, noting that these items had been previously actioned/raised, so did not need to be resolved. The below was outlined:

o    Recommendation 2 – The Board’s Annual Plan priorities had already been through the Annual Plan process.

o    Recommendation 3 – This was included as an action from a previous Katikati Community Board workshop.

o    Recommendation 4 – This had already been raised in prior Community Board meetings, and had gone through the Annual Plan process.

o    Recommendation 5 – This discussion had taken place multiple times during previous Board meetings/workshops.

·       The request for a shower at the Arts Junction toilets would be included as part of the Board’s Long Term Plan (LTP) submission, noting that the Arts Junction toilets were situated in the Arts Junction, not next to it.


7.13pm      Cr Joyce entered the meeting.

Resolution  KKC23-6.3

Moved:                         Member T Sage

Seconded:         Member A Earl

That the Chairperson’s report dated 20 September 2023, titled ‘Chairperson’s Report – September 2023’, be received.



9.2          Councillor's Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from Cr Joyce. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items.

·       The Board queried why the roofing for the Dave Hume Pool had not yet been installed, noting that the pool was due to open on 23 September 2023 in time for the Summer season. This information was provided on page 117 of the agenda.

Resolution  KKC23-6.4

Moved:                         Cr R Joyce

Seconded:         Cr A Henry

That Councillor Joyce’s report dated 20 September 2023, titled ‘Councillor’s Report – September 2023’, be received.



9.3          Operational Report - September 2023

The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items.

·       The Board had received positive feedback from the public regarding Council’s responsiveness to an abandoned vehicle request.

Resolution  KKC23-6.5

Moved:                         Member T Sage

Seconded:         Cr R Joyce

That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 20 September 2023 titled ‘Operational Report – September 2023’ be received.



9.4          Adoption of Katikati Community Board Standing Orders for the 2022-2025 Triennium

The Board considered a report from the Governance Advisor. The report was taken as read.

Resolution  KKC23-6.6

Moved:                         Member T Sage

Seconded:         Member A Earl

1.        That the Governance Advisor’s report dated 20 September 2023 titled ‘Adoption of Katikati Community Board Standing Orders for the 2022-2025 Triennium’ be received.

2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.       That, pursuant to Clause 27 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Katikati Community Board adopts the Western Bay of Plenty District Council Community Board Standing Orders for the 2022-2025 triennium as per Attachment 1 of this report by a vote in support of not less than 75% of members present and voting.



9.5          Infrastructure Services Report Katikati Community Board September 2023

The Board considered a report from the General Manager Infrastructure Services. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below items.

Resolution  KKC23-6.7

Moved:                         Cr R Joyce

Seconded:         Cr A Henry

1.      That the General Manager Infrastructure Services’ report dated 20 September 2023, titled ’Infrastructure Services Report Katikati Community Board September 2023’, be received.



9.5.1       Bus shelters at Te Rereatukahia Marae and Tuapiro Marae

A discussion took place regarding the requirement for rural bus shelters:

·       There was a desire for two bus shelters at Te Rereatukahia Marae.

·       It was thought that the bus shelter at Hikurangi Road was in a dangerous position, and it was recommended that the Board support the replacement of the bus shelter in a new location, in consultation with the hapū.

·       It was noted that the use of second-hand bus shelters would incur costs for freighting and installation, and would have a similar cost to new Totalspan shelters. New shelters would also have a significantly longer life-span than second-hand ones.

·       It was suggested that there be a Community Board-led engagement process regarding the community’s requirements for bus shelters. This could be discussed at a subsequent Board meeting for a decision.

·       Staff would consult with hapū representatives regarding the location of the bus shelters at Te Rereatukahia Marae and Tuapiro Marae.

Resolution  KKC23-6.8

Moved:                         Cr R Joyce

Seconded:         Cr A Henry

2.     That the Katikati Community Board fund the supply and installation of rural standard school bus shelters at Te Rereatukahia Marae and Tuapiro Marae, with a cost estimate of $16,000. This will be funded from the Community Board Roading Account.



9.5.2      Park Road Bus Stop

It was requested that staff investigate the viability of a concrete pad and bench seat for the Park Road bus-stop near Park Lane, as where pedestrians stood was often wet and covered in long grass.


The Meeting closed at 7.32pm.


Confirmed as a true and correct record at the Katikati Community Board meeting held on 15 November 2023.




Chairperson J Clements