Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting Minutes

14 February 2023




1                 Present

Chairperson P Presland, Deputy Chair A Hughes, Member B Bell, Member G Neilson, Cr M Grainger and Cr D Thwaites

2                In Attendance

J Holyoake (Chief Executive Officer), A Hall (Roading Engineer East and West), and                  B Clarke (Senior Governance Advisor)


Mayor J Denyer, Cr Murray-Benge, one member of the media (Lizard News), and as listed in the minutes.

3                Apologies


4               Consideration of Late Items


5                Declarations of Interest


6                Public Excluded Items


7                Public Forum

7.1          Cr Margaret Murray-Benge - Community Safety in Ōmokoroa


Cr Murray-Benge, a Kaimai Ward Councillor, addressed the Board, campaigning for greater Police presence on the peninsula.  She Tabled Item 1, which she read in full.  Key points were as follows:

·           The Board was supported in seeking a safer Ōmokoroa community, which was growing fast.

·           Recently, two Ōmokoroa businesses had been ram-raided, one twice.

·           There had been a number of burglaries and car thefts. 

·           A youth had been bullied and a woman accosted, both incidents were in the same local park.

·           Ōmokoroa may have a Police Station in the future, so planning should begin now.

·           The local Member of Parliament could help this being a higher priority for Government.

·           With populations increasing, a greater Police presence was an urgent necessity both in Ōmokoroa, and throughout the Western Bay.


Cr Murray-Benge advised Council was holding a Kaimai Ward Community Forum on 15 February 2023 at 7.00pm. Councillors and staff could take part in informal discussion to hear and respond to the needs of the wider community.  Outcomes from the Forum would be brought to Council’s Community Committee, of which Cr Murray-Benge was Chairperson.


The Chairperson thanked Cr Murray-Benge for raising the issue.  He addressed the topic as part of his Chairperson’s report. 


7.2         Jim Boyes - Police presence on the peninsula


Mr Boyes, resident of Ōmokoroa, addressed the Board as follows:


·           He was aware the Ōmokoroa Community Policing Trust had long sought a greater Police presence on the peninsula.  On that basis, he considered the Trust would support Cr Murray-Benge’s presentation to the Board, which he also, personally, supported.

·           With the Community Board and the Trust’s combined efforts, some action may be forthcoming.


The Chairperson thanked Mr Boyes for speaking.


7.3         Chris Dever – Concerning Behaviours – Roundabout – Foreshore maintenance


Mr Dever, resident of Ōmokoroa, addressed the Board as follows:


·           Behaviours from some factions of the community were inexcusable, for example, driving along a road knocking down letter boxes.  This caused unnecessary community tension.

·           He was concerned that the major roundabout to connect the peninsula to the State Highway(SH) would not be completed until 2025.  This was too long for residents who were already queuing to enter the SH, having to wait for many cars to pass before being let into the line of traffic.

·           In relation to Community Reserve Expenditure, he sought more funding towards foreshore maintenance, particularly by the reserve between the toilets and slipway.   He felt that no one had gone on site and made a proper assessment.


Cr Grainger gave a brief explanation of the function of the Community Reserve Expenditure account.


The Chairperson thanked Mr Dever for raising topical matters, especially relating to weather.  He noted these were extraordinary times and weather related issues were having significant impacts on people’s lives.  The Board considered the community could help itself, by voluntarily attending to small tasks rather than phoning Council, which was currently dealing with major issues in the area. 


8                Minutes for Confirmation

8.1          Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held 13 December 2022

Resolution  OMC22-2.1

Moved:                         Deputy Chairperson A Hughes

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

That the Minutes of the Ōmokoroa Community Board Meeting held on 13 December 2022, as circulated with the agenda, be confirmed as a true and correct record.


9                Reports

9.1          Ōmokoroa Community Board Chairperson's Report - February 2023


The Board considered a report from the Chairperson. The report was taken as read, with further discussion on the below item: 


Resolution  OMC23-2.2

Moved:                         Deputy Chairperson A Hughes

Seconded:         Member B Bell

1.        That the Chairperson’s report, dated 14 February 2023, titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board Chairperson’s Report – February 2023’ be received.


2.       That Ōmokoroa Community Board Members be appointed as a representative to the following committees and organisations:


·           Ōmokoroa Environmental Managers                              Member Allan Hughes

·           Ōmokoroa Settlers Hall Society Inc. Committee           Member Greig Neilson




9.1.1        safety in the community


The Chairperson advised as follows:


·         There had been Board discussions in relation to safety in the community. This was a key focus for the Board. 

·         The Board and Councillors would work together to progress several elements of those discussions, including the desire to have a greater Police presence on the peninsula. 

·         The Board considered there were steps the community could take to “strengthen the ties that bind us”, and it would look at how the Board’s role may evolve as a result.

·         It was acknowledged there was social change and growth within the Ōmokoroa community.  It was time to address the concerning things that came to people’s attention, and to work to prevent negative events and behaviours.



9.2         Ōmokoroa Community Board Councillor's Report - February 2023


Councillor Thwaites provided a verbal report, noting the following:


·           There had been a pre-Christmas meeting about the Annual Plan process, but at the time of the Anniversary weekend weather event, Councillors had not been attending formal meetings. All Councillors had returned and were attending regular meetings from early February 2023 onwards.

·           Government reform was underway and Council had been requested to submit on that, as part of the ‘Future of Local Government’ reforms. 

·           The Resource Management Act was being divided into three different elements.

·           Council was holding the first ever Kaimai Ward Community Forum on 15 February 2023 at 7.00pm, as alluded to by Cr Murray-Benge in Public Forum.  There were 5,500 properties in the Kaimai Ward who may benefit from having this forum opportunity, which was informal.  Any issues arising could be referred to Council’s Community Committee, and hopefully would yield outcomes for the Kaimai community.

·           Every six years Council must undertake a full Representation Review and that was imminent, and would be a work in progress.

·           There would be another Councillor Annual Plan workshop on Thursday, and the rates increase would be considered.  

·           New valuations for District about to be released. 

·           He and Cr Murray-Benge had been contacted by a person raising issues about grass, weeds, and gardens on the peninsula.

·           In terms of the bus shelters for Kaimai Views, there were children standing in the rain to catch buses.  The Prole Road bus shelter had been damaged in the storm and needed to be tidied up.


There were no questions of Cr Thwaites.


Resolution  OMC23-2.3

Moved:                         Member G Neilson

Seconded:         Member B Bell

That the verbal report provided by Councillor Thwaites on 14 February 2023 be received and the information noted.



9.3         Ōmokoroa Community Board - ANZAC Day Commemoration 2023


The Board considered a report from the Senior Governance Advisor.  The report was taken as read.


Resolution  OMC23-2.4

Moved:                         Cr M Grainger

Seconded:         Member B Bell

1.        That the Senior Governance Advisor’s report, dated 14 February 2023, titled ‘Ōmokoroa Community Board – ANZAC Day Commemoration 2023’, be received.


2.       That the report relates to an issue that is considered to be of low significance in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.


3.       That the Ōmokoroa Community Board provides a wreath for the ANZAC Day Service, to be paid from the Ōmokoroa Community Board Contingency Account, (up to the value of $200).


4.       That Chairperson Peter Presland represents the Ōmokoroa Community Board at the ANZAC Day Service in Ōmokoroa on 25 April 2023.




9.4         Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board February 2023


The Board considered a report from the Deputy Chief Executive. The report was taken as read.  Staff responded to questions as follows:


·         Frustration over bus stops was acknowledged.  They had been scheduled to be installed and it was not up to the Contractor to do that.  This was in relation to bus stops in Kaimai Views and Pole Road.  The Roading Engineer (East and West) would chase the project up again, particularly in view of the increased need with current weather.

·         The interchange roundabout project was complex, involving significant design and construction factors, hence the approximately $45M cost.  Council could bring pictures of the design for the community to view.


The Chairperson spoke to the weeds on berms, noting that with the significant challenges put on Council with the weather events, it was understandable those responses were needed before some core tasks. 


In response, Staff agreed that with all the weather events hitting one-after-the-other, resources were rightly going to significant works but once completed, resources would be returned to business-as-usual. 


The Chairperson reiterated that the community could respond to some of the core tasks such as gardens, berms and rubbish, as needed in the meantime, to lift the load.


Resolution  OMC23-2.5

Moved:                         Deputy Chairperson A Hughes

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

That the Deputy Chief Executive’s report, dated 14 February 2023, titled ‘Infrastructure Group Report Ōmokoroa Community Board February 2023’, be received.




9.5         Financial Report Ōmokoroa - December 2022


The Board considered a report from the Financial Business Advisor.  The report was taken as read with further discussion on the below points: 


The recommendation was taken in parts as follows:


Resolution  OMC23-2.6 – part 1

Moved:                         Member B Bell

Seconded:         Deputy Chairperson A Hughes

1.        That the Financial Business Advisor’s report, dated 14 February 2023, titled ‘Financial Report Ōmokoroa – December 2022’, be received.





Councillor Grainger raised the matter of Committed - Reserve Expenditure’ contribution of up to $50,000 for two Bus Shelters in Ōmokoroa Road.  He spoke to historic reasons behind the money being set aside for a bus shelter for the elderly nineteen years ago, that Ōmokoroa Stage 1 had been delayed more than once, and the bus shelter was still not there. 


The Board considered it would seek further information about location and practical requirements for bus shelters.  Staff advised they would check plans and notify the Board accordingly.


Resolution  OMC23-2.7 – part 2

Moved:                         Deputy Chairperson A Hughes

Seconded:         Member G Neilson

That the below ‘part 2’ of the recommendation in the Financial Business Advisor’s report lie on the table until further information is forthcoming:

2.     The Ōmokoroa Community Board requests that the ‘Committed - Reserve Expenditure’ contribution of up to $50,000 for two Bus Shelters in Ōmokoroa Road (Ref. OM1.8), be released back to the Reserve Account, noting the contribution is no longer required, as the works will be completed as part of Ōmokoroa Road Urbanisation Stage 2.



9.5.2     WAKA KOTAHI (NZTA) discussions with landowners for new designation to build THE tauranga northern link (tNL)


Cr Thwaites advised that Waka Kotahi (NZTA) were undertaking discussions with all the landowners from Loop Road out to Stage 2 of the new Tauranga Northern Link (TNL) and were looking to come to Council for the new designation to build the TNL.   That process was underway and letters had been sent to all the landowners.


He noted that every Wednesday fortnight, between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, the public was welcome to call in to TNL office at the driveway past Te Puna roundabout and TNL staff were there to advise.




The meeting was declared closed at 7.46pm.



The minutes were confirmed as a true and correct record at the Ōmokoroa Community Board meeting held on 11 April 2023.




Chairperson P Presland